And i dont give a single fuck

And i dont give a single fuck.

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I don't consume nearly that much fish.

>the average
>on r9k

I'm reasonably certain I've already eaten more than 2400 chickens in my lifetime.

squiddddds r cool

You understand the term lifetime right? Unless you alergic to them,then yeah by the time you die you will have consumed around that many fish.

How much minced meat is one pig? Pretty sure I already consumed more than 27 pigs by now

I've never eaten sheep

You should get around to it. You are missing out.

I tried cooking leg if lamb (I'm a good cook) and it tasted like leather

Its an aquired taste. Like sardines and milk.

Maybe they should try not being prey if they don't like dying

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I dont eat pork or fish so Im gonna take that to the bank.

So lamb is supposed to taste like shocked meat.

I don't think vegetables want to die either but vegans will never give a shit about them or the damage mass-scale farming does to the environment.

This. Where is the veggie peta?

>None of whom wanted to die.
I'm pretty sure a lot of those chickens are probably suicidal after how they get treated.

I'm probably pushing up the average quite a lot, since I eat fish 3-4 times a week.

Just yesterday, I ate a pack of like 50 sprats (I dunno if that counts as cheating because they are very small though)

My little sister is a vegan. Her argument would be that even if eating plants is just as wrong, eating animals takes more crops to feed the livestock then just growing crops for humans alone. So it would still be less "cruel" to eat all veg. That being said I still eat meat. A lot of their arguments are pretty decent IF you actually think it is amoral to eat an animal or end somethings life for food

Actually, growing crops still requires keeping livestock so that you can replenish the fields during crop rotation. On a massive scale like modern industrial farming, it is just the unseen symbiosis of those farms buying manure from another source rather than using the shit of their own livestock. Agriculture on any scale requires livestock, and civilization requires agriculture.

But I have to eat Animal to be STRONG and defend my nation from Illegal immigrants, niggers, shitskins and women

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