Don't trust anyone, robots

Don't trust anyone, robots.

especially not your longtime gf/wife, should you ever have one. It will only get you hurt.

If I learned one thing, it's that

>Trust is good, control is better

is always true

Attached: messagesofacheater.png (1786x3050, 943K)

you two really need to communicate more and you need to quit getting an insecure bitch

being a controlling abusive untrustworthy cunt isn't the way to go either
fucking dumb uncommunicative couples

She cheated on him, he didn't do anything wrong you stupid fucking roastbeef.

What are you even going on about? Okay user

>women really actually unironically seriously genuinely literally truly unashamedly think like this

Just do it already jesus christ you're in every thread

>need to communicate more
We were talking about literally anything until she started cheating. What gives you the idea we didn't?

>being controlling
I wasn't. If I just once had checked her messages, I might have even prevented it.

Whore on damage control detected

>you two really need to communicate more
Yeah, he should call her up while she's fucking the other guy so he can cheer on her.

she a ho but judging from ur messages
ur effeminate and clingy

>We were talking about literally anything until she started cheating.
even her needs nigger? wtf she wouldn't be cheating if she felt as though her needs were being met.
>What gives you the idea we didn't?
she cheated.

bro, it's not even your fault. women are trash, but you gotta put this in perspective: why trust or even want to control trash? if trash is just trash, let it be trash.

i still cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone here is even attempting relationships or anything like that. let women be garbage tier humans. fuck them, but don't even bother with relationships. it's not worth it.

She didn't care enough about this relationship otherwise she would have actually fucking communicated with OP.
Just disappear like a ghost user, remove all contact and be a g about it, she ain't the one for you if she cheats.

Bump to remind people that all women are cheating, unfaithful whores.

Similar thing happened to me. On the night she cheated on me, she wrote me messages like "I love you.", "I miss you" and hearts. It's so stupid.

why is she writing you good night in german

Take a robot out with just a stun gun, it will fry everything!

>bro, it's not even your fault. women are trash, but you gotta put this in perspective: why trust or even want to control trash? if trash is just trash, let it be trash
>why trust or even want to control trash? if trash is just trash, let it be trash
Words of fucking wisdom

>judging from ur messages
do you have a mental disability?

>even her needs nigger
I was neglecting her a bit for a short time, and she basically instantly took the next guy who showed some interest and didn't tell me shit. I tried talking a lot of times about what might bug her, but she just told me excuses.

But man, after years of being together and everything, I can't get mad on her for a week, without her cheating? I thought it's normal that some couples may have harder times inbetween. And it was really a rather short time.

>attempting relationships
because the alternative sucks as well, you can't deny that.

>She didn't care enough
I guess that must be true. I don't understand why woman can't break up before.

>Just disappear like a ghost user
I try. But it's still hard for me. After all I really loved this person, she was my best friend and I really miss this. But I know there can't be any going back to any form of friendship. That hurts.

>she wrote me messages like "I love you.", "I miss you"
I feel with you. Around the time she also wrote me this actually. Fucking whores are all the same apparently.

I would like to know how it turned out for you? Do you still have contact? How long until you could deal with this?

she was learning it

just post her nudes on Jow Forums and cut her off

I don't think the right approach is to go after control next time around. I feel like the cheating whores win if you go down that road. I mean I'm sure you can't avoid this effecting your next relationship but don't let it turn you into an asshole

Faggot he should just post the nudes wothout chopping out the head

user post her personal information and we will make her life a living hell

I was thinking if I should delete them. It's good stuff tho. But also... idk... it hurts when seeing it.

Also, unlike her I can be trusted, so I won't share her nudes.

I could really easy destroy her life this way, it's pretty hc stuff in it after all. I think she would probably kill herself if I do that.

I kinda agree. But when she started writing with him, I sensed that something seems off.
Next time I feel like that, and she doesn't tell me shit or just stuff that sounds like excuses, I don't think I will be able to not check.

>she would kill herself
Do it user give us her information

I cant. However that makes me remember that she was also the type who likes doxxing people or enjoys people being doxxed. I guess that should have given it away, that she might not be a good person.

Also her new bf and the guy she cheated me with is a dumb neckbeard who also has some nudes. I wouldnt be surprised if he posts/shares them somewhere or gets hacked.

