Why don't you workout bros? There are literally no downsides
Why don't you workout bros? There are literally no downsides
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Robots want to complain about their lives but do nothing to improve it. Are you new?
No money. Why workout if I can't even have a decent alimentation.
>incels have to be psyched into doing something where there are no opportunities for failure
Haha. But there are.
>spending hours in a room with sweaty guys lifting metal
no, I want to do stuff that is fun and not gay
I do work out though.
Went from 143 lbs, to 155 atm, Been doing it for about 3 months. Results could be better, but it took me a while to get my diet in check consistently. I wasn't eating enough in the beginning.
I have no idea of how to do it, and even if I did my motor control is poor because I never had anyone to teach me or train me because I'm a pathetic robot unlike you normalfaggots.
Get out of my board.
nothing I love more than utterly destroying my body with weights and letting it heal and build itself back up
A built a home gym for around $250, yes it has some problems (not a lot of weights, only about 250lbs for now but will add more) but except for that its awesome and it was cheap as fuck, highly recommend it.
There are too many people at the gym even at night
Nice try, poorfag.
Can you do this outdoors? I couldn't find any good options
ever heard of calisthenics?
Yes of course, i mean just move your equipment where you want to train. Only its gonna be probably hard to train in the rain, probably dont want to slip on the floor when doing heavy presses and kill yourself
But lifting will get you compliments. They may just be from dudes, but I doubt that anyone is complimenting you know.
>Waaaahh I don't know how to push a weight.
Lifting for "size" so high reps is fucking boring and gay as shit i agree, but lifting for strenght is insanely fun. lifting heavy shit is fun as fuck and that feeling of breaking your previous limits is amazing
like bodyweight stuff? i'd rather go to a gym
Worked out till I became ripped only to find out oneitis doesn't like muscleguys
even heard of not being a bitch? Fuck off with your ballerina shit
i tried it out for a few months but its so boring i rather play a sport.
so you would store your equipment inside then move it outside? I don't have space inside unless its a few dumbells
moving it around would be a pain in the ass, i would suggest just finding one place where they can sit and you can train , and if you cant buy those adjustable dumbbells that can go high on weight and a pullup bar and you are set
Have fun without any powerrack doing squat/bench press without amu spotter.
>no one was in shape before gym memberships were invented
All you need to get in shape is something soft on the ground like a mat or a rug and maybe a set of stairs or a ledge. When I do situps i stack a few cinderblocks in crossed sets of 2 and put my feet in the holes.
See i am not a fucking idiot and instead of backsquats i do zerchers (not from the floor), they are harder and hit the back more so i even prefer them and i dont focus too much on low rep on bench so i dont kill myself (also tho roll of shame) and focus instead of my OHP, gotta work with what you have instead of just doing starting strenght and calling it a day
>that pic
Lmao enjoy gaining absolutely fucking nothing
thanks man. Gonna start working out soon.
Built a pullup bar in my backyard for 150$ been progressing on it for about a year doing dead hangs, pullups, chinups, upside down situps, anything i can think of really, the thing i like to do the most is go into a full sprint and try to leap as far away from the bar as i can while still being able to grab it. I have entered full on chimp mode. My grip has become so strong i can do fingertip pushups without pain, soon i will be doing one handed pushups.
What if i tell you that rep range doesn't matter at all when it comes to growth and strength gain? Ever heard of Mike Mentzer or Dorian Yates? You are clearly a non-lifting faggot.
>What if i tell you that rep range doesn't matter at all when it comes to growth and strength gain?
Then i will call you a fucking retard, also roiders not welcome this is a natty thread
kys you fucking idiot
Except endurance and functional strength, your muscles only need to be big enough to articulate your body weight, thats how big they would be in a human in peak condition in nature and thats how big every other predators muscles are in the wild. Body builders are clowns and thats why you dont see them dominating any combat sport.
>requires extensive effort constantly
>requires at least some money
>risk of injury
>doesn't benefit my lifestyle at all
>it is boring
Plenty of reason.
>Body builders are clowns and thats why you dont see them dominating any combat sport.
Show that workout to any top MMA fighter and he will laugh you out the building. Those guys also do weight lifting
>Except endurance and functional strength
Ah yes someone doing 10 situps will for sure have a better functional strength than someone squatting 235 for reps
>multiply for effect
Its just an infograph to get newbies started. Only an absolute faggot would think that its designed to get you MMA ripped.
>natty faggots talking about high reps and low reps
Whatever you do it won't do shit for you mr natty cuck. If you want to stay natty you better quit lifting, it's not for you.
