Be me, autistic virgin retard

>be me, autistic virgin retard
>invited to a protestant church by christian friend
>ge there, sit through and listen
>don't care much for the faith, break starts
>people start talking to me and introducing me to others
>they are very friendly to me wtf?
>get introduced to a blonde blue eyes cutie with a headscarf and a long beautiful skirt
>actually talk to her because not many young men there to cuck me
>she's was warm and friendly and amazing person to talk to, lots of common to talk about
>leave with a good feeling

Is this the trad lifestyle Jow Forums talks about? Fuck that life sounds alluring, makes me wanna spit on every scantily-clad, makeup overusing whore I see after seeing the girls in that place, god help me

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Martin Luther was a turbocuck

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This. OP you don't know anything until you've been in a catholic church.

is there a sense of community in a catholic church? seems like you just show up to a mass that lasts an hour and that's it, can you meet and talk to people there?

You are doing church wrong, you should give your heart to Jesus, God and the holy ghost and not run after qts. But Maybe God is working with you. I suggest you should pray and be open to what the holy ghost tells you. God will guide you if you open your heart.

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I believe in god passively since my mother's side family is christian, but the talk around it doesn't really impact me

/someone else
If you're interested about religion you should take your time and explore your options. Go to catholic, or protestant or even weirder types of churches and have a taste.
There doesn't appear to be "the one true answer" to believe. Some take it more literally (for instance jehovas whitness, the amish) and some take a certain percentage of it and apply it. Make no mistake to believe that catholics are closer to "the pure believes" because they've got nice churches and so on. As a matter of fact protestants exist because the catholics were recklessly making up shit in order to troll everyone and for personal gain. Nowadays protestants are more liberal in their views then catholics which is why many Jow Forums posters don't like them (besides not being noteably religious themselves).
TLDR; Try different things, go to what feels best for you. We all pray to the same god so it doesn't really matter where you end up.

>break halfway in where you have to talk to people
Boy I hated church but at least growing up Catholic I got to miss that normie shit

>Reading the bible is turbocucked
Luther's crime was not blindly submitting to the authority of men over the word of God.

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you don't have to talk to people if you don't want to you autistic tard, seems like catholic church where you just want it over as quickly as possible is the best fit for you huh?

You can't do that fren, you must believe passionately or abandon the project entirely. You should start finding God and doing spiritual exercise like penance and praying the rosary, look online on how to do it- there are also nice apps on play store that you can use, to increase the strength of your faith.

Why do you hate the Church?

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The problem with Luther is he ignores church development, the church fathers and the saints, and so on, and takes such an abhorrently aggressive stance against his brothers in faith. His doctrine would basically damn 1300 years worth of Christians =/

Catholics are even worse. Those faggots accepted bribes as forgiveness for crimes and still does stupid shit. To hell with catholics.

I went to two churches: they were all full of families, ex drug addicts/criminals, none with a sense of humor or a piece of critical thinking, and to top it all: all young girls were married/with boyfriend they were like 15.

I dont know were this magical churches everyones talking about, were theres a good community with single pure girls, but I would become the pillar of the community if I could find it.

>want it over as quickly as possible
That's exactly what I wanted lmao.

Why do you hate the Church?
I don't hate THE church I hated going to church because it was fucking boring. Although I still am not the biggest fan of Catholicism. I come from a very Catholic family that has been forcing it down my throat since I was born. If I ever have kids I am never teaching them this shit. No kid should grow up fearing hell and eternal torture and then get told fucking even thinking bad thoughts is a sin. I was partially brainwashed in my opinion.

>Those faggots accepted bribes as forgiveness for crimes and still does stupid shit.

U wot m8?

Joining a church won't guarantee you anything and you will likely meet a similar fate to many other men. You underestimate the true state of society's rot.

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Threadly reminder that God is real, God is alive, God is everywhere, and God is all-powerul. God made this day, God made your soul, and God gave you life because He loves you.

>rabbis are evil and corrupted religion, oh but don't worry this church are the good guys totally just have blind faith in them they know best after all ;)

how the fuck does one have 17 friends??

What was God's will here?

OP here, god helped me make this thread to christpill incels

The true trad lifestyle is that of a norse pagan
Become a gigachad worshipping the gods only in big ass feasts getting fucking kronked on mead, settling down with a girl ans having a child, and like the massive chad you are you make their last name patryonimic so since your name is (for example) erik, your sons last name is eriksson, reminding everyone what gigachads loins he came from.
Also true family lifestyle. Fuck patriarchal families, gods dont give a damn, both mother and father are chads.
Imagine being the child. From a young age you're raised to be the smartest, strongest, most honorable person you can be. Spending time every midsummer, freyfaxi, yule, with your dad and his gigachad pagan friends around a fire celebrating, and since its a recognized religion you can legally get kronked on mead with them just like how catcholics can drink wine.
That one dude redpilled me, pagan trad is chad trad. Why would you raise your son to be a bitch and be on his knees for another man instead of teaching him to treat the literal gods as if they were close friends?
Churchfags are pic related.

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We are all gods. That means that we all have free will, but there will come a day when all things done in secret will be brought in the open, and all other extremes will be absolved as justice is done.

Most churchgoers in the US don't care about God, Jesus, and the message of love preached by Christ himself. It's all about the tribe. People go to church, they know that they are part of that church and that's a central part of their identity. Fuck everyone else. This is why most Americans have the mindset of "fuck everyone who isn't 99% like me" even though that's clearly the opposite of Christian gospel. Americans love war, hating non-Christians, hating poor people, hating anyone with a 1% difference in lifestyle. Baptists are by far the worst offenders.

