Why is everything better as a child? Nowadays I can't enjoy absolutely anything anymore...

Why is everything better as a child? Nowadays I can't enjoy absolutely anything anymore. I watch movies that before I would love but now they only make me angry and bored. I don't enjoy anything as an adult anymore.

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probably the brain just gets used up and worn out

You learn of some undesirable truths as you grow older.

you are just depressed. most normal people are still happy even as adults

As a child, everything is new to you, you have no experience about anything, that's why as you grow up you see that time is going "faster".
So you start growing up and getting more experiences and getting a better view on things and how they work, you start to get tired of those same stuff too, since they no longer seem so "magical" as they were once.

It sucks, but that's how it is. You either accept that or do drugs to escape the shitty reality of it.

do drugs user

nothing brings back that childlike sense of wonder quite like weed and lsd

time actually does go faster because relativity, retard.

link me something on that subject please.

But I do take drugs

yeah, drugs that are meds.
Just take some psychedelics and if not, you know where you live, i;m sure you can just go down some hellhole and find hard drugs and do a mix of them to OD or something.

Are psychedelics better than just taking some Xans and Vyvanse?

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Yes, just don't be a schizo or be on medication like antidepressants and anti psychotics it will end very bad, at least that's what happened to me.

>don't be on medication like antidepressants and anti psychotics it will end very bad, at least that's what happened to me.
Now you have to greentext it.

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It's too fucking long and not worth it.
So i;m just going to say what happened. I started to get very paranoid and the hallucinations and delusions were way more stronger than before and i literally had a mental breakdown and needed to be hospitalized for 3 days.
I almost got sent to the psych ward but because the doctor was friend of the family they gave me another chance. I guess that drinking alcohol did not help too.

It was a real shitty experience for me.

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Ah and yes, i still was taking the meds that made me had fake memories, i wonder why, they only started when i took them and stopped like 1 week after i got off them, pretty weird.

>It's too fucking long and not worth it.
It actually is worth it to me because I've had a pretty similar experience with the Ritalin and I got totally fucked mentally. My family was thinking of putting me on the psych ward too.

Please tell me everything. What drugs did you take? Did you tell them it was because of the drugs and you weren't crazy?

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Uh, well, i told you yesterday that i was going to try and get a hold of my mom to see what i was on at that time, but im pretty sure that it was Zoloft and Risperidone, at least trying them. The other med, i do not remember what it was, but i will try and find out and give you an answer. But it is never a good idea to be on those kind of meds, take alcohol and psychedelics if you're already having problems like those.

No, i never said i took drugs other than they gave me and that i was also drinking while on them, they never did bloodtests anyways so i guess it was neglected by them too. But yeah, after that i was fucked up for about 2 weeks, i wasn't able to fall asleep since when i tried i would just jump like when you are having a dream and you fall, you know, that kind of "jump". Which only made things worse for me.

How did you got out of your situation?

>How did you got out of your situation?
Rest and a few weeks of being completely fucked up. Throbbing, burning headaches that were so strong I needed to hit the table out of pain, and an episode of derealization/depersonalization. I got through it and I'm mostly fine now.

Did you ever watch La La Land? What did you think of it?

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You're one of the good namefags Kierk

Do you even know what you're talking about or are you stooped?

Shit, that derealization/depersonalization shit sounds weird, i think i never experienced something like that, what does it feels like?

>La La Land
I was tempted to watch it, but i have a very negative view of those kind of movies since once i was forced to watch some generic musical shit with my cousin.
But is it any good? because if it is or you say so, i will give it a try and give you an honest answer.

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>what does it feels like?
It's like being outside of yourself. Like watching your life from another POV. It's like you're not living your life but your consciousness is somewhere else and watching it all like a sort of movie. It was the scariest experience of my life. Absolute Hell.

>But is it any good? because if it is or you say so, i will give it a try and give you an honest answer.
Yes. It's good. It's not an extremely brilliant movie, but it's good.

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>It's like being outside of yourself. Like watching your life from another POV
oh, then yes, i have experienced that, but not a lot of times and not for long. I never knew it was that or looked into it, i was more concerned about some pretty weird delusion i still until today.

>Yes. It's good. It's not an extremely brilliant movie, but it's good.
Yeah, ok, will download and watch it then.

By the way, how was the spiderman movie? was it the usual shitty super heroe movie or was it shit but at least fun?


thread theme desu

>how was the spiderman movie?
Awful, just awful.

>was it the usual shitty super heroe movie or was it shit but at least fun?
It was pretty shitty, generic, unfunny and overall pretty mediocre. There were a few scenes that were at least fun and appealing visual-wise, but the movie in general was shit. I wish I never watched it.

When I came back home I watched some of the Spiderman: into the Spiderverse. Now that was a masterpiece.

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god i wish taytay was my gf, but i'm a fucking manlet.

As i thought, not even going to try and watch it out of curiosity now.

Is it that good? i'm a bit skeptical since there are not many animated movies that i like. But the animation doesn't seems to be the normal type, so im kind of interested just because of that.

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>Is it that good?
It's extremely good if you like animation. It's quite funny too. I'd recommend it and give it a 5/5 stars, and there aren't many movies that I recommend.

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Right, then just for the artwork i will give it a try.

By the way, just out of curiosity, what kind of lab test did you had to do today? you said something about it last night before fucking off.

Cortisol and stuff. Turns out my alarm clock didn't ring and I didn't get there on time (it has to be only in the morning). Can you believe that?

Depression causes anhedonia

Sucks, i used to sleep through my alarms, now i just wake up "naturally" only after 4 hours of sleep.

Will you have to do the lab test again tomorrow morning or Monday? or are you going to drop that?

>now i just wake up "naturally" only after 4 hours of sleep.
You only sleep 4h a day lmao?

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Today is the day, I'm going to be ending it now early in the morning just before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in almost 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. sJE

Livestream video link + explanation:

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I should not sleep during the day or at least put something to block the sun on the windows.

Ever taken Purple Passiflower? It's good for anxiety.

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No, first time i have heard/read about it.

But i have some weird fucking dreams, so i guess it is ok to be sleeping so little, in a way at least.

I need to work on my book and finish my thesis (start it actually) of university but here I am, at 5 AM in the morning, watching a movie by Woody Allen and reading a book by Nabokov.

What are you doing right now?

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Weren't you done with everything related to university? Also which movie?

>What are you doing right now?
Was trying to find some good porn, and about to stop shit posting on other threads.

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OP is just a negative niggerfaggot

>Weren't you done with everything related to university?
No, I have to finish this Thesis this year or my parents will murder me.

>Was trying to find some good porn
I'm extremely turned on by mommy incest porn, and if you're into that, I'd recommend checking the JOI and POV sections of both incestflix and milfzr (I recommend milfzr more).

>I'm extremely turned on by mommy incest porn
Not anymore, nowadays i usually just jerk off to stuff like girls cleaning floors, folding clothes, doing the bed, reading a book or a magazine and basically doing any normal chore.

>nowadays i usually just jerk off to stuff like girls cleaning floors, folding clothes, doing the bed, reading a book or a magazine and basically doing any normal chore
lmao. Is that the 50s woman fetish?

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most comfy Jow Forums server in the world! come join it to make long lasting friends and have a chill time!



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>Is that the 50s woman fetish?
no idea what that is, just go on pornhub and search downblouse and you will find some examples.

What is this philosophy major shit. I know you get a lot of pussy studying that because where I live only girls study that shit like 9:1 ratio

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Maybe you just suck lol. My childhood was constant anxiety and trying to fit in. Now I have sex and do whatever I want

probably because you're a brainlet that does the same 3 things every day