Not to mention that you're such a faggot that doing few reps less/more of same fucking thing determines if you are having "fun". You don't go to the gym to have fun faggot. You go there to lift weights and grow bigger and stronger. You should stick to watching anime
Did he say he was only doing 10 situps? If thats the case then yes, expect nothing to be gained. Body weight exercises should be done to failure for many sets.
>If you want to stay natty you better quit lifting, it's not for you
Bet there are people who look like you and lift more than you without ever taking a needle in their ass
>Work out for 5 years
>Get body I set out to achieve
>Dick still small
>Face still ugly
>Mentally just as insecure
No point. Literally none at all
My mma instructor never lifted weights, he is 6'2" 190 lbs sub 5% bf. You dont need to lift a single weight to reach peak physical combat condition.
Your mma instructor never stepped foot in the ufc or probably even bellator
>the usual natty cope
>roidcel seething
>mentally just as insecure
Thats your problem, stop giving a fuck about other people and start doing things for yourself.
And? Those people are putting their bodies on the line, my instructor is not willing to do that.
If you are taking steroids and cannot do a one finger pullup, then you did them wrong.
I should have clarified, insecure only when it comes to girls and intimacy.
Aside from that, I have a pretty good job that requires me to be confident and out spoken.
I go for walks and ride the bicycle
I'd go to the gym but that involves being around other people and having a coach you have to talk to, fuck that
are those gain obtainable without roids? don't think so
But then again with world being filled with people injecting estrogen and taking girls pills to change gender or perform hormonal abortion... are roids even a bad thing in this day and age?
Just take like 200 mgs of viagra when your about to fuck someone your dick will be standing upright, hard as a rock, and buldging with veins and you will make her cum multiple times. I believe in you user.
No, Larry isn't natty. But you can get quite strong and fit without steroids
You can look pretty but after pills your dick will turn into vagina and you will grow boobs user. Of course you will take it.
Why wouldn't you roid to casually obtain and sustain 10% body fat while eating more or less what you want and get gains.
Be tranny
>pills to block test
>pills to get estrogen
>pills to grow boobs
>pils to grow fat on my ass
>pills to make dick small and cute teehee
>pills to make my boi pussy ovulate
>you go brave "girl"!
>so brave!
>what's your discord?!
>please be dom!
Be alpha hetero male
>inject testosteron to gain mass and maintain fat and muscle god like ratio
>balls get smaller and cute
>become slightly more aerodynamic in water thanks to hairloss
>You will... You are... DONT! DONT!
What the fuck do normalfags mean by that?
anabolic steroids in africa are cheaper than food and obtainable over the counter. if anything they are advantaged because they get the pharma grade stuff while most of us have to do with underground lab shit and never know what exactly we're putting in our bodies.
>he thinks that steroids will get him lean or let him stay lean
sorry to burst your bubble pal, but it's all about diet
The world, not just the jews, but every human on this shit rock is deathly afraid of the giga chad.
>strength of a gorilla
>illegal tax evading captialist
>fucks everything
Whats not to be scared of
You never even stood a chance user.
Literally spoke with a guy roiding for years and he literally told me "I can go for a kebab and order a whole chicken and you won't even notice" Then he proceed to pull his skin from his stomach. Literally no fat, just skin on muscles. He does stick to his diet yeah, but he knows that at some point when you are on roids it's easier to cheat with meals and get away with it.
user, you need to grow up. Life is filled with cheaters and life isn't punishing them like in a fairy tails. You're just being a manchild playing by the rules to uphold a moral high-round in a world who would inject botox and other hormones to make your ass/boobs/dick/lips grow.
I've been working out regularly for two years; not even a little bit closer to getting laid
im fucking fasting and i still wont stop working out
i am on steroids and you are just talking out of your ass
>I can go for a kebab and order a whole chicken and you won't even notice
because one kebab or one whole chicken won't change shit. You can eat all the chickens and lower your calories a bit for few days and you will be even. Keep eating that shit every day on top of your regular food and we'll see how steroids will keep you lean
Of course you are on steroids, the one that make your dick go inside to get inside cage.
I know you're trying to show your dedication but do realise that's pretty fucking inefficient.
Exactly, you could take steroids all day, if you dont exercise you may paasively gain some muscle mass but you will also gain a massive amount of fat. Steroids decrease the time in which your muscles need to recover and the intensity in which you can workout, but thats it. Calories in calories out is the only thing that effects fat storage. If you believe anything else you are a fat acceptance advocate feminist.
