I fucking hate women. Approached 5 Asian tourists today. One of them replied to my text, but the other 4 rejected me. I fucking hate them. The last one was being a fucking bitch and rejecting me, then she got up and said she needed to go to her hotel. She held out her hand to shake my hand and said nice to meet you. I fucking regret that I shook her hand and that I even said a fucking word. I fucking hate her.
I fucking hate women. Approached 5 Asian tourists today. One of them replied to my text, but the other 4 rejected me...
Stop chasing women just because you find then pretty. Get to know them, then think about sex. What is wrong with you.
you're desperate and everybody can tell
Very mature and healthy way to reflect on the situation, user.
>t. fat women who never get approached
Fuck I feel you man. I gave up a long time ago though. Rejection after rejection and I couldn't handle it anymore. I collapsed in on myself because of all the blame I was placing on myself. I realized I'm simply unwanted and am a nuance to everyone except family. I still want to experience love or female interaction but I respect their collective wish that I leave them alone. It's always the worst for me when I am sitting on the bus and an attractive girl sits within my view and I have to not look in that direction for minutes.
Godspeed Op. Don't kill yourself over this please
Fucking piece of shit phone
They all said "I'm leaving today", or "I'm leaving tomorrow". Obvious bullshit. Next time I hear that I instantly walk off. And I'll never again shake the hand of or utter a sound to a woman who just rejected me.
have sex
youre such a moron this is not how you talk to women you fucking dumbass. can you not smell the fucking autism that is seething out of your pores? holy fyck.
Actually I am very cute and have to reject guys like OP all the time.
good for you
No it's not. They're annoying and should hang out with girls that are in their league.
That's you, OP. That's what you sound like.
OP you sound like a bitch and I’m sure they were all cringing hard after you autistically stuttered at them. Work on your presentation. They can smell your fear
>I fucking hate women
It's all good bro, I'll take care of your share for you.
I think they are nice to look at and a good distraction from the day to day bulshit of being a wageslave
based and opneedstochangehisgayassyellowfeverbetacuckmindsetpilled
OP is just another retard incel who thinks women work like coin op machines except the coins are instances of being nice (a regular fucking thing to expect from a fellow human being) and the prize is sex.
Advice: stop being a betafag and learn to see women as humans first. Talk to a few in a normal friendly manner and you'll discover they're not that hard to talk to. Keep practicing with NORMAL and CIVIL conversations like a normal fucking person and you'll become comfortable around women and they'll feel comfortable around you. Doing shit like this is the opposite of that. Then you'll be able to attract women. Stop being the literal incel meme.
law of state transference, what you feel the person you're talking to will also feel. You feel angry and desperate inside, so you make girls feel uncomfortable. Just become OK with yourself and most women won't treat you like dog shit
He's right, but take it up a notch get drunk motherfucker all the time feels good man
cheers m8
Fuck you Stacey. You’re probably a 7/10 outside of your head.
>Approached 5 Asian tourists
Thats your problem weeaboo creep, but your greasy ass begged for the number. Then they gave it to you so you could fuck off.
>Approached 5 Asian tourists today.
Stop doing cold approaches. That only works for the top 10% men with the best looks. Almost all women that gives you their number will only do it because of fear of rejecting a psycho
look at this specimen, folks. this is what you get when you don't beat your kids and give them participation medals their whole lives. nice, huh?
OP: Why can't I get a girl?
Normies: hAVe yOu tRiEd aPprOAcHIng oNE??
OP: Yes.
Normies: Haha seethe more and have sex incel
This board is fucking useless
>want relationship but cant get
wow fuck loser your so fucking weird be yourself gain confidence wtf is wrong with you?
>dont want relationship (may or may not have had one already)
omg incel faggot LOL
Because it's mostly women here. Never listen to women giving advice or opinions on dating for men. I think maybe the last bitch I talked to yesterday rejected me because I touched her arm too early, but I don't know.
>Is approaching people at total random.
>A practice generally regarded as rude, socially unnacceptable, awkward and creepy.
>Probably doesn't realise generally people like to go about their days unbothered, and some women get approached a lot to the point it gets extremely annoying
>Hates women for not being impressed with your behaviour.
You're a special kind of stupid.
lmao I hope you kill yourself you beta fetishist creep
Tell ya what champ.
Go approach men at random and say you're looking for a tennis partner and try to get their numbers.
You'll get the same reaction. Most men will be weirded out and bothered by you, most will be annoyed because they didn't exactly want to be talked to, and aren't looking for new friends, and, yeah, the odd dude might actually say yes.
Then when you text them about it later, they may ghost you, or they may actually show up.
Same dynamic.
>Cant accomplish a simple task 99% of people can do
>Calls others useless
>Is also very hateful bitter and negative
>Doesn't see why that might be an issue.
>Totally misinterprets "be social and meet women" as "walk up to people in the street and start awkward conversations and make them uncomfortable"
>Reports back and blames everyone else.
Well OP. We can't help you.
Bitter cunt detected
>>mostly women
If nothing but ugly guys approach you, I have bad news for you
why are you approaching tourists you dumb fuck