>Antifa are a bunch of thugs
>They are violent and stand for no-
Why are there so many more instances of right wing terror than there are of left wing? Are they just animals who will try to seize power by any means necessary?
>Antifa are a bunch of thugs
>They are violent and stand for no-
Why are there so many more instances of right wing terror than there are of left wing? Are they just animals who will try to seize power by any means necessary?
>Heya Jimbo, it looks like liberal and conservative economics don't serve the needs of anybody that isn't at the top. Isn't that just quackin crazy?
If the right keeps this up, then they're going to end up as violent as police officers. Did you know that there's a 40% chance that a police officer has engaged in domestic violence?
Why didn't he just join the military if he wanted to do fucked up shit to innocent people?
Muh violent antifa "argument" is completely moot when you consider that the people saying it literally want to genocide people
>Maybe antifa wont look so bad if i compare them to a much more wide pool of people rather than one specific group of individuals who rally through violence
Good point. Antifa are pretty tiny in numbers, right wing terrorists are far more numerous
Left-wing terrorism was the norm until the 80s.
Based and truth.
Cringe, nobody cares
Cringe, nobody cares
That figure is based on one small study with a small sample size from the early 90s.
And now the state and every corporation pushes left wing social ideals so they have no reason to rebel
Leftism is mainly driven by "feelings of inferiority" - low self-esteem, feeling powerless, depression, guilt, self-hate.
Hypersensitivity to [trigger words] (ethnicity, gender, disability, culture) is motivated by feelings of inferiority.
Political correctness comes from a white, privileged academic elite, not the "oppressed".
Many leftists unconsciously view "oppressed" groups as "inferior". They identify with that inferiority.
Feminists secretly fear that men are more strong and capable.
Leftists hate the West because it appears strong, good, and successful. They condemn western militarism, imperialism, and racism, but excuse these in socialist countries or "primitive cultures".
They reject individualism (self-reliance, initiative, optimism). They want collectivism to care for them because they doubt their own abilities. They fear competition because they feel like losers.
Leftist intellectuals prefer sordid, desperate, or hedonist art.
They argue for cultural relativity. They attack objective reality, science, and reason, because of hostility driven by feeling inferior. They reject reject scientific truth and biological bases for human behavior.
Leftists can only feel strong as members of a mass movement because they deeply feel inferior.
They feel self-hate. This explains their masochistic tactics, such as lying down in front of vehicles, and provoking police.
Their motives are hostility and power - not compassion or moral principle. That's why they engage in hostile, counter-productive confrontations.
If society had no social problems, leftists would invent them.
Take the green pill
Sounds exactly like modern right wingers who have a persecution complex, praise collectivist nationalist ideals and have an obsession with groups they consider inferior because they see themselves in them. Thats why they are constantly attacking these groups and finding ways to demonize them and emphasize the difference between themselves and these groups in an attempt to distance themselves from them. Its a defense mechanism to against their unconscious projection of themselves onto these groups.
Everything that is said there about "leftists" is the exact same for right wingers, the only difference is the way its expressed
No they dont, they just pretend to to keep people quiet and content
Violence is never justified.
Violence justified by psychology is obviously just malicious.
>They don't actually push homosexual/diversity acceptance on the populace they just pretend to
>The left attack science and reason
Then why is it the left who push to reduce things like religious power in government, when those institutions actively attack scientific principles and make belief-based decisions, rather than factual ones?
>all types of violence in any kind of situation is morally wrong
>having strong opinions is like a form of violence
>its all psychological man. I mean, is anything really right or wrong?
This kind of idiotic moral relativism and limp wristed passivism; toxic femininity; is the cancer that is killing the left wing movement.
The reason why Nazi's and other fascists have become so loud these days isn't because they have gotten bolder. It's that the left has become more pussified.
Some people are wrong. And although you want to live in a ridiculous fantasy world where we make the world a better place with words and feelings and all that soppy crap, in the real world, you sometimes have to through down with some fools. Let your fists do the talking. It's not "violence". It's just called sorting out differences like men.