I tried this in my mid twenties. Went a few dates with a girl I met at the church. It was the first time either of us had dated. At the end of the 2nd date she says she would just like to remain friends and that she "was only using me as practice." I then stopped going to church entirely.

to relay a message to all godless gooks that they either bend the knee or get buttblasted, very based in my opinion

>Americans love war
yeah americans are totally the first christians that loved war.

She didn't see you as a human being. Classic Christian behavior and mindset.

Right, but how do you tell people every Sunday, "YOU FUCKING SINNERS, YOU'RE WORSE THAN THE GAYS"

So what about things like Alzheimer's, schizophrenia and other forms of mental illness or brain damage that severely limit/outright destroy any free will we have?

This board is THE evidence that either god doesnt exists or he is the biggest asshole in existence.

Why would you go to a church that denies the fourth person of the christian godhead, god: the Secretary General of the National Command of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, who miraculously rose from the dead in 2015 like Jesus?

What you crave is a sense of justice in the world. If you confess your sins to Jesus Christ and repent, you will be forgiven. Then, He will send the Holy Spirit to be your counselor, and you may ask the Father for anything yourself, and it will be given to you.
Everyone has this power, and justice is done in either accepting this message or rejecting it.
God's strength is shown through our weakness.

So can I kill myself then?

>this faggot again
Your bait is so shit tier i physically need to shit every time i see it.
>alzheimers is gods strength
The absolute state of churchfags
Why are you such a buttblasted billy? Fucking christ buster.

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I go to a catholic church. The small one's have a great community.

Protestants believe you can be a huge cunt, but as long as you go to church and say a few prayers, you can get into heaven. What a joke of a religion.

>implying those pure communities would not be ravaged leaving you with left overs
come on

Agreed, protestants are cunt infidels. Better burn them.

>God is alive
how do you know? jews have nukes these days, imagine what damage they can do to jesus.

When the Holy Spirit is within you, you can never die.
I would conclude that many of these cases of physical deterioration must come from the longstanding self-perception of a life unfulfilled.

I know because He answers my prayers.

To be honest they did the right thing, if you believe catholic doctrines I think you will understand why they are on about it. Besides living a catholic live generally is a way of living a good life. Don't you think so?

There is a reason we won over you though,

Nope, you can have free will and not be a God. Even a dog has some free will it doesn't make him a God.

Why did you leave church though?

To be honest, very few people have it since birth, you have time to make up your mind before you get those disease. Also if you are so severely limited that for example you can't distinguish your right hand from your left hand, you will probably go to heaven or at worst purgatory.

Great, I'm going to anhero this coming decade.

>There is a reason we won over you though,
and now they're protestants. There's a reason they won.

I dont want forgiveness, because I didnt did wrong in this world that I didnt fix or was grave enough to affect someone other that myself, neither I want explanations, because acts can speak for themselves.

If theres a being that watches the shit that happens in the world, with the power to fix it, and he doesnt because some higher lesson bullshit, I rather burn in Hell.
Only a sociopath does nothing, and only a tyrant judges people based in if they worshiped him or not.

>When the Holy Spirit is within you, you can never die.
Where was the holy spirit when god died for your sins?

>you can have free will and not be a God
Not what I said. Gods have free will. Other things may have it. Learn set theory.
In the temple
>I have never done anything wrong

>a reason we "won"
Taking 200 years to convert people despite having 2 kings under papal control isnt a win. They killed people who spoke out against the church and bribed the kings. It STILL took 200 years. Not to mention how like half the modern holidays are pagan anyways. The eggs hunts of easter are pagan (eostre), the thanksgiving feasts are pagan (freyfaxi) and the christmas celebrations are pagan (yule)
Not to mention its been making a comeback
Also they refused to fight the papacy because they knew the gods would see their actions as right
If you have to forcefully convert by bribery and murder is it really a "win"? Especially if the "loser" is making a comeback while the "winners" are the only major religion thats shrinking.
Idk man, seems a bit more than just winning or losing.

Whenever I read "in 5-10" years in a news report, I read that as in 100 years

>Maybe God is working with you.
"Yes, come my child, I shall lead you to salvation through thy boner."

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Well jesus enticed the disciples with fame and power, so why not qts?

>We are all gods.
I hate it when I read stuff like this. It flares up my paranoia like fucking crazy. I fucking hate you. We are not gods, we are normal people. God and spirits and conspiracies don't exist you fucking shitstain.

I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
Psalm 82:6

Fucking indulgences. Criminals and nobles paid their way in 15-16th age to get rid of black spots after doing tons of shit, and catholic churches liked indulgences before protestants started giving a shit about it. You did crime or something really shitty, you deserve punishment as reward.
Another thing worth pointing out is catholic church is in fucking stagnation and doesn't develop properly. They are bunch of overly traditional idiots with overly fancy churches and pretty looks, but they are full of shit and are even worse than protestants, They teach you to be holy, about traditions, to follow god, but unlike protestants, they don't teach you how to develop wider worldview, don't teach you to understand things properly, it's all narrow minded worship of traditions and being god's servants bullshit, even though lots of their traditions and views are doubtful and hypocritical.

>hey teach you to be holy, about traditions, to follow god,
>but unlike protestants, they don't teach you how to develop wider worldview,

the 2 sound at odds user and "protestantism" sounds like pozzed gay faggot modern bullshit

can you confirm?

so then so now: marry some used up roastie with two kids from two other dads