What would you do if you had kids and wanted to prevent this from happening to them?
If you were a parent
that dude just needs to lift
>elbows off the table
>keeping good posture
>eating tough solid foods at an early age
>minimal sugar and processed shit
>learning about the vikings and romans
Nothing cause I wouldn't care. Who gives a fuck
>learning about the vikings
spotted the beta
Not possible if he's born with a severe tongue tie. And most doctors can't properly correct a tongue tie; they're liable to botch the operation and make it much worse.
Hinestly ide jist make sure during his formation in the womb that my wife takes iodine supplements and make sure he doesnt encounter video games until he is atleast 18.
Imagine actually being this insecure
thats just a fucking picture of an average 20 or 30 something dude.
>learning about the vikings and romans
Good job, you just turned your child into a gay cuck.
>learning about the vikings and romans
cringe, never have kids
I like that we're back to "numale". More obscure than "s o y boy" and not filtered by Jow Forums.
Numales was used for a very long time, soiboy got hijacked by right wing movements; I swear if they didn't filter it they would have used it a lot more for all the remainder of 2018, hell to this day we would still have that "gotta act as a trad masculine male" behaviour going on. Not to mention it was hilarious and pissed a lot of people off.
numales are almost always skinnyfat but okay
>What would you do if you had kids and wanted to prevent this from happening to them?
i'd beat them you dumbass
>we would still have that "gotta act as a trad masculine male" behaviour going on
We still do that. You're just a soicuck numale
Not really, everyone was into it back when you saw the word in every thread
On 4cucks that is
Wrong~~ think your cock cage has caused you some brain damage from restricted blood flow.
lmao saw that posted in Jow Forumsstarterpacks
of course a bunch of nu-males just started screeching about the alt right and incels being worst.
it's especially funny because it shows that it hurt their feefees
>>elbows off the table
>>keeping good posture
>>eating tough solid foods at an early age
>>minimal sugar and processed shit
>>learning about the vikings and romans
>learning about the vikings
What's so bad about learning about one's ancestors?
Spotted the abrahamist cuckold who worships a man licking nigger feet.
What do they call this onions facial expression again?
They were angry, hateful, problematic people. Not exactly good role models for anyone. That kind of ideology needs to die
someone make a "if I read about vikings I'll become a tough guy" starter pack
they where fucking snow niggers?
they where bitch ass bandits that preyed on weak villages with no manpower
What will that do for you?
>they where bitch ass bandits that preyed on weak villages with no manpower
Can you spew out something that isn't judeo-christian propaganda?
beat his ass if he starts to develop any of these characteristics
>muh le BASED vikangs
cringe, probably amerimutt who worships snowniggers yet hates le mean brown men
vikangs were no better than modern somalis
No, fags like you need to die and have mead drunk from your tiny effeminate skulls.
is that fucking chris lovasz
You do know your husband can't get you pregnant from anal sex, right?
They were not nignogs, therefor better.
Raise him in Poland