The right understands this. The nancy's that have infected the left need to understand this too.
desu i would rather the occasional schizo libertarian bombing than live in a leftist totalitarian shithole and die of Holodomor 2.
>posts the faggot that killed nobody and died to a single shot
The only casualty was a few windows, but sure, this is totally equivalent to the group that tried to buy guns from a cartel.
>reduce religious power in government
>posts the power that didn't do it at all
If you want to fix religion just inject it with some gnosticism bro, starving people doesn't get what you want.
everything you wrote is boring as fuck
Why are there so many more instances of islamic terror than right wing? Are they just animals who will try to seize power by any means necessary?
Both antifa and alt-Right should be put in camps and gassed
Left wing ideals are unions, democracy at work, workers seizing factories and kicking out bosses, etc. not the tranny gay shit that corporations pretend to like to improve sales, idiot.
This. Fuck them both
Islam is a religion, not a political wing. In fact, most muslims are conservative.
>yes goy!! leftists are just muslim gay lovers!! dont fight for your rights worker!
>eat donuts, beat women, shoot niggers unprovoked
I'm thinking the life of a policeman is pretty based
>Calling them Antifa and not just Fa
Lets be honest, most lefties are privileged white kids who genuinely don't know what bad people are. The fact they can spare time to rally against such stupid things show the privileged life they've had. It's not even remotely comparable to early feminism/civil rights movements.
It's pretty laughable, luckily they're vocal and privileged enough for the media to treat them as badly as other terrorist groups.
It is not a sin to fight for the right cause. There are those those words alone will not reach.
The left replaces older religions like Christianity with newer religions like egalitarianism, and suppresses any scientific findings that contradict their faith.
Ooh boy look meme 1 of 15 that reddit commie shills use. Hey jimbo, did you know that survery was from 1990? Not only that, it only had a sample size of 250, and the 40% wasnt regular beatings, but was "have you ever been aggressive" in which yelling at your spouse once in 40 years counted? Isnt that quackin crazy?
Absolutely based. Im no horseshoe theory loser, but modern political extremists are just angry losers who deny solid proof that their way of thinking is shit. All around they're fucking retarded. Its a meme and a half but id say the ones that are the least retarded are anprims and ancaps, and they're insane.
All extremists are is sad manchildren who follow these extreme ideologies to find some group of people they can relate to. 99% of commies know its shit, they know the holodomor happened and was intentional, they deny it to keep their shitty larp going. Fascists know their ideology is shit, they know almost none of them would be allowed to live, they just use it to push the blame for everything wrong onto minorities and act as if they're superior over fucking melanin
All extremists are sad cucks, literally 90% of people are moderate or centrists, meaning theres only 10% of people to be split across the 4 main extremists groups. They know they'll never get anywhere, but they push to try and keep their shitty ideologies in the daylight to recruit more losers to their cause by goalpost pushing and appeal to authority.
As i said, im not some horseshoe theory loser, i fall into the "smoke gay marijuana" crowd, but fuck extremists, they're all insane. The fascists kill, the commies spread propoganda, they literally fit the bill for what their ideologies were like on ww2. Both lost too.
Fuck extremist cucks. Im content with the way i live. Life will always be shit, there will always be people on top. Killing all jews and blacks or killing all rich people and turning 40% of people into farmers wont fucking change that.
Extremism is for slaves.
If you value safety and comfort lean right, if you value change and are willing to make tradeoffs to make it happen lean left. After that is very, very hard to find interesting discussion on the internet about politics.
Right leaning at its core without the modern racism and bullshit is tradition, staying the same. Theres not much room for things to get better, but its stable.
Left leaning at its core withour modern identity politics and bullshit is change. Change is unstable, and things can go bad, but things can also get better. The more extreme you get the worse it gets. Genocidal racism will destroy that tradition based stability of the right. Total revolution and forced change will ruin the possibility for good from left.