when did r9k become the laughing stock of the internet?
When did r9k become the laughing stock of the internet?
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since 2016 I believe
>when did Jow Forums become the laughing stock of the internet?
there are around 3 boards on this website that haven't turned into normalfags thinking they're edgy because Jow Forums
When (we) got publicity
What boards are those?
NTA but I think Jow Forums /x/ and /pony/
only 4 days? lmao women are a Joke.
i know it took my first gf 2 months before we even started making out
after a 9 month Relationship that ended horrible
she met a Guy who is a big fuckboy apparelty, she smoked weed with him (Something she never wanted to do, the reason she broke up with her ex)
and also made out with him
i think this Just goes to Show how women
>are mostly just hoes on the Inside
>dont know what they want
>will do any and everything with someone who is chad enouht.
>redditors laughing at a larp thread
their retardation knows no limits, i love it
>Jow Forums
>not edgy with all the fat people hate threads
/po/ is the only board that stayed pure, change my mind
>pro tip, you can't
Incel tears is probably the worlds greatest evidence that self proclaimed "leftists" are sociopathic bullies clinging onto a nominally woke progressive cause (say... opposing misogyny) as a socially acceptable cover for malicious sadism. This is a subreddit that had to add "no encouraging suicide" as a rule who has members who actually think they're moral people. Since obviously making fun of people you believe are even worse than yourself makes you a moral person.
The person in the OP didn't even say he was "owed" sex. He was just in love with somebody and angry that she had so little feelings for him in return after investing all that effort. It doesn't matter though they just decided oh this is a pig headed misogynist so it's fine to make fun of him.
I truly hate people who make fun of vulnerable men. I'm getting stronger every day and I hope to one day crush them.
But seriously, bullying men is now socially acceptable which is retarded
when it became full of beta orbiters like the screenshot
It was always acceptable and always will be acceptable I just would get immense satisfaction from leaking the internet history of one of these inceltear's fucks because they're so shit on the inside they all have something to hide.
>le "you owe me sex for being nice" response
Half the time all we want is a date. Just to be given a chance. I know that's all I want anyways
Society has never been kind to vulnerable men, even the feminists who larp about deconstructing toxic masculinity and letting men have insecurities will go for the jugular with virgin/small penis comments the second they come across a man they don't like. I'm convinced it's just an inherent facet of nature.
Being angry at hypocrites who pick on the weak is also part of nature. Guess we're all acting out our parts.
If I ever get the chance to ruin the life of a user of that subreddit I will.
Problem is, human nature hasn't quite caught up with technology yet. Normalfags still have the instinct to drive out and destroy physically and socially weak men, and they fail to realize the incompatibility such a mentality has with the current world, or the inherent danger they risk upon themselves. It is now possible for the physically and socially weak to wield power capable of committing mass murder, or even, in a worst case scenario, a large scale catastrophe that harms thousands or even millions. It's why so many mass shootings happen, and yet people continue to shit on people in the very ways that they have seen drive someone to violence. We're not in the jungle anymore, and animal instinct is not beneficial or useful in most cases. People are going to get seriously hurt someday if they don't curb these outdated forms of social Darwinism.
Aw yes 2016 nostalgia I still remember how great this place was
wwenever youc unts went offf om thfuck ing froggy memes an fuckes started pouring in like awine as far si know shiti only ggot here bout fckibn yaer afgo
Jow Forums is literally just Jow Forums with bigger legs
*looks at my 30k karma*
y..yea when did this all happen?
>I am only friends with her for 2 years so I can maybe date her
Get rejected and own it like a man jesus.
Jow Forums has chicken legs
/out/ and /diy/ are pretty pure.
>I'm getting stronger every day and I hope to one day crush them.
Yea that's never going to happen incel.
You're a weak pussy and you always will be
>He was just in love with somebody and angry that she had so little feelings for him in return after investing all that effort.
So he felt he was owed romantic feelings because he was a decent friend to her?
