Best female friend has like a 99% chance of breaking up with her current bf

>best female friend has like a 99% chance of breaking up with her current bf

how long till i wait to confess after she's recovered, bros? i really wanna shoot my shot she's such a nice person and makes me feel so much better internally

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Kys, fucking orbiter

who ever said I was an orbiter? she didn't tell me she had a bf for a while so i do actually enjoy her company. i'm here for advice not for even more faggots salty that i'm close to getting out of here

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please post in a week and tell us how does his cum taste like

please stop forcing your fetish onto this.
should've never posted here, knew it was all going to be radical fembois

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Plz no bulli Op
I would say a week or a week and 3 days would be okay, but shoot your shot OP! We're Rooting for you!

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What a slimy machiavellian thing to do. Youre like fucking vermin, scheming of when best to take advantage of her. Being a female must be hell when you never know if your sp called "friends" are really just secretly waiting for a chance to fuck you like meat. God you're a pathetic fuck.

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Fuck off white knight troglydite

i'm not in a position to take advantage of women. im just excited because i might be able to be closer to a friend that i like alot. please fuck off if you're here to be upset about me actually trying for once unlike you useless piece of human fucking shit. you absolute faggot. go back to shoving tyrone's veiny cock up your asshole you tranny.

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right away take her out and tell her its to take her mind off of things give her a few hugs to see if she is receptive to physical contact if she is that a good sign and move forward

if she is receptive to hugs and only if she is already trashing talking the ex then say shit like yeah fuck that guy what an asshole obviously your guys personalities didnt click like ours do the best couples start from friendships and joke me and you would make a good couple and if she is like LoL are you serious? say yes why not then she will either say i only like you as a friend which means you dont really got a shot or she will laugh it off you will be able to tell if she is open to it

ignore this total loser

Just get sloppy drunk with her. Don't fucking confess your love or other faggot things.

tell her now
don't wait to do it like a few days or a week afterwards because then you'll seem like you were just creepily waiting in the wing for the "right time", and she might also already have some other guy(s) in mind
tell her right now you're into her but be causal about it, just like oh i'm into you, whatever, and don't act like you expect anything out of it
if she's into you back then it'll likely help her go through with the breakup

This is good but she probably already put op in the friend zone. I literally fucked a girl with a bf 4hours into knowing her but she never even touched this beta orbiter that had known her the whole school semester

>asking Jow Forums about relationship advice

That is a fucking bad idea OP. I'm going to tell you why, because you have already said that she was your friend. You have no chance, take this from someone who is fucked up in your exact position many times before.

I have a similar problem as the OP.
>like a guy
>his girlfriend has severe BPD
>she's a nice enough person to me but she's actually super controlling and emotionally demanding of him
>wants to break up with her
>she is going to court to confront her rapist - a guy our mutual friend met on Tinder
>I think court was either this week or up to two weeks prior
>he told me that he's tired of being her emotional tampon and once this court / rape drama is over he's leaving her
>tried to hide my power level by telling him to work things out
>he says he doubts it
>has only texted me once in the last 14 days

Do I have a shot, guys? How should I do this?
>gotta love how all my male friends complain about women being crazy while dating cluster Bs instead of less attractive, but sane, women

My guess is not immediately afterwards, but two to four weeks later. I would also recommend asking her to do something alone / less action packed rather than on a "date".

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You are one of those fake nice guys who just wants sex.
The worse kind of males. Second only to pedos and rapists.

Lmao qt crazy girls are the ideal, just as long as they aren't past the legit psycho threshold. Unfortunately they're usually far past this, and massive whores to boot. But I'd take a chance on a qt with BPD any day over a sub-5/10 mentally stable girl, attraction is indespensible for a functional relationship desu. But as long as you're not fat, I'd say your chances are pretty good, since you're a femanon you probably have worse self esteem than your looks warrant anyways. Go get him girl. And if it doesn't work out, you've always got a couple hundred guys here that's be willing to take his place.

Don't. She already knows that you're a loser. That random guy she met might not be a loser.

2 weeks or until she stops talking about her ex