I let a black guy fuck me once. His penis was pretty big. Ask me anything

I let a black guy fuck me once. His penis was pretty big. Ask me anything.

Attached: superthumb.jpg (300x250, 10K)

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Would you do it again? Could I watch? Could I clean you up after with my mouth?

why are you discord fags spamming and flooding? This will not change anything

Are you male or girl? Or girl(male)?

I know you're white, but what's your gender

I would probably let him do it again. I'm not sure about the watching thing, "cleaning" thing, or any sort of cucking thing in general.

I have a vagina that I was born with.

I'm actually half Korean.

>I'm not sure about the watching thing, "cleaning" thing, or any sort of cucking thing in general.
Aww, why not? What if I paid you?

I'm not strictly one man-one woman, though I haven't done anything else, but the idea of a guy just watching and stuff wigs me out. It goes from kinky to creepy.

Suppose that I was on the other side of a door listening, then

Aoba posts on r9k?
When are you getting that top surgery

I'm understanding your point but you aren't understanding mine.

How do you avoid necking yourself out of shame? How do you cope with being a beastfucker?

Is there really no compromise? What if I just drove you to his house and I waited in the car?

How did you not automatically think of a giant piece of shit every time you saw it?

Tell me all about it
I want to know how it felt


how big are we talking? im 8 inches and white as wonder bread

>half korean

wtf hapa girls are into black guys too

It's not even worth it at that point user.

I would say that it is. I want to be as close to the action as possible.

jesus what a fuckin fag

>Ask me anything
Will you be my gf, I'm really lonely

thanks to op i just reached a new level of crippling depression.

How can you live with yourself knowing that you're just a larping faggot making a pathetic attempt to "raid" Jow Forums, but all your doing is just clogging up the board with more shit, and not really changing anything?


Attached: blockhead.jpg (591x591, 31K)

did you let a black guy fuck you?

there is one particular person that larps as asian here. But he isn't asian at all
Also, half-korean is pretty damn weird, since we have a an asian fembot that posts here who is half-korean and she only likes asian guys.
It seems VERY unlikely that there are two half-koreans fembots. And it seems WAY more likely, to be the retarded that larps as asian
Here is the larper and the true asian fembot desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/53187252/#53187947

lmao. thats me and i dont larp. im not op either

i didnt know that fembot is half asian, and half korean. werd

youre so gay bro. im not larping. i was just as taken back by her feelings as you, well maybe less since you think im larping as both parties

hapa and fucked like always . why are hapas always so oversexualized ??