This is what we mean by "owed sex". I've talked with close friends about sex plenty of times. You are not owed feelings because you "put in effort". You are not owed romance for being a friend in a way that feels or felt like a chore to you.
If it feels like a chore to be around someone, you're not even worth dating, you already see the other person as a burden.
lol perfect example of a "nice" guy. Only doing nice stuff in hopes of getting her pussy. That is pathetic.
People don't make fun of incels because they can't have sex, you sniveling little pussy. They make fun of them because they blame all women for the fact that they can't get laid, instead of accepting the fact that there are things they can control that affect their attractiveness, and there are things they cannot control, so if they were really interested in attracting women they would focus on the first, and ignore the second.
Instead of ever doing anything to solve their problems, incels would rather take the lazy, pathetic route of just throwing tantrums about it on the internet and lashing out at anyone around them.
You knew this though, and just like pretending to be a victim because you, and everyone like you are pathetic, tiny little creatures.
And from there you'll be demanding sex. Give you an inch and you'll take a mile.
If the things that make them unattractive are supposed to be ignored, why are you using little and pussy as an insult?
Whoever posted this on Reddit doesn't realize that most people here are self aware and the op of that post more than likely realized how ridiculous and stupid he was being
how do you know thats true?
>do all that for her
>fuck a guy literal days after breaking up
>brag to lonely friend about it
all that energy invested in her he deserved a date
maybe Jow Forums is the laughing stock of the internet because it's anonymous? you can share your most embarrassing secrets & ideas with literally zero consequences as opposed to reddit where you could literally get doxxed if you post something the majority doesn't agree with.
2016 reddit Invasion oreons
Not individually but the far-right is growing and growing. Your day will come you commie scum.
She decided not to date him, so apparently not.
>Not individually but the far-right is growing and growing. Your day will come you commie scum.
People moving away from the left doesn't mean they go to the Right incel
No, they really aren't. If you read the more messed up stuff, a lot of Jow Forums users are genuine creeps and cringelords.
somewhere after 2009 when people stop using it as /b/ light and it became "That feel when"
I think that's just humans in general, my brother broke up with a girl he was fucking because she believed in God and thought that was stupid, six months later he's dating a baptist girl as well as going to church with her every Sunday and is still with her 2 years later to date.
but its still a very big jerk move to brag about how you are obsessed with some normie you fucked the night before to who you know is into you
>do everything a bf would without the commitment
>be shocked they feel they owe you nothing
you want shit a certain way you got to be honest about it, OP likely had Boomer parents that fuck up in raising him creating a misconception that if you kowtow to people they will give you want you want when the reality is doing that just makes people expect it. "Nice guys finish last" is a meme for a reason.
>browsing web
>man expresses frustration about lack of sex and/or relationships
>screenshot that
>post it to a group dedicated to making fun of losers
>accuse him of believing he is "entitled" to sex/relationships
>next day
>see video online of kid getting bullied
>"This is disgusting. Why is it so difficult for some humans to treat others with respect?"
>phone rings
>it's my friend Jan, she's crying
>turns out a (((former))) friend of ours is a sexist creep
>he's known her for six months and now decides to ask her out
>said he "wanted to get to know her" first and "eventually developed feelings for her" but Jan is too smart for that shit, he was a typical "nice guy" trying to get into her pants by pretending to like her and be her friend
>delete him from social media, but not after getting screenshots so we can make fun of him for being entitled online
>comfort Jan by helping clean her house and buying her groceries and doing her taxes before her racially-gifted boyfriend arrives
>get home
>post more screenshots online and laugh at them with other tolerant people while affirming agreement with revolutionary "like" button and reporting non-tolerant comments until they are deleted and the commenter banned
>comfort Jan by helping clean her house and buying her groceries and doing her taxes before her racially-gifted boyfriend arrives
>before her racially-gifted boyfriend arrives
lmao at you lot getting sensitive, it's only ironic when you are the ones shitposting alright?
