What video games have you robots been playing lately...

What video games have you robots been playing lately? Nothing on Steam looks even remotely appealing so I've just been playing Doom and Doom total conversions.

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Hollow Knight

divinity original sin 2 ass cancer

I'm slowly getting around to 100%ing Hitman 2 on Steam, which I bought in the sale

VA-11 Hall-A
it's a vn tho

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Euro Truck Sim
Guilty Gear Rev2

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what game is this i forgot what it was called

Doom, The Elder Scrolls (Arena, Oblivion, and Occasionally Skyrim), Life is Strange, and Minecraft.

By the way, can you please let me know which Doom wad that is in your webm???

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ethnic cleansing 2: electric boogaloo

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Grezzo Due.

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Been playing a bit of Abuse. Never considered myself a fan of 2d platformers, but god the modern sourceport is really damn good. Basically Doom but 2d with a lot of SOUL

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Been playing mainly Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, and Hearts of Iron 4, but also recently played a little bit of truck simulators, shovel knight, rust and PUBG

Daggerfall and Morrowind


thanks alot man. really appreciated

Are you memeing or did they really make a second one?

M&B Warband: Napoleonic Wars, for MP.
For SP mix of Crysis, Halo CE, SPV3 and FEAR.

>M&B Warband
>Napoleonic Wars
>For SP mix of Crysis, Halo CE, SPV3 and FEAR.
middle school redditor

>Monolith's last great title
>middle school redditor
That game is way too old for zoomers to appreciate... actually all of those shooters are.

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Just got Titanfall 2 and I've been playing that a lot, just reached level 44 I think.
Legion niggas rise up

Doom (2016) and Guilty Gear

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Based weebanon

>tfw can't even connect with peers over games anymore since I basically don't play anything made after 2007 or so
Everybody just wants to talk about Witcher, Dark Souls or some new open-world bethesturd when I don't even have a computer capable of playing those things. Younger kids are just into mobile games and Fortnite and shit.

Anyway I've been meaning to start pic related since Jazz Jackrabbit nostalgia and I've been itching for some cheesy furfag action.

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I have been playing doom, quake, minecraft, half life, TFC.

Got any good game recommendations?

Depends, what platform and what game genres/styles are you after? I'm most preferential towards oldschool dungeon crawler RPGs ("blobbers")

Linux ( but uses wine to play windows games )
I like as you said dungeon crawlers but im open for anything.

Some games that come to mind that will run reasonably well on linux, either via Wine or some emulator: Wizardry 8, OpenTyrian, Jetpack, Dungeon Master & Chaos Strikes Back, Binding of Isaac, Elminage Original/Gothic, Might & Magic 2-6 (2 is super underrated desu). Then of course console classics like MGS1, Castlevania SOTN, Gunstar Heroes, Musha Aleste, Chrono Trigger etc. but you likely recognize most of that stuff already... though I can name more if that's not the case.
Also Jagged Alliance 2, Thief 1-2, Neverhood, Woodruff, Knightmare, Stonekeep... but I don't know about these and linux.

Diablo III I started a new DH this week been pretty fun

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I just got Mirror's Edge since it was on sale, very potato friendly. I've been mainly playing that and FSX.

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Well thank you very much user.
I shall try these games

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Today is the day, I'm going to be ending it now early in the morning just before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in almost 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. yIZ

Livestream video link + explanation:

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>le born in le wrong generation zoomer
You're embarrassing

Ill just wait for the webm. Chow

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Grezzo Due was made in like 2012 user, when did I say anything about being born in le wrong generation? Stop projecting.

It's never going to come, user. He's just shilling his shitty discord filled with faggot homosexuals who chat about anal masturbation.

I've been also contemplating getting into Space Station 13 recently, but I don't know how much agency the game demands from my side. I'd hate to spoil other peoples' roleplay when I'm tired from work and just want to unwind.

Np, with Wizardry you could also start with 6, since you can carry your party all the way up to 8, but 6-7 will test your patience. Also if you're familiar with Legend of Grimrock, the first game is so much a ripoff of Dungeon Master 1 that it's basically a remake.

>I've been also contemplating getting into Space Station 13 recently
Well I hope you like talking to randoms all the time, because that's what SS13 is all about.

Not surprising. Seems like everyone is a faggot nowadays

What do you mean by that? That the game portion is not involved enough, or that you have to be extroverted to participate, or what?

>or that you have to be extroverted to participate
This. Sorry I didn't get that across really clearly in my post, I have issues putting my thoughts to words sometimes. You can tell that SS13 wouldn't appeal to someone like me.

I mean if it's just about the extent of talking as the amount I do on Jow Forums or IRC, then I shouldn't have a problem with that. Though I'm not sure how steep the learning curve is to go from "huh what are you guys talking about?" to being savvy and responsive towards the game's happenings.

The voiced missions are pure soul. Nu-MSFS is not going to live up to it, I can guarantee that.

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i dont get off on games anymore

i need some friends to play with that arent tryhard types

Bought Max Payne 1 & 2 and Insurgency Sandstorm but there's no servers so I refunded it.

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Sandstorm is a shit game anyway. There's still plenty of people playing Insurgency, go play that instead.

Skyrim. Now I have a good pc I've had a lot of fun playing with mods

most comfy Jow Forums server in the world! come join it to make long lasting friends and have a chill time!



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Subnautica I think its even on sale right now

I've been playing elite dangerous for 3 days nonstop

for honor
witcher 3 for some reason
shadow of war

Is it at least as good as Blood Money?

How is it at this point? Can you build stuff above water? I've been playing Stranded Deep but it's like 5% of an actual finished game and it's not going anywhere. I remember trying Subnautica a long time ago but it was still very unfinished too.

F1 2018
Rising Storm 2 Vietnam

Fallout 4 with 300+ mods
I've lost count because some aren't ESPs and some have been merged with zEdit either way it's a 130GB game now.
But basically the atmosphere and combat feels more like STALKER and I can satisfy my autism with the basebuilding.

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Too bad the story and the roleplaying is still shit in your roleplaying game.

also Onions Wars Republic Commando, Fear 1, BulletStorm, Bards and Burrowns and I just got Shank 2

Path Of Exile
Magic The Gathering Arena
Baba Is You
Dwarf Fortress
Space Station 13

Today is the day, I'm going to be ending it now early in the morning just before my parents wake up. I haven't slept in almost 30 hours.
Goodbye everyone, and thank you for the fun times. I'll start in around 45 minutes. YeI

Livestream video link + explanation:

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Pokemon FireRed & ES4: Oblivion

God I miss the 2000s

go to the police station and challenge them to a gunfight, that sounds like it would be a lot more interesting.
Challenge as in shoot the first one you see.

Posting redpill in case it's real

Hi amerianglo media!

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Been getting into Fallout 4 again. Got sim settlements, a bunch of slutwear and prettier settlers mods. Gonna make my own little village on the island in the corner of the map with female settlers only and buttfuck the rest of the commonwealth as the institute

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Samurai Shodown right now and I main Hanzo in it.
Who do you guys main in Guilty Gear? I played it a few times but Venom was pretty fun

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Shit all of you are zombie-tier normalniggers. This place really is cuckchan. cancerous trannies

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Just finished Spellforce 3. It's OK, probably 50ish hour campaign.
Now I have to decide if I go back and finish Atelier Lydie and Sue, or just quit and go on to the new one.

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How many threads y'all gonna post this one

good choice on fear

I'm really surprised that EA of all companies took the risk of publishing Mirror's Edge.

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kingdom come, excellent immersive sim/rpg that is more in keeping with the spirit of earlier tes titles than skyrim is, reminds me of daggerfall in so many ways. also dx invisible war. decent but nowhere near as good as the first or the sequels.
>Nothing on Steam looks even remotely appealing
how? unless you've already played literally everything somehow, there are hundreds of excellent games and classics to be played. how narrow is your taste?

broaden your horizons, try things you haven't tried before, and do not get stuck playing the same meaningless game over and over again.

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No, but it's still really good. Probably the best Hitman game since Blood Money (although the one before it is good too)

Your usual get out of jail card, huh? I was talking about doom. You weren't the target audience for that game, quit trying to fit in like a cringey sperg and go back to call of duty or fortnite

>go back to call of duty or fortnite
But I don't like those games.

Elders Scrolls Online.

Its pretty chill, you can casually do quests, do dungeons or play around with your house or your character. It retains some elements from the series despite being mmo, which is nice.

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I got a nice real world weather plugin and now I can never go back to presets.

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Baiken+Millia represent

>max Payne 1&2
Man I love those games. Slow but fun

I got a deck building game called Mystic Vale and have been playing that. Digital version of the tabletop game. I play a lot of these digital card games. Ascension, Star Realms, Age of Rivals, Lanterns the Harvest Festival, Morels, Shards of Infinity, Xenoshyft. I can always come back to these games and enjoy them since it only takes about 15 minutes to finish a match in them. I like RPGs too but I often don't have the energy to really get into one anymore.

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I-no and Johnny+pocket Venom.
I thought about getting the new samsho because I really like 2 and VSP, but 60 bucks is too expensive. At least you could just steal the season pass.

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I've been playing minecraft mostly, trying to finally do things ive never done before in the game, such as actually making large builds that take days to make, or more.
Also a little more osu now. If any of yall are curious Im rank 40k in standard, my user is Vens

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Diablo 2 LoD always calls me back

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