Has a girl ever asked you out, r9k?
Has a girl ever asked you out, r9k?
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no. but your mother spread her legs out for me.
Yes what is her @ though
Nope, not once in my entire life.
50% chance her entire face is not that cute
girls don't ask you out unless they are female chads
Nope. And probably never will.
yes, a couple of times actually but mostly when i wasn't the awkward anxious mess i am now
No. In fact, the only time i've even been complemented by a girl was back in highschool when they call me smart so I'll do their homework.
>Clear hints
What are some clear hints? Maybe we're all not pathetic virgins, but just really dense.
This super hot girl i used to work with would hug me every day and then she started winking at me and being really flirty and suggestive. I didn't really know what to do and plus i wasn't really that attracted to her personality so i just quit the job to get away from her.
No. Any time I make eye contact with women they immediately avert their gaze in disgust/panick. I think women have some sort of sixth sense that helps them see that theres absolutely no life behind my eyes.
only ones but she was underaged and looked like a trap... probably undercover agent lol
Lol yes. Once in 8th grade. Another time in college I had a cute girl want to fuck but she was mentally unstable and I was full autism mode.
See, my boys, even when interested she doesn't do anything. The most she does is write that online, distantly, knowing there's a low probability of him seeing it anyway.
And we're talking about a girl pending more on the extroverted side of the social spectrum, since she makes it public to a huge number of people online and is one of these artsy types with vulgar piercings.
Women will never do anything to have you, even if they're thirsty as fuck for you. They are flowers waiting for the hummingbird.
inb4 "but I know that exception"
That picture unironically is /lifefuel/
You'll know 4 years later lying in bed at night
based autist, handeled the situation well user
shes cute af
tfw no cute gf like this
no. I just found out that women exist last year. I'm not a natural born baby either so I didn't have a conventional upbringing.
Yeah one time as a joke
No. Most women are bothered that I even exist.
It's been longer than 4 years since i've had an extended interaction with a women. Am I just super dense, or has a girl really just never been interested in me?
Sam Hyde is honestly ugly as fuck but he's so Chad he can fuck and literally physically abuse her. Imagine
Yes. Lose some weight user, or go out more to improve your social skills. It will happen to you to, just work on yourself.
face it, none of them are bothered by your existence, they don't even know you're there. I used to feel antagonised by women for being ugly, short and non-white but the truth of the situation is that I was being self-absorbed and none of them even gave me so much as a thought.
Odds are, you're just blind as fuck. Im the same way, i had girls dropping all the hints in the world. I missed most of them because of blindness
God piercings are so fucking gross how does anyone think that looks good. I hope barista chad told her to fuck off
never thought id see such a redpilled post on this board, good stuff user
stop being an incel and have sex
stop being so predictable and get a personality.
It's not really a "clear" hint then is it? A clear hint would be clear.
...come to think of it, "clear hint" is kind of an oxymoron since hints by their nature are cryptic communications.
a couple of times in grade school
a couple of times in high school
and not since then, at least I don't think, I've had girls smile/wave at me, some even outright stare, some have come up to me and started conversation, don't know what any of it means though. I have really really bad social anxiety so I tend to try and get out of those situations or end conversations as quickly as possible. I'm forever doomed to not have a girlfriend.But I've accepted it, so I'll be fine I guess.
Idk I think she looks pretty qt3.14
>That tryhard, yet haphazardly overdone, cat eye makeup
Why do girls do this
yes but it was in high school
Yes but I always dodged these bullets. Most of them were bpd who thought I was the perfect bf. Some were only depressed but I fucked up. Idk why mentally ill girls like me but every girl calls me cute.
A girl said she wanted my dick when I was in HS but I'm 99% sure she was just taking the piss out of me, she was absolutely fucking bonkers insane too.
if pic ever happened I'd never know because I don't have any social media
a handful of times. but women are pretty weird. sometimes they won't make anything "official" and will just start turning up at my place / fucking and crashing more like a stray cat. shits wild. idk how to explain it.
no, it was always (2 times) me and in retrospect, i feel like they just didn't know better and beared with me...
a handful of times but girls are pretty weird. most times they don't even make anything "official." they will just start turning up at my place to fuck and crash more, like a stray cat. shits wild. idk how to explain it.
No. Im really good looking so I can assure you they don't do that. They will drop all kinds of hints and suggestions to get YOU to ask them out. Or meet you somewhere. But asking you directly? NO. They never do that.
what the FUCK are you doing here faggots
Yeah, once. She was a BPD trainwreck though, it's an ordeal I'd rather not waste any more brain power on and just forget about for the most part.
I can't unterstand how normies can live such a simple life. I'm high iq and prefer to be alone than being with normies. And I was a hikki for a year.
no, I don't know any women and have never had any female friends. as far as I know there have never been any women interested in me
When will she grow up?
Her bio says she's 18 so she's grown I think
Why does she look to be 24 years old?
(something misogynistic about the sex life of attractive women)
iM hIgH iQ hurrr
Low iq spotted.
Yes, two women have asked me out directly. They were both black.
Were they cute black girls?
No, not really. One was nice but not my type at all. The other one and her friends sexually harassed me the whole of senior year. I was and am pretty Jow Forums so that was probably the reason.
God I know this feeling so well... I'm a huge fucking blind idiot...
This is what you have to look forward to in your 30s r9k.
