I wish a girl would just hug and pet the pain away
Gentle femdom : Sadness edition
Women don't like submissive guys, consider becoming gay
I thought about it,i just dont like guys,i cant do it
Get your porn the fuck off of this board.
I wish a girl would gently touch me when i feel so sad and hurt
Im sorry,i just want to post it,i can almost feel the love
Harsh femdom only
looking forward to the next Yamahata Rian story
I hate to break it to you OP but being hugged is not an act of female domination
Thats nice too i guess,but i really want a female to not hate me for being weak sometimes
It isnt?
Why dont girls ever do that then,why are they mean to me?
I love the butthurt in the comment section on panada under his works
I wanna be vulnerable sometimes too
I cant keep up the strong guy act for so long
I wish a caring woman would adopt me and take care of me and give me the childhood I never had so I can actually live life instead of merely coping with it, poorly.
>tfw no traditional gf who doms me inside of the bedroom
Women fucking despise the shit out of submissive men. Just become gay, start jacking off to actual men or something until you start liking it, I guess
Unironically take the pink pill, there's a ton of bi girls who hate men not being dominant masculine Chads but accept femininity and submissiveness in women.
>popping titty skittles will make you a woman
This is the stupidest meme.
It does make a woman in some bi women's eyes and that's what matters. If you can pass you really are better off being seen as a woman than as a man.
>It does make a woman in some bi women's eyes and that's what matters.
It really isn't. Living to please other people will only end in frustration and dissatisfaction. You have to find someone who accepts you for who are you.
>You have to find someone who accepts you for who are you
This is the real world you bluepilled moron
I wish my brain was normal and it was attracted to normal things
I think just generally speaking bi girls are a good idea if you are genuinely submissive.