Play stupid games win stupid prizes. You brought this on yourselves.
>six months later he's dating a baptist girl as well as going to church with her every Sunday and is still with her 2 years later to date
Why is he doing that? Is it because she's hot than the previous girl?
>expecting a bluepill retard to have basic logic
You're being too optimistic, just ignore the cretin.
modest degree of kek
This is exactly why I will never have a female friend I am remotely attracted to. Women are bitches who don't feel any desire to reciprocate feelings towards someone in spite of effort on the part of that person.
Basically on average women are human garbage and should be treated as such.
Maybe it will teach you to stop being billy beta bucks for women, you retard.
I'm not you fucking faggot.
Oh no, that isn't r9k. That's just incel rage. It is being mocked as it rightly should.
>be nice to women
>honey women dont owe you sex
>be not nice to women
>honey women dont date sexists
why even bother with women
>. Your day will come you commie scum.
Never going to happen fag. I'm a conservative and i would bust your face open and rat you out to the police in a heartbeat. You belong in a cage you animal
>why even bother with women
unironically just be yourself dude, don't do anything for or to spite women
>being "nice"
No, that's not what you do. You have to fuck with people and make them respond to your fuckery in meaningful ways. Incels fall in love with high-tier women because these women fuck with them. In contrast the incel's ability to fuck with a women, much less anyone, is muted and impotent. They are ineffectual in all aspects of life.
After the redditfags from r/incels flooded in. Thought it'd be obvious.
but if you need to be something you aren't and dull your opinions on women, then why even bother? if a woman doesn't do anything to make herself worth my while then she doesn't deserve me
>but if you need to be something
you are already something on your own. If you aren't then you didn't have enough life experiences to shape you as a person. Move out, get a job, interact with people. It happens by yourself, you just have to SOMETHING
sadly women these days feel entitled to being lazy whores with no value other than an overused hole which makes a pee pee feel good. they need to be SOMETHING also
You keep obsessing about women which is your real problem. Just do something with your life for yourself and things will fall in their place.
Based. "Lmao just be yourself bro" is unironically the best advice I ever got. Too many people think that means people will just naturally like you for being you, which is complete bullshit. How you should really take it is being true to yourself so you aren't crushed later when you realize people only like you for fake arbitrary reasoning. Fucking nobody likes me, but I'd rather be alone and real than appeal to normies
i don't chase women
have you been reading what i have been saying, retard?
maybe learn to form a complex opinion instead of wasting my time spitting out boring dronelike platitudes
Literally all you've been talking about is
>"waaaaa why do I have to work hard for women?"
And now you're claiming you aren't when he pretty much just explained you don't have to
The Gospel according to Saint Matthew:
Chapter 5
1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain, and when he was set down, his disciples came unto him.
2 And opening his mouth, he taught them, saying:
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land.
5 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
6 Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill.
7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
8 Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God.
10 Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake:
12 Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you.
>explain that you have to work on yourself
>waah waaah women are lazy they also have to work on themselves
>not obsessed with women
>having a female friend
source for these claims?
Nothing lower then a snitch. Also fuck you and your conservative bullshit cause we got our wall
Society didnt change, it just put another mask.
The fittest still rule, and the pariahs suffer underneath.
About 100 years of established psychology and hundreds of years of literature and philosophy m8.
i work on myself, and women don't
the game is unbalanced and unfair, so i won't even bother. women are obsolete soon anyway, artificial wombs and robo gfs will replace them
to be honest I would be the same because men are thirsty fucks with no standards and you have your "nice guys" doing everything for you just to touch your pussy.
>Nothing lower then a snitch.
Nothing wrong with snitching on you faggot. You deserve it.
>Also fuck you and your conservative bullshit cause we got our wall
No you don't loser. You never will.
Enjoy jail incel.
i've been lonely for so long that I actually want people to like me for fake arbitrary reasoning
/hm/, /lgbt/, /s4s/
cittation needed