>Married college sweetheart
>Flash forward 8 years
>Her phone rings and her ex from 8 fucking years ago appears on the screen
>Confront her
>"Sorry user, I just have real problems letting go."
>She takes out a knife, implying she'll cut herself, but I am so sick with anger and heartbreak I leave

She ended up calling an ambulance for herself and carving I'M SORRY into our dining table. That was 4 years ago. I'm 34 now and haven't been able to look at a woman without a varying levels of disgust since.

Attached: skull officer.png (540x960, 665K)

Knowing warning signs isn't the same as being controlling, it's how you respond to them. Good luck anyway.

Wow. What a fucking bitch. Is she together with him again? How did you cope with that and did you find someone new?

I also feel tremendous disgust when I think about her now.

>carving I'M SORRY into our dining table
Women are so retarded and dramatic
Why the fuck would you ruin a dining table by carving that bullshit in it when she could've just left a post-it note or even sent a text?
Pic related, why the fuck would she yak on the carpet when there's tile floor RIGHT BEHIND HER

Attached: 92CA46E1-CDB4-488C-86A8-64E8A6AE027D.png (500x653, 354K)

Thanks user

Oh. I just see I read "that women" instead of "a woman", so ignore the second question.

She was with him for several months and then they split. Last I heard of her she was with an abusive boyfriend and they were both jobless (fell for the tough guy meme). We have a mutual friend who was telling me all this, but I decided that I didn't want to hear any more. I've learned that I can't be responsible for someone else's happiness. Getting the divorce finalized was like getting a pile of stones lifted off my chest.

>I try. But it's still hard for me. After all I really loved this person, she was my best friend and I really miss this. But I know there can't be any going back to any form of friendship. That hurts.
Of course it's hard but the only thing you can do is move on and appear strong, don't show any form of weakness or she will just justify her own actions of dating a "weak" man.
You need to also focus on yourself too, maybe you caused her to act out like that, examine yourself and what you did is very important to avoid such mistakes in the future, but don't ask about any short of mistakes you did, be quiet don't show any affection or wanting her back.
She stabbed you in the back, don't forget that even if she will try to get back with you (which sometimes happens) do not take her back otherwise you really are a weak man.

Why is she talking in the last screen german

>do you have a mental disability?
>"Why are you never answering?"
>gay emoji spam
>"Oh ok"
do you have a vagina?

>has the opportunity to make a cheating hole kill herself
>doesn't do it

where did your parents fail?

>ur effeminate and clingy
>from "Why are you never answering," joke emojis, and "oh ok"
The "philosopher roastie" on display, gentlemen

Attached: 41948209381.jpg (550x467, 57K)

I would say she deserves that. Good luck in your future, user.

>don't show any form of weakness
I know, but I already did, and I really feel bad that I did it. I told her how what she did hurt me, and I was very emotional. Really regret it now. However, I don't fool myself, I am a weak man.

>examine yourself and what you did
>avoid such mistakes in the future
I am really trying to do that right now.

>don't forget that even if she will try to get back with you
She said she never lost her "feelings" for me and still has feelings for me. But I don't think she will ever want to come back. Also I don't see any way this could work, even if I really wanted to.

>otherwise you really are a weak man
But I am, user.
But I still won't take her back.

They tried to raised me to be a good person, much better than themselves. Only in the recent years I noticed they should have been more honest about how the world really works.

He must be a troll, or just pretty dumb.

>>She takes out a knife, implying she'll cut herself, but I am so sick with anger and heartbreak I leave
what an edgelord

now that you see how it works you should totally shove it down your ex's throat and leak all the stuff you have about her etc. You alone could help to make this world a better place

>I am such a poor judge of character as to enter into a relationship with someone who'd cheat, therefore ALL of you are.

why don't you just stop dating whores user?

Attached: 1548796294169.jpg (1024x577, 70K)

>I know, but I already did, and I really feel bad that I did it. I told her how what she did hurt me, and I was very emotional. Really regret it now. However, I don't fool myself, I am a weak man.
You know but you already did it, time to ghost her and not even talk a word with her..
I think it's time to look at areas to self improve on yourself since you think you are a weak man, not sure what you need to improve, but observe yourself properly and see what you need to improve about you, turn yourself into a better man than you were before this relationship.

opee isnt gonna accept hes a retard and is showing classic signs of denial in this thread

but im not gonna solve this idiots problems for him he can get rekt when the next gf cheats on him for all i care LOL

How the fuck would you know that someone would be going to cheat in the future? Please enlighten me.

I fully agree with that. It's time to better myself

are you dealing with a women?
y: she will cheat
n: you don't care

kek, this guy knows what's up with the roasties.