Downside is you waste a lot of time that could be better spent drinking and masturbating.
>do one pushup
>get a hemorrhoid
i lack discipline
also i don't like gym environments
>They're not natty
The battlecry of a dyel.
Lol, low IQ Jow Forumsizens detected.
It's not that easy. There's a proper form to have while doing it and there's supplements you have to take and foods you have to avoid and whatever else. I am literally too stupid and incapable to do it properly, but of coourse you normiefuckers don't understand this because you've had functional families and friend social groups to enable you to acquire all the skills needed to enable you to say it's just "pushing weights". All you normie shits do is come here to complain about no gf and mock us; and this thread proves it. If you know how to "just push weights" you are an absolute and undeniable normie.
It fucks with my patience. A lot. I tried listening to music, audiobooks, podcasts, but none of them worked.
The only method that kept me in check for 20 minutes was in the darkness if my room, a distant street lamp shining in through my window, my eyes closed and listening to a Starcraft 2 match.
What am I supposed to do?
Just started doing so. It's pretty fun and the results are promising
i cant believe how well equipped their homes are
Honestly, I should actually get back into doing it, thanks OP.
Based and fucknormalfagspilled
micropenis. It's also a typical gay sport.
>There are literally no downsides
It's boring.
im trying to get lean not huge
My only motivation for this was DDR/PIU. It took too much time and I had to watch what I ate. And it was easier to not eat so I was just doing that instead of eating healthy. Not to mention every gym bro who wants to help out always tells you something different from the last gym bro. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind people helping out but when I'm bombarded with contradicting information it just discourages the fuck out of me and I don't wanna go to the gym if I'm just wasting my goddamn time and everyone's telling me I'm doing it wrong. So now I just play with no regard to form and eat whatever I want and just hope I can become competitive. I really want abs though. Not for vanity but because I want to twist at the speed of light for those laterals and crossovers
Just google around and get in and get a feel for it. Start getting the movements down before going balls to walls intense, but just start. Learn as you go.
Imagine just labeling everything you don't like as normie. What a puss. 25 yo virgin social retard who goes to gym 6 days a week here.
Its like $80 a month minimum for a gym membership that actually has plates.
>There are literally no downsides
There are also no benefits, at least not me for.
inb4 normie reasons
Don't care, want to die
Won't help me
>look good
Doesn't matter
>feel good
Exercise makes me feel like shit, I don't get endorphins for some reason
it is 29.99 monthly at my gym but I also get a kickback from my work so it's like I pay 19.99.. full amenities, pool, weights everything, what you talking about my dude?
I have literally 2 gyms in driving distance of me that actually have barbells. The cheaper one is $80, the other one is $120. Anything in the $30 range only has dumbbells and machines.
do you live in dubai? because I live in LA and the cost of living and everything else is pretty damn stupid.. 29.99 for the gym and that makes me happy
Where the fuck you live? I go to LA Fitness, which is a bit more of an uppity gym, but I believe cheapest memberships are like $20-30 a month or so, and that's on a month to month I believe, a year one might be a bit cheaper.
Is the Saitama Workout a meme?
I probably won't be able to punch someone into a bloody mist but will I at least become health?
you will probably get all unbalanced from just doing the front of ur body but dont take my word for it
it's literally a joke from the manga
I had a friend in high school that only did pushups, sit ups, and burpees and he had a really lean, ripped physique. Way more than only 100 of each a day, but still possible.
I skate, play sports and take a lot of walks but i don't really "workout".
If you think about it, your work is also paying that extra $19.99, so you're actually getting it for free.
I live in the backwoods of Ohio. I don't have so much as a Planet Fitness near me.
damn man, sorry. not sure how they can gouge people on a price like that, maybe just because they are THE ONLY ones. but that is mad jewy.
I guess yeah my whole part of my paycheck is paying the gym so I am cucking my work. It makes sense as a the owner of the company to entice people to not be so out of shape and then have less health problems etc.
>literally no downsides
>literally lose countless hours that could be spent playing vidya
I pity you
kek what a cope
Been lifting for about 3-4 years now and plateaued at 230lb bench max for months. Now it just seems like a lot of work for nothing, especially now that I'm too depressed to diet anymore.
It's very hard to gain strength while also trying to lose/maintain weight. It's the unfortunate truth all natties have to learn. If you want gain strength, you mostly need to gain size too. The goal though is to make sure you are gaining as little fat as possible and mostly muscle/water. There are TDEE calculators and the like that can help estimate (key word, estimate, not exact) how many cals you likely burn in a day.