I can't fall asleep right now and I have nothing to do. Someone talk with me about something until I can fall asleep

I can't fall asleep right now and I have nothing to do. Someone talk with me about something until I can fall asleep.

Attached: 203243-675x450-tabbycat.jpg (675x450, 57K)

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Ok, just letting you know i hate cats.

Yo dude is that your cat?

This here is a stray me and my brother found!

Attached: 20190409_185036.jpg (747x1080, 355K)

That's okay.
No, I just found it on Google. What do you plan on doing with that cat? How long have you had it?

>Talk to me so I get bored and fasleep

wow you sound just like my ex girlfriend

Well we already took him down to live with my parents (seeing as we live in an apartment) and they took him to the vet, got him checked out and fixed. Hes really healthy now. We found him back in early April.

Alright, what kind of music do you like?

Tell me about her.
That's nice, good on you guys. Do you have any other pets?
I used to like old rap, but now I just save and listen to instrumental music that I can just play ambiently, like
What about you?

Also sorry if my responses are slow.

Yeah ive got a cat back home but he only likes girls. My brother has a cat and a lizard. Then in our apartment our rooomate has a puppy.

I used to be into black metal but nowadays i'm listening to more ambient, noise and power electronics, some Gothic and post-punk shit too.

I also used to listen to DOOM when i was into old rap too, i still do from time to time.

I don't like dogs because of how they bark. I have two cats that live with me and my neighborhood is full of strays that I leave food out for. Some of them sleep on my front steps. It's stupid but I talk to my cats

DOOM is (was) the edgiest rapper. I alternate between month long periods where I listen to music a lot and then not at all. Right now I don't listen. I like silence sometimes. Anyway where did you get your name from?

Nah not stupid amigo, I talk to my cat like hes my son. And yeah....I like dogs but i fucking hate this puppy....its got hound dog in it so it yells all the time and its really young so it pisses wherever it wants. Id take it apon myself to train her puppy but.....me and her aint on the best of terms

lmao, you remind me of a friend from Chile i had, he would give food to straight dogs when he was out on walks, and after a while they started following him around the neighborhood everytime he was out walking. Pretty nice in my opinion.

it is supposed to be vivi, but i like names with only 2 letters, kind of weird i guess.

Yeah I like talking to them because I can just vomit words and they don't have to make sense because I'm talking to a cat. Also my mom had two dogs while I was growing up. They weren't puppies at the same time and they both pissed and shat everywhere. It lasts for about a year.
>me and her aint on the best of terms
Lol tell me about your room mate

Not weird, the shorter the better. Also I'm bad at making meaningful conversation so sorry if this just seems like stupid small talk. Are you from Chile?

It's ok. No, i'm not from Chile, i just met him around 2006 in a pokemon forum.

Eeeeeeh. Shes just a slut. Tried to fuck my ex when he was staying over then when he said no and told me about it she tried to claim he was lying. Eventually she admitted to it but after my breakup he definitely came over and she fucked him loudly just to make me sad......but that being said were better now than we were last year ...but she knows what she did so she walks on eggshells around me.

That's cool, I've never met up with anyone I met online.
I tried avoiding having room mates as much as possible and I ended up being successful. Also no hostile intent, what's with the change in typing style, it seems like you're drinking?

Just getting more shorthand. I NEVER post here but im up late myself. So im doing something ive never done before.

No, we have never met irl, he lives too far away. I have never met anyone irl that i met online either.

Oh sorry if that was a weird question. Then what do you usually do, just lurk?

Sooooo any one else up all night thinking about all their failures and downfalls?

To be honest this is my first foray into Jow Forums. I spend most of my time on /gif/, /mech/ and twitter. But yeah, I lurk exclusively

Oh sorry. I don't know why I just imagined the two of you walking while he fed stray dogs.

God I wish I were better at conversation in real life. I guess I did kind of force this by saying "come talk to me" so it's not "natural" but I always wish to find someone who I can open up to and speak my mind with IRL but I'm afraid that if it actually comes to that I'll just blank. Idek wtf im talking about anymore

Not specifically but I'll listen to you talk about yours, if you want.
Why did you want to start coming to this board?

No, but that would've been nice.

It's ok to talk and try to overcome those little problems of not being able to talk. I think a lot of people have irl problem talking with other people or opening up to other people irl, truth is that i prefer to do this online instead.

I prefer to do it online to because it's very difficult either way. Whenever I do this I think the other party thinks I'm autistic or being weird because I feel like I'm just typing random words that may or may not be conveying the train of thoughts that I want to convey and in real life I say like or um a lot and I hate when people do that and I think I'm not good to talk to. So whenever I talk to people in real life it's things I already planned the words for. I don't have an "inner monologue" so I can't do it on the spot. Just what are your impressions?

I dont usualy like to talk about all the thoughts I have, nothing positive ever really comes from it, no clarity or solution so it seems pointless to talk. Thanks though dude. I just trying to focus on working more on myself and finding things I enjoy. Just no clue how to find my path I suppose. Hows your evening going?

Pretty good because this thread is giving me something to do. Other than that I have nothing to do at nights. I seem to have improved my self esteem and general happiness over the last two years but I'm still lonely. I guess I'll have to fix that next. I don't know where my sudden motivation came from but it seemed like it just clicked after years of being "depressed". I know it won't work itself out like that for many people though and because of that some may get spiteful. Just keep going. And speak your thoughts out loud if you have no one to listen in real life, return to rationality

OP here I'm going to sleep. Sorry for pointless small talk and retarded ramblings

Yeah a lot of other anons have the same problem. I do that too, i create conversations scenarios in my head to prepare when someone tries to talk to me, even online.
So far, you just seem to be having a real hard time trying to express yourself, but i understand you just fine.

Do you feel like a part of what motivated you was not giving a fuck anymore?

Sometimes I feel so optimistic, be creative and ambitious but then I think more about whatever I got excited about and start to get overwhelmed at how much can fail and how likely the chance that everything I work for fails (given the past experience). I try to think more about the things I succceded at but theyre not as memorable, which I attribute to low self esteem.

It seems Im most happy is when I dont give a fuck about anything. But Im scared ill get more detached and just not care at all about my life.