Why are so many posters here so fucking stupid?

It seems that regardless of the topic at hand, a large number of posters in any given thread are actually retarded. They hold contradictory and plainly wrong views, and when told otherwise or shown irrefutable proof, they sperg out and spout non-arguments and accuse your proof of being a logical fallacy or something.
Why does this board draw in so many fucking idiots? It's not a site wide thing either, because while every board has its idiots, there are more intelligent posters among them that usually drown them out. In this place, the retards drown out the intelligent voices.

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Who cares? Why do you care. Go somewhere else

No, I want to know the cause. Is it the summerfags? The gays? Jow Forums? Xanax or something? In any case, they argue against known fact in certain fields by screaming like a dipshit and insisting that the whole world but them is wrong.

>Jow Forums?
Found your problem. Absolutely seething shitskin/plebbitor/lefty.

Example of a known fact in a certain field that posters scream at?

Shut the fuck up please, and die.

>They hold contradictory and plainly wrong views
Extrapolate. Do you just mean worldviews that you were raised to believe are "evil"?
>accuse your proof of being a logical fallacy or something.
Maybe you should come up with actual proof and not logical fallacies then

heh, looks like you need to be taught a lesson or two about what goes on in Jow Forums

first, dont post tranny porn it makes me want to transition

second, stop being such a pussy. ur making me cringe

third, dont make posts with no greentext. posts with no greentext are boring

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That applies to the whole of the internet, not just this site!

Why do most posters here want to be normies so bad?
Why do most people here want to conform to society so bad?

No, I mean concrete things.
>user claims the sky is orange
>tell user that it's blue
>user demands proof, he also refuses to look at the sky
>no problem, show user scientific proof the sky is blue
>user calls this proof a logical fallacy because it's an appeal to authority (the proof is authority to user)
I mean, I'm talking about people who probably should have been thrown off a bridge as children lest they shit up the gene pool further.
It's not any one thing, I've simply noticed an alarming tendency for posters to act extremely irrationally now. It wasn't always like this, was it? I remember just a few years ago that we still could have proper discussions. Now this place is a tranny filled shithole. Did everyone else just leave after that clash with the mods and I didn't get the memo? I've been checking Jow Forums on some other chans and it seems a lot like this place used to be. Did everyone go there?

So it's just failed normies, not actual robots anymore? I guessed as much, but it still hurts to hear it said.

Neat, a C-47 Dakota

Virgins will often hold very stupid opinions because it makes them feel good

Fair enough, but you still haven't described what you mean by wrong world views. I highly doubt we're talking about scientific arguments here.

A lot of the time the "well known fact" is in fact a completely untrue meme.

That's clearly not a c-47 you dumb nigger

Ever since incels invaded we just have people who have never been with a girl talking shit and blogging about their loneliness, and that loneliness makes their brains go insane about any subject. You could show them any obvious fact and they will try to argue against it for no reason

You keep saying shit like "obvious facts" but why the fuck should you expect everyone to agree with you on what is and isn't true? If it is so well known, why would they contest it?

They like to argue just to pass the time. Like the fact that electricity exists

It's not always scientific, but my basic point is that they refuse to accept any explanation but their own, even if they're outright contradicting themselves at points they refuse to even consider the other side and will go on committing many of the same logical fallacies they accuse their opponents of.
Maybe it's just the hours, I don't know. I have been browsing rather sporadically. But it often seems like there aren't many here that could be rational anymore like there used to be. Holding unorthodox or unpopular views doesn't mean abandoning rationality and logic, in fact it's to one's benefit to utilize them in such a case, but it seems most don't anymore.

I mean I don't disagree with you, but personally I always found that the people acting the way you describe are the ones with normal, socially acceptable ideas and whatnot, incapable of entertaining even the possibility of new ideas.

There are gay guys who wont listen to new ideas too

Yeah not gonna lie I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

is there... is there fembots in the other r9ks?

Describe for me something you think is an irrefutable fact that is argued about on here. Hit me with your best shot.

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This entire board is based on the premise that failure is someone else's fault, without exception.
There is nothing logical about this shithole; it is the online equivalent of sulking in the corner when your friends get tired of you being a dickhead, but continued ad infinitum.
Combine that with the constant stream of depraved, disgusting shit happening in our diseased corpse of a world order and you get a group of people who have no will to improve and fight, but enough will to type angrily without thought.

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Failure can be the fault of others, even if it upsets you to hear people complain. There's nothing to fight for and nothing to improve with in this world, least of all for a loser.

quit projecting

>Failure can be the fault of others
No shit, but not all failures are everyone else's fault.
>There's nothing to fight for and nothing to improve with in this world
Yes there is, especially if you're white in this day and age
>least of all for a loser.
Pic related, Hitler was a fucking loser as were many members of his regime, yet he brought Germany to a level of prosperity to which it has still not returned and likely never will, and if there had been more losers like him in America and Britain then the world could have avoided the dark age it is falling into now.

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kids and brainlets. I noticed on Jow Forums and Jow Forums that posters from non-english countries are generally smarter than posters from english speaking one. Some kid or sub90 iq brainlet in poland or russia can't just post his retarded opinion and shitpost here in general because he doesn't know the language, while english speaking toddlers can have fun here

No. There are no femwojaks and other assorted bait there. If there are females on the other chans, they don't make it known (as it should be), and I doubt they would hang out on Jow Forums.
Make of that what you will.

That sounds more like you describe your own attitude.

Are you sure that this is the truth? I've seen so many people act and say shit like OP and be oblivious to the fact that they were doing all of those things.

>you're projecting
is the Jow Forums equivalent of
>you're racist
prove me wrong

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The west is fucking dead and hitler would kill me anyway for being a loser degenerate jew. I'm not on anyones side, because no one is on my side.

Says the absolutely seething Jow Forumstard
Pull a 360 and head back to your containment board retard. You're obviously a reddit immigrant because its only redditors that think reddit is an insult. You're just a post-moot 2016 election immigrant.

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there's many actual spergs and Jow Forumstards here

>Public schooling
>Lack of social life
>No hobbies or books to learn from

95.5 average IQ Californian