Any ways to get fat quick?

I'm 6ft 145lbs and find it so hard to gain weight. Are there any ways to accelerate my gaining or at least steady? My goal is 300lbs+

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Become a software engineer

Chocolate is your friend

Pizza Hut is next level bad for you. Whatever they do to that stuff just packs on pounds more than any other fast food out there, so I recommend that.

Source: me a man who proabably have a heart attack before 40

Any specific pizzas, toppings, or extras

Extra pepperoni, cheese and stuffed crust. It's like eating pure lard.

Soda. Never realized how much it puts on until I quit drinking it and almost immediately lost 30 pounds.
Source: Dude trust me

M or F? Hormones can help.

Eat refined sugar straight from the bag

Eat lot's of carbs and sugar and eat consistantly throughout the day

I used to think i couldn't get fat either until is started taking meds

A better question is, why?

Where abouts do you live bay?

youre just likely not eating as much as you think you are despite trying to grow. whats your diet like? also eat nutrient/calorie dense shit. it doesnt have to just be junk food but that is a cheap/easy option

just drink melted butter for every meal.

In Slovakia

Gallon of Milk a Day
Ask Jow Forums too

My experience: Drink alcohol everyday until pleased with results. Works faster for smaller people.

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Just blend junk food and drink it

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I'm a 5 foot 8 boy weighing 119 lbs and have been struggling to put on weight cleanly for years
>just eat junk food every day!
No, I don't want a heart attack before even reaching middle age

Here's some encouragement

Good luck OP!

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>stuffing myself with food really turns me on
That must be suffering for her, then. There's no way anyone could ever reach that pussy.
Which is definitely for the best.

>There's no way anyone could ever reach that pussy.
You're smalltime. Her body spawns new improvised pussies inbetween her folds.

I think those are just bed sores.

You know what prevents bedfolds? Rhythmic motions.

*bedsores, fug >DDDD

Weight gain shakes unironically work. Just look up any recipe.

This is unironically my fetish

Anyone with tips on erotica please tell me