Is it true that Generation Z treat ass-play so casually that sisters let their brothers eat them out?
Is it true that Generation Z treat ass-play so casually that sisters let their brothers eat them out?
yea I just woke my sister up by eating her asshole this morning
yea all gen z girls are getting their butts eaten by their big bros
i dont have a sister, am not gen z, but ive been with younger girls in the past and ass play is pretty standard desu
By the pope, what has this country become
It is 2019, people like to make their butts feel good. Get over it grandpa
Sure it might not be common, but odds are someone on this bord actually has licked his sisters turdcutter
I want to be a teenager with a cute and lewd sister.
Its sad I will never get to fulfill my incest fantasies.
>muh [current year]! [Moral abomination] is fine now!
Jesus christ you people are so far disconnected from reality its ridiculous
Explain why it is a "moral abomination" and you can't use the word "degeneracy"... go
Shut the fuck up nobody does that unless of course they grew up in foster care and lived in a fucking trailer park
wtf i wanna be a zoomer now!
When all you do is watch porn and browse Jow Forums what do you expect?
It's too late for them
Are you kidding? White people in "nice", respectable communities commit more incest than anyone
Tell me what 1 + 1 equals and you can't use the number 2... go
I eat hooker ass and there's nothing stopping me. Never got pink eye and throat cancer from eating ass will be a good way to go.
Jow Forumstards truly are the dumbest faggots on this board
Enjoy your dormant syphilis
two people who love each other making each other feel good is literally a bad thing.
I don't get why people want to eat ass anyway...
When I appreciate a nice ass, it's about the cheeks aka the meat, not her fucking shithole