The Absolute State of Jow Forums In 2019

>5 Blacked threads on the catalog
>12 "fembot" threads on the catalog, one of which having 247 posts, and another with 120 posts
>gay, trans and "fembot" generals are common, and usually get several hundreds of posts per thread
>/r9gay/ (a serial thread for literal fags) is the most popular general on the board, currently being on their "#788 : Meow edition"
>unironic namefags
>virtually no one calls any of this shit out, no one tells newfags to "lurk MOAR," no one tells "fembots" to "show tits, or GTFO," no one even notices the problem in first place
>no actual discussion, just lel pepe meme tier shