I love breaking women down who won't meet up with me for sex

I love breaking women down who won't meet up with me for sex
Guess I've been going for anxiety ridden undesirables, but I easily get nude and some are hot
They always try to string me along as a text buddy without meeting, though
So I let the misogyny rip and let them know exactly what trash they are in a variety of ways
They usually say some trite shit like "I don't like talking to you" or "this is why we don't meet" but I know the damage is done

It's always their fault, if they would give up sex like they have done at least once in their life I would bring them up instead but they never fucking learn
Too many orbiters online, I guess it's the new normal
Horrid online behavior

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This is peak autism, do the human race a favour and don't reproduce you roach

It's pretty simple, you don't attentionwhore me and hurt me constantly denying intimacy
Or you fucking get destroyed and I will make sure you suffer until the deathbed

Last one was lucky she tapped out before I started calling her kid an incel
Do you know what lions do to kids?

take a shower bud

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LOL I'm pretty tempered your infantile attempts roll off me
If you saw how great my maxilla is you'd be intimidated
So I think it's almost time to start getting real intimidating


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Why is it a sin to not want to have sex with you? Like morally, what is the problem with it?

Yeah. Her kid's the incel.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

holee shit dude
The autism is strong with this one

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fuck this looks just like me except i have brown eyes

>Betas actually get offended by what women say to them
Holy shit I lost

>knowing basic anatomy is autism
So this is the power of post-election normalfags...

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Think about how nobles were treated in the middle ages and other spiritual masters
There are certain expectations to be met
They aren't meeting them, instead they bring others down through through their excessive tamas (gunas)
Think about Genghis Khan

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that picture is fucking horrible and its sick that you saved it but other than that I agree with you. These hoes have been orbited all their life and thus their standards are fucked up in comparison to what THEY offer. Dude try investing money and save 3k each month in investments plus get in a gym routine and things could get better.

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That's a shame. Do you just look like him or are you as much of a massive faggot as well?

bragging about your maxilla is autismo of the highest order.
Just say you have a nice face/good looking you dork.

Lol I'm a very well off ascetic they are lucky I take the time to even grace them with my consciousness
Widespread mental fragility isn't the problem
Feckless women alienating able men isn't the problem
We must go deeper

Actually you just need to treat them like arabs do when they rejected, stuff like that, pretty cool not a big deal but it's so tiresome

I can make inside jokes whenever I please
Heh... Here's an inside joke

Guess I'm just too raw for them and ya'll
Real nasty

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why was she killed?

Bro speak English >:DDDD. What is your problem I genuinely want to understand.

If a woman's low-self esteem, excuses, and shitty personality is going to rub off on me then I'm gonna psychologically break her further and send her into the dirt for a couple lifetimes

>last girl called me bro
>"I don't want your help, bro"
>"I'm not your equal you aren't my bro, so sorry feminism fucked your mind and made you so fat/unpleasant"

Dude i know ive tried engaging with progressive women numerous times online with genuinely good intent saying stuff like don't become enslaved to your apatite and that they eventually will regret their degenerate lifestyles when it results in them not getting to have children/stable marriage etc etc. They always respond with such vitriol and toxicity.

Displaying midriff in a public space.

Post screenshots of your conversations then liar

The problem is mental illness is becoming epidemic and broken families create more broken people who can't even into basic intimacy or trust lol but this board is full of discord cretins so I would try very hard to stay sane around their provocations

But yeah I can see how acid facing is a thing. People of low consciousness only learn through pain I guess but it's so unpleasant to watch, ew. No more online bullshit like that for me

he can't, even if he wanted to kek

How about you shut up and buy an onahole you disgusting nigger incel.

It's cause you assume marriage and children is the only way to happiness.
Uhhh...did Jow Forumsbraincels get banned too?

>women won't give me my precious cummies so they deserve death

You don't understand psychology, a lot of women when you try to talk to them come up no-win situations and constantly manipulate

Not getting what you want = unhappiness

Because they are adult women with grade school mentalities. This is online dating right now.

you have some kinds of personality disorder, might even be a psychopath. you'll end up in prison sooner or later.

No I don't assume anything but i know some things such as the fact that women who become enslaved to their apatite struggle to find meaning in life. When your appetites enslave you you can take on no responsibility as doing so would compromise your pleasure seeking. Without responsibility there is no meaning and thus they become sick in the soul and in the mind. I don't know if i articulated this the way i wanted but I have good intent. The reason I assume women respond with vitriol when i suggest that they should Control their apatite to become truly free their hedonistic impulses take over - demonic possession If you will

Insulting him will net good results im sure. How about you try to understand the root of his frustration and learn from it instead?

That's not very threatening, most likely a psychological projection on your part
Since I mentioned intimacy and those types reject that

I'm very superior to you and you are a scared vagina. Ooo psychopaths. Real natural alphas are scary I guess huh booooo hoooooo

Cluster b's or those damaged by them are becoming rampant as human dissatisfaction reaches higher and higher levels but the wheat must be seperated from the chaff

What is the source of the image? Story?

>I love breaking women down
don't know about you but i'd just move on. seems like it would be a waste of time