Tfw you will never live in communist dystopia china and have a cute cop trying to arrest you because she wants your...

>tfw you will never live in communist dystopia china and have a cute cop trying to arrest you because she wants your attention

its not fair bros

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Noooooo, fuck you, you trying to get me hooked on chink films?? Now I HAVE to watch this.

Dammit, I fucking wish I knew Mandarin so badly.

fuck you, OP. I didn't want those feels

That was cuter than expected. I thought it would be more yandere, but liked how it is. Afraid watching these can lead to bluepillment overdose, though.

I felt my heart being ripped out at 10:16

am I a faggot for watching korean dramas which include cute romantic shit?

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>watching korean dramas which include cute romantic shit?
see user thats where your problem lies. the dramas make you a fag but doing anything involving koreans make you a turbofag. We should nuke both koreas and nothing of value would be lost. yes

why do you hate korea so?

North Korea is the only good Korea t b h

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my heart is in orbit, this is so cute.

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I'll watch your shitty chinese romatic comedy


Remember lads: the more appealing the fantasy, the harsher the reality.

actual police officer here,
most girls here at the academy are roasties!

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Don't care, there's a cute, innocent maiden out there, I know that.

I would like this if I didn't hate the communist dictatorship known as China try to take over the world. This isn't cute these will be our new slave drivers

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How is China communist exactly?
They're not culturally left wing, they're not economically left wing and they certainly aren't anarchist in the slightest.
The only thing that makes them communist is the name. But what people call themselves never was indicative of what they actually believed in. Rand, calling herself Objectivist, was not objective in the slightest. Hitler's national socialism wasn't very socialist at all, if you recall how he funded his endeavors through privatization.

The Chinese are hypercapitalist fascists, basically they're pinochetists.

>communism doesnt work (again)
i-it wasnt real communism
>communism in china turns out to be a dystopian hellscape
i-its a-actually fascism y-you know

every time

tell me how china is communist beyond the name, which I have shown to not matter

That's a fucking retarded premise but why does it arouse me so much.

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Its not. Its the result of an attempt at communism. Every time communism has been attempted a corrupt shitlord has taken the mantle of power and turned it into a dystopian totalitarian state. The anarcho argument wont work either because at this point in time you would need a governing body to assure the promises of communism. This body, like any position of total power in any system at all, will without fail be corrupted.

Have we ever seen an attempt a communism that wasn't subverted by capitalist interests? I don't think so. China IS not communist.

Yes very faggy


The ultimate fantasy for men is being pursued by a woman who desires them.

If you're not gay or bi, you'll basically never experience this as a man, you're the one who will do the chasing in every relationship, all the while wondering if she's even really that into you or if she's just accepting your gamesmanship. Nobody will ever make an effort to show you that you're desired.

Damn, well that's exactly it, isn't it. And she's a tall dominant woman in the movie, nonetheless. My dick is prepared for launch.

But they're shown eating at the beginning of the trailer. Way to ruin my suspension of disbelief.

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Why. Why do you continue to torture me with feels I don't deserve to feel. Why do these feeling make me post edgy shit?

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fucking based user kun

>The ultimate fantasy for men is being pursued by a woman who desires them.
special thanks to traditional gender roles for ruining me like that

Never ever robots

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Yeah, because just as i said, every time it is ever attempted, it has, and always will be, commandeered by corrupt people. Corrupt people benefit most under far right capitalism where corporations back them up, instead of typical lassez-faire capitalism. Hence the state of china. Capitalism for the upper class, communism for the working class.
Ahh the USSR, the best country ever. I hear kazakhstan did really well under the USSR. Ukraine too.
Fucking kek

>far right capitalism where corporations back them up, instead of typical lassez-faire capitalism
what am I reading here?
Is that "real communism has never been tried", but for capitalism?

No im stating that corporatistic capitalism im which corporations are backed by the state and vice versa are easier to gain from if you're corrupt, while lassez-faire, in which the government and economy are seperate and the economy self regulates with minimal government interference (save for checking that food is safe and such) is not as easy to gain from.
Its why every corrupt government ever has been far right corporatistic capitalism rather than lassez-faire, better for corrupt fuckfaces.

I hate this fucking "visual metaphor" meme so much. Zoomers are scum.

But then it reaches a point where the corporations take interest in changing policy to benefit them and they get powerful enough (read: accumulate enough money) to do so.
Then this devolves into your "corporatistic capitalism". It's inevitable.
It's literally "real capitalism hasn't been tried"

calm down, old man

Thats not my argument whatsoever. Not only that but under lassez-faire capitalism that cant happen because the economy and the government are entirely seperate. Corporations have no power in the government, and the only power the government has in corporations is making sure they follow laws. The two cant intermingle. That was the entire reason it was thought up, since people didnt want corporatistic capitalism, but didnt want anarchy either.
Im saying "capitalism comes in more than 1 form and 1 form is shitter than another".

No you stop fucking ruining perfectly good hentai by putting stupid words on it that only apply to you, you narcissistic self-serving fuck. Your whole generation was born sucking off social media. You aren't even individuals anymore.

Why can't a corporation say "hey, could make laws that hurt our competition, we'll donate this much money to your party, if you do", even if your magical fantasy capitalism?
What's stopping policy makers to move away from that model in the first place?

a boo boo ba ba old man
back to the hospice with you

Not that user but
>magical fantasy capitalism
LUL sounds like "muh true communism"

>LUL sounds like "muh true communism"
Yes, that is what I am saying.
It's exactly the same way a communist defends his ideology in the face of the atrocities of the 20th century.

Yeah i was giving what the ideology is supposed to be so it was a proper comparison.
That does happen, and honestly i think it wont change unless most people say "hey lobbying is shit and we should make it illegal" but every politician ever lobbies so it'll be hard to do.
Theoretically if it was made illegal to accept donations from any company or anyone associated with a company that would be less of an issue. It would be a bit of a nightmare trying to fill all the loopholes legally, but i think it would be doable. People just need to realize its shitty and a threat to our democracy.

>thread went from feels to political debate
God fucking dammit

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>our democracy
Democracy is a spook, it's clear as day.

What do you expect?
Someone called china a communist dystopa when its a capitalist dystopia and now people wanna slap fight over which is better not realizing our existance is a dystopia because we are born from chaos and will die in chaos living a meager shitty life no matter what where or how we live.

Lol I'm gay and never showed any interest in women but have had 3 instances where tbey started flirting with me and two really wanted sex.

because their culture now is full on insect. subhumans who should be wiped off this earth. all the shiftiness of chinks and ripping off the fucking japs.
fuck you nuke 'em both so the world can be fucking rid of them shits

why do you care so?

I'm going to need you to turn in your user card and leave Jow Forums. Thank you.

instant bone

calm yourself before your bloodpressure spikes up again, geezer

Did they go from making sick kung fu movies to lesbian gay shit?

Fuck you, I thought she was taller.

What an absolute let-down of a movie.

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