>Loneliness literally slowly rots your brain and causes you to go insane
What are we supposed to do
Loneliness literally slowly rots your brain and causes you to go insane
Meet some not retarded people
Oh wait
just don't stress yourself out bro lol. btw if you have family that loves you, you can circumvent the negatives of social exclusion and tfw no gf because the only social circle that will matter is your family. treat your family right robots.
Die, ideally quickly. Still waiting on cancer or a bloodclot.
But I don't have a family either :(
My dad committed suicide when I was a kid and my mum is in a mental hospital with borderline or some shit
Yes and no.
We should live and care for our families but ince you start doing that you'll want your own family
well shit user, I can be your new dad. I can't replace your old man but I can be there for you when you need me.
The bottom percentage of any animal population is not supposed to breed. Their are natural mechanism in place to enforce this and going insane because no one wants to talk to you is one of those mechanisms.
You're supposed to die alone.
Nothing. Its to late for most of us.
Try and go down a wholesome rabbit hole
another stupid psyops
This is true but if you had that you would notice a change. It's not like you'll just become rerarded Cletus from Texas bc you never talk to people. If you talk with people from time to time even with family, this shit doesn't fly. It has to be an extended period of stress and you should have noticed headaches, frequent chest pain, general pains and aches, excessive fatigue or the contrary. And a shitty sleep cycle. If you didn't notice any of these your fine. Brains degrade anyway after you've reached age 20
Holy fuck.
Nature is really not fair.
Everything is a Debbie Downer.
Just stop being lonely. Nobody is ENTITLED to friends and women. Stupid incel.
>Debbie Downer
I would stick my dick in debbie if she dribbles and can't speak coherely
This is natural selection at work.
You're just supposed to die alone so you don't pass on whatever inferior genes that made you like this to another generation.
Before any of you believe this, ask yourself - is this particular incel a doctor, or are they just presenting their bias as fact
Well you got repeated 5's up there and I do understand your point. It could very well be that the OP is presenting speculation and bias as fact.
To be fair, when I am feeling lonely, I do feel like my brain reduces in function, slower reflexes, loss of creativity, physically weaker even after doing things to keep in shape, etc.
My conclusion is... inconclusive.
fuck em they dont do me right
Follow the 10 steps and get out of here
Create a tulpa. Watch your favorite TV shows with it whilst drinking and eating good food.
>go on /soc/ for the welcoming atmosphere
If by welcoming atmosphere you mean people welcoming you to see screenshots of their dick then sure I guess. That place might as well just be fucking /b/
where in that post does it sound like incel shit at all?
besides, humans are social creatures, it's well documented the negative effects isolation can have on us. why don't you do what the post said and try fucking googling some of it?
This is arguable based off what we've seen from notable intelligent people or philosophers of past. Most of them were seemingly very closed people often trapped within their own minds unable to relate to anyone else.
The reason why your brain is degrading is either genetic or an un-stimulated brain. The brain is like a muscle that slowly solidifys through adolescence to adulthood.
To be fair, google searching does corroborate what he says. And I certainly do feel constantly lethargic and sluggish. Even if cortisol doesn't cause this, I either am this way naturally and am fucked or something else is making me this way and I am still fucked.
Love that last paragraph, very dramatic.
All that he said is true. Some studies found that cortisol kills cells in the hippocampus. Sustained high levels of cortisol will also impair non-essential brain functions which will induce learned disuse of such function. It will also put your amygdala on overdrive. This will cause some pruning of the cortisol receptor in your amygdala, which will make it less responsive.
The prefrontal cortex stuff I'm not sure if is a direct result of the cortisol dischard or if it's caused by it's function being inhibted by stress.
after a couple of years neeting and being a social outcast in hs before that, I lost a lot of my ability to express myself. It really hit me when I tried to talk with the lowest quietest nerds in my uni class and fumbled over my words while they stared at me scurrying away and dropping out.
Don't do anything. Let your mind relax. Then the next time you see a human try talking to them. Maybe contact family or old friends? It's ok to be alone and it's ok to seek companionship but don't try to force things. Go with the flow and try not to think too much.
Enjoy the insanity, point and laugh as the world burns
This stuff compounds over time. It's really fucked up how this whole thing was designed. Basically if you have success in your early childhood, you are more likely to keep succeding, whereas if you had a lousy start, you'll miss out on the serotonin and endorphin boost that would make your brain operate in high-performance throughout your development and get used to that level of functioning as being standard.
It's a much more encouraging atmosphere than Jow Forums or Jow Forums
And it actually has a culture where the clown world and muh misandry meme retardation is nipped in the bud.
It's impossible for a non-doctor to know anything, therefor it doesn't matter whether I tell you he's a doctor or not, since I can't know, since I'm not a doctor.
It's somewhat true, apart from the last paragraph. There is something called neuroplasticity, which means that brain can change either way. If you start socializing again, you can largely fix those issues. Longer you be stressed, longer it takes and harder it will be, but it is definitely possible to fix it.
Same applies to any kind of addiction, including pornography addiction.
if a fucked up loner like me can come out of it with superpowers, you can too. the op image is blackpill, that's the reality that's true for him, but not always, and not for everyone. but everyone does feel that way sometimes.
anyway i read the alchemist and basically there is a god and a dream in every heart that is possible
Have sex, incel. You aren't entitled to women's company and they owe you nothing.
Maybe, just maybe, if you were a decent person they would consider hanging out with you. Let that sink in. You're the reason for your own loneliness by being a creepy incel.
literally none of this has to do with women though. it's just talking about loneliness in general. it literally says in the image's post that sex won't fix anything
Throwing the word "incel" at it would probably make it go away on the poster's other forums of choice.
based informative user
I mean I doubt that post I responded to was real, it sounded way too generic of a troll post, but you never know
The damage is done. I cannot see the world as I used to. I can only remember the unpleasant days.
I cant fap to the loli monstergirls. It just does not seem right to me.
>Socially drinking to excess destroys brain cells, and carries a high possibility of death by overdose
>Keeping up with the Jones mentality or trying to desperately fit in by appealing to bullies or sociopaths leads to madness and ruined lives.
>Having to worry about being socially ruined (and thus economically, totaling your whole life) by opportunists, sociopaths, psychos, SJWs, and bullies and criminals in general.
>Becoming a fake hollow social media drone, always desperately looking for that extra like, retweet, comment, perfect selfie, etc, etc. Eventually realizing your life and popularity area a lie, leading to suicidal depression.
Learn that loneliness is a meme, and it's OK not to interact with the fucked up new social world, where people are regularly going insane or becoming so depressed they turn to antidepressants or outright narcotics.
It sucks ass we dont live in a world that has better manners and brotherhood anymore, but that's the new dystopian reality.