Why are people from third world countries so loud and irritating? And they don't mind your personal space either. I get mad just seeing hem interact with each other. They disturb the calm. If you're like this too, Kierkegaard please never come to Europe. It's annoying.
Why are people from third world countries so loud and irritating? And they don't mind your personal space either...
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to invade aiste's personal space!
kashii must be having so much fun camping
what if i want to be in your personal space?
>implying OP is Aiste
You seem more irritated than usual these last few days Aiste, what's up?
with his cute 19yo thai gf while the old hag is seething over a third worlder not loving her
The deeper i sank the less i died.
what happened between aiste and kierk anyway?
That's filthy.
Hopefully, he gets mauled by a mountain lion or something.
>implying I'm not my own best impostor
All others are cowards and sexual deviants.
People are just terrible as always. You people don't understand how terrible it is.
I'm 21. I'm not seething over nothing like that.
You were already dead, idiot.
Nothing. He's just third-world rapist/murderer filth. I just needed to realize that.
Different culture and values, but there are people from there who are not like that.
Also, if Kierkegaard go to visit you, would you let him sleep in your room or in a separate one?
yea, nothing doesnt make you talk about him so much, so something happened
>Aiste is a real life tsundere
should i post classical art and be
pretentious to get you to like me?
I wouldn't risk becoming another rape statistic at all. He can sleep on the street.
Just found out that he (and many of you) is a violent cunt.
Fearing for your safety is not cute.
He has said a lot of times that you're special and even if he gets the chance, he will not murder or rape you. I believe him.
well you are on r9k and he is mentally ill, not a good type of mentally ill too, it looks to me you used to like him or you still do but you're repressing it because you found out hes mentally ill
>NORMIES REEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! *starts massacring innocent people because frustrated incel*
good thing we first worlders aren't loud.
it baffles me this is what im competing with
Im a third worlder. Im not loud. I keep to myself. I love calm. This is the only place I can have conversations with others. Yet people in my country hate me exactly for that, my own family hates me for that. Being loud, irritating yada yada is a requirement for success in the third world, thats why nerd niggers are rare. I think this is why Kierkegaard hates his country too.
Europeans get the bulk of their refugees from the Middle East anyway, have you met people from the Americas?
i hope hes not a nigger too, that would blow my fucking mind
And yet he has a thread asking how to get away with murdering a woman up right now.
>it's okay your special
>let's meet
>hahaha I lied
>come here, bitch
>get stabbed and raped
>can't even defend myself since not allowed to even own pepper spray in this authoritarian regime
>die because I trusted a third-worlder
I'm sure people from America's are loud too even American first-wordlers are loud and obnoxious.
Who are you? I haven't been keeping up.
>Fearing for your safety is not cute.
But thinking of your SO all day is
>And yet he has a thread asking how to get away with murdering a woman up right now.
He's unstable because he's mentally ill, just like you and many others on this board. He doesn't know how to deal with his feelings or how to come with a solution to solve the problems involving them. So he does what most people on this board do; put the blame and the hate on the source of the problem and that's a wrong approach to it. All he needs is a friend and someone to help him overcome this. I'm pretty sure you both can work together to solve your problems and be happy, at least that's what i would like to see.
this is what fucks me up senpai
why are you shilling for him? you guys must be some good friends over there on discord
He's unstable because dumbass fucked up his body real good by doing dangerous drug cocktails. His illness is real, having your heart damaged from such an early age that you get tachycardia means you're alert and stressed all day. I live in a highly stressful environment as well and it's impossible to not get a bit violent at times. Though I still think he's just shitposting and Aiste knows this but she tsun tsun.
Because Aiste loves him and she doesn't wants to admit it, and so does Kierkegaard.
I would do it for you, but you have already lost the battle tripfag, sorry.
Also, no, i only have 3 people on Discord and as far as i know, neither Kierkegaard or Aiste have discord.
I'm genuinely sorry this has been your experience with us. The guy you doxxed was half salvadorian. This one brazilian. Kashi a chink amerimutt. I don't know. Sorry, we're not all like, but most are.
Anonymous. Says right there.
I don't have a SO.
Are you saying women are the source of his problems? So you're just like that too? Pretending to be nice to manipulate me? Why are you trying to get me to sympathize with a horrible person?
This is some serious orbiting too.
I don't love him. He's a pretentious asshole. This thread isn't really even about him if you read the OP. I just took a jab at him because I know he hates the truth that he's a third-worlder and will never be European.
You shouldn't hate an entire continent for 3 sour experiences, that'd be a broad generalization. Like the one Ritalinbot does..
you think an alcoholic depressed violent man can actually be with aiste? im not retarded, being with aiste must be difficult as hell and you think he can do it? a normal woman would already be hard for him, planning on going to the other side of the world to see someone and not be realistic is beyond retarded, two wrongs dont make a right
>inb4 love finds a way
People feel more at ease getting close to each other, it all boils down to differences in culture, albeit people do respect personal space in my cunt, more so in my city.