No, women fear me
i have been asked out multiple times but every one of the girls has been either ugly or crazy or both
the only time someone above a 2/10 has asked me out, i said yes, and a week into it before we even kissed she accused me of cheating, cried, and then begged me to tell her if i thought she was crazy, so i dont count that as a relationship
at this point im about to say fuck it and date a 1/10 just for the pussy is pussy meme
one autistic girl at the camp that I work at started feeling me up and I got super fucking uncomfortable and told the management but of course nothing came of it and she's still coming.
Other than that no, I've always had to pursue ever girl i've ever asked out, and of the 20 or so I've asked out only 2 have said yes. Both of them with copious mental illness and neither of which I loved.
whats the context on the pic user?
yeah actually. my current gf of 1 year asked me out because i'm way too spaced out at all times to actual notice hints.
A few times, but I'm disgusted by people trying to bond with me and romance, so they all get rejected.
The only women who show any interest in me are older, single moms, or both.
I've never gotten the impression I was viewed as more than a sucker.
She used to write me notes all the time in class.... Mer was her autistic catch phrase... I miss her
Yes. I have been asked out three times.
Yes and I said no. Later I asked that girl out in the middle of class as a joke and she had a panic attack and all the other girls in my grade thought I was an asshole after that for picking on her.
God I wish I could get a girl to even look at me now a days.
Yeah however I was too scared to say yes and now I'm still a virgin
Top taste user origonion
No, but I've had an older lady at my work try and hook me up with her daughter.
Unfortunately, she wasn't as keen on it as her mother. The disgust in her eyes as I first saw her will stick with me for a long time.
That's the truth right there, we aren't even worth their hate l. We just don't exist in their world.
Fuck that shit, Im not going to decipher some stupid body language like stroking her hair and take a leap of faith on whether or not she likes me on that.
She can fucking say like an adult or I aint doing shit. Time that became the standard already acting 14 in relationships all our lives is retarded
I want an edgethot like her so bad. Why am I like this bros? Why do I want some tryhard slut instead of a nice, wholesome girl?
Yes, but she was 11 years older than me and covered in tattoos. Also I don't think she was serious.
>septum piercing
dropped like it's hot
wait did you meet the girl because you were going through with the set up, but then she backed out when she saw you? that'd be kinda embarrassing
This lady in my neighborhood tried to set me up with her niece who just moved in. She was really cute and way out of my league, but giggled a lot when I talked to her and had positive body language to me. Only problem, I later found out she's a single mother and now have to avoid that part of town in case I accidentally run into her.
That's exactly what happened, user. I feel really bad for her mother, too. She was a nice lady to me.
nigga girls will touch you if they like you. or if they show feet. My ex always took her sandals off near me, shit was kawai it means she was not planning on running away from me anytime. Kind of like when my cat rolls around and exposes its belly to me
Girls make it pretty obvious when they want to fuck you. You're not secretly a harem protagonist, you're just ugly
>t. ugly guy who's had female friends before
Yes, my friend's crush asked me to attend a church function with her but I was too retarded to see what was going on and declined because I thought she was being weird and I'm an atheist.
Yeah, a shy, introverted semi-autistic QT asked me to a movie one day as I was walking out to the parking lot after class.
Later on she told me that she just wanted sex and didn't plan on talking to me again afterwards.
The cunt, kek.
I'm a hiki with low iq. Kill me
only once and she said yes so yah
Once this girl I liked's friend asked me if I wanted to go to IHOP with her, her boyfriend, and the girl I liked. I kept asking her "why me?" "how come you're inviting me" "why invite me of all people" over and over again because I wanted her to say the girl liked me so i could feel less insecure and make a move but I just came off as a sperg and she said "ugh never mind then".
not really. girls like to do things in a very indirect manner and drop "hints" for guys, which normally isn't a problem but it can be really hard for autists to pick up on.
different user than the one you replied to by the way, I don't actually believe there have been any girls interested in me but I'm just disagreeing with your post
Yeah, back in high school, she was a lardass nerdy girl who constantly curled up and cried during gym class
stop talking like a nigger
>This pic
Nigga white guys dont get ass lmao
So you got pumped and dumped.
Welp, this is finally it Jow Forums
>family despises me
>spent literally all of my life on 4ch and 8ch
>no gf
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you. This board has always been my favorite.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 15 minutes. mm
Iive stream link + further explanation:
>Walking around town late with my old friend from high school, we're just shooting the shit and laughing. I have an earbud in and am listening to Vangelis.
>Hear "user!" shouted really loud and see a really small chick run up and hug me.
>She had been on my Swim team and was apparently happy to see me for some reason.
>She introduced me to her friend group, I sorta just muttered greetings to them while my buddy buttered everyone up with his charisma.
>Swim team girl says I look ripped now, asks about PR's.
>haha t-thanks
>Pretty much yanks me in for a snapchat photo, I just want to get out at this point.
>She and her friends eventually head their own way, and buddy jokes about me being "chad mode" physically but still being a sperg.
Yeah 4 girls total. Never accepted a damn one. And now I'm chronically single. Funny how times change.
If this is the same poster, I'm glad you didn't go through with it. Now stop attentionwhoring, and get some help.
yes, she tried to approach me and i almost fainted , i had to hold my hand against to wall so i can keep myself standing. I couldnt even keep the eye contact, man i am such a pussy.
Yeah and over FB messenger too. We dated for a bit but then she just stopped talking to me randomly.
Yes, but I turned them down because I was nervous. This has happened to me 3 times. Boy what an idiot I am.
Dude it's a discord ad shill