>I know he hates the truth that he's a third-worlder and will never be European.
The huwhite mutt complex is massive throughout the entire continent. You see it from Canada down to Argentina. I told him there's no place like home, I hope he understands that one day.
Do you seriously hate us though?
>Are you saying women are the source of his problems? So you're just like that too? Pretending to be nice to manipulate me? Why are you trying to get me to sympathize with a horrible person?
No, the source of his problems is his own self hatred and how he likes to avoid touching that fact and transform it into something else. He has said before he enjoyed talking with other females.
And no, i'm not trying to manipulate anyone and i am being genuinely nice. I just think you both could help each other, that's all.
well i am mad and jealous
The thing is not that, i'm not saying to them to meet right away, just talk a bit more to find some common ground since both of them have some negative views about the other gender and are generalizing about a lot of stuff. And you can really tell they like each other, and yes, maybe things will not work out at the end, but i'm pretty sure that if they find a common ground they can at least help each other to change their wrong views at least a bit and feel better about themselves.
But who knows, i might be totally wrong since im another loser posting on this board.
>I don't love him but I think about him all day
Getting strong tsun tsun vibes from that. From hate to love there is only one step
I don't trust Europeans that much more, if it makes you feel better.
I don't hate Americans. I just don't trust dark-skinned people. Most I've seen seem annoying and could rape/murder you, confirmed by how Kierkegaard acts. I'm not racist though.
I have no desire to help anyone. I can't even help myself.
Then don't be. There's no reason to be.
Kierkegaard is jewish actually.
But you will not be doing it directly, i mean helping him. Just finding common ground for you 2 will be good and will make you feel better.
what i said boils down to a lot more than just "negative views", im certain things wont work out, im not broken in the head and i expect things to not work out, maybe im just a fucking cuck who shouldn't be in this circus
your threads look like a damn discord server these days with all the orbiting and drama, I can't help but miss the days when you were still a guy in the eyes of this board
You seem like a coddled crybaby bitchboy
yes i very much agree, maybe im being too emotional
Yes. Kashii knew exactly how to ruin me it seems. I'll solve this, I promise. I always do.
you're in too deep already.
Why do you think I'm a boy, but still orbit me so desperately? You can be nothing but gay then.
Being a pacifist sounds pretty abrahamist, aiste. Remember your pagang roots.
i did told you im a massive faggot already, i just dont take it in the ass
He said he doesnt care if you're a boy or a girl, he's just mentally unstable too because i think he's been deprived from attention and romantic relationships, like many others. I don't think he's entirely gay, but he's definitely romanticizing the idea of you.
Think carefully and realistically if you care. Don't get cocky fren, seriously at some point you gotta admit defeat, that you're not the hot shit you thought you were.
back when christianity wasn't pozzed it was the only thing protecting poor pagan villages from getting over run by the sand menace
Do you base your mistrust on a skin-tone scale alone or do you have multipliers like 'muslim' 'ghetto' 'spic' 'nigger' 'mutt' ?
Have you ever met the french. They are fucking awful. If anything white people are the more entitled ones. But yeah sandmonkeys are fucking loud.
you're right actually, its been some 4 or 5 years since i kissed a girl
I'm not Abrahamist, but I know these are just to make fun of me.
Then I don't know what to say. For now.
I think all my enemies ruin themselves eventually. I just outlast them.
Kill yourself. There were no "good old times" for Christianity. They never saved anyone, only destroyed themselves. That's how they operate. They save you from killing you themselves. How noble.
>4 or 5 years only
What the fuck normalfag
French people are not awful.
Pacifism is absolutely Abrahamist in nature. You need to accept that might is right, if you get raped you deserved it. Women are weak and therefore are property of men. Hate to say it, but your boyfriend Kierkegaard is right.
Its called peasantry. 500 years ago European aristocrats would have described you the same way (as you too would have been a peasant back then). Its just how people from simple and poor upbringings tend to be. Funny thing is their kids will probably end up just like you right now.
wtf I love justifying the rape of white women now
Just leave this site already, jesus christ, you're not helping yourself you know
If might is right why do you whine all day long about how women use their social might to their advantage?
>Kill yourself. There were no "good old times" for Christianity. They never saved anyone, only destroyed themselves. That's how they operate. They save you from killing you themselves. How noble.
Ah, the genderless Aiste I liked is back. Good luck slaying Abramists and psychs.
Maybe it is now, but they didn't eliminate competing religions through pacifism alone.
Nothing is "Abrahamist in nature" except their worship of YHW. Abrahamists can't simply co-opt ideas and claim them as theirs in nature. But they sure do try.
>if you get raped you deserved it
Only for not doing more to prevent it. That's why I can't trust people.
they saved the white race from being decimated, they were very fanatical and idealistic but im sure this only helped when it came to dealing with the unwashed brown hordes, once they got comfortable without other big religions constanly putting presure on them, they blinded themselfs and let empathy errode on the values they use to protect now they promote gay rights but some of the values and morals they preach are still a cornerstone of modern western civilization, meanwhile pagans, while i appreciate the culture, amounted to stone villages
Yeah. They saved us from themselves. Islam wouldn't even exist without Christianity and Judaism. They're all the same. It doesn't matter that different sects of Abrahamism hate each other.
>meanwhile pagans, while i appreciate the culture, amounted to stone villages
Yes, those stone villages of Rome and Greece. Regardless, I don't care about civilization much myself. Cultures that win are the ones persevere, not the ones that abandon everything for the new shiny thing. That's why Judeans are so successful. They don't bend over, no matter how much Jow Forumstards seethe. I'd admire them, had they not invented Abrahamism.
>property of men
while you're not entirely wrong in saying woman arent like men, the men needs to be the better person and have the best interests of the woman for this to work
>might is right
smarts and empathy amount to so much more when not used by a brain dead person, using this view on modern society is absolutely retarded, if a nigger shoves his cock in your ass you're gonna cry and plead for more
see what you did, aiste? now every orbiter is tripfagging to differenciate. you should stop avatarfagging or simplt just stop posting
I don't, I completely understand it. I don't particularly like it myself, but why shouldn't they use what they have?
You really need to stop orbiting. You manage to disgust me in every way possible. Again and again.
I didn't do anything. Kashii is a faggot moron. Why should I be the only one to stop avatarposting? kashii wants me to, because he's jealous.
Might is not just physical. Don't expect much from an orbiting brainlet such as yourself, though.
i think its called non white culture, nord countries are know to have a reserved and selfish culture, 50/50 countries are bad but not too bad if you know who to associate with, black countries are just nigger tribal fiesta
>I didn't do anything
fair enough. then what do you want? stir the shit in this hellhole?
i dont think kashii is bad, hes seems like an asshole but i think he just doesnt know when to stop shitposting
>stir the shit in this hellhole?
that's a pretty good reason for all of this, don't you think?
>if you get raped you deserved it
i would think might would mean having the means to do it but you posted this
>selfish culture
How do you manage to say something stupid with every post? We have the best social safety net than anywhere in the world.
I originally started avatarposting entirely by accident. Didn't even know that was a thing people did. Then I continued as a "fuck you" to jannies. Nowadays I see more namefags/avatarfags than ever. I think even Kashii is more active because of my influence. The jannies bother with me less and less. I think I'm winning the long war.
>i think its called non white culture
The exact post you are replying to explains to you how its not
Hey I'm from a third world country and I'm nothing like that, it varies by the person you know?
do you want this place to turn into reddit even more? why not stay on your social medias with handles and followers. you could make bank selling sewer water. you could easily be a top streamer whether you have a dick or not, as long as you present yourself as a girl on cam.
please leave.
Thats what you say now to reduce your cognitive dissonance and appear consistent/not stupid, but you and i both know that in the next thread you will be complaining about how women are evil for leading men on or whatever.
If might makes right, then anyone who has power over you can now do whatever they want to you. How many people do you think that is? You're a loser on Jow Forums so its gotta be a pretty large number.
Think again about this idea before you so wholeheartedly believe in it.
of course there would be a relation to being poor and being rude since its so much easier to be poor when you're black, i dont think people from 500 years ago behaved like blacks do today and they would be more intimate since society wasn't so individualistic back then as it is today
Do you draw the art yourself?
>How do you manage to say something stupid with every post? We have the best social safety net than anywhere in the world.
First of all Lithuania is not a Nordic country.
Secondly sciencealert.com
I'm from a third world country and I am very mindful of my volume when speaking. Being loud damages my throat and my ears. I also don't wanna get close to people, they're gross.
Not sure about irritatingf though, I might be that.
I don't want anything in particular.
by selfish i mean not bother anyone with your problems and what you think, i said it wrong i think, the law of jante
Reddit spacing, post hidden and not read.
>abandon everything
white empathy lead to said bending over, jews are sucessful because they would rather save a 90yo jew than a white baby
Aiste how would you feel if I told you I want to plant my mouth between your buttcheeks and take nice long licks from beginning from your balls, moving along your taint before finally burying itself in your ass? I'm being 100% genuine btw I don't care what your ass looks like I just want to tongue it.
>Reddit spacing, post hidden and not read.
I don't care. I don't know if I'll ever get intimate with anyone. I just don't feel safe anymore.
I'll be honest I was just messing with you. I don't know why you don't feel safe, is there a reason?
its because im not with him yet
Because many men are violent even if they hide it well.
How many violent men have you met? You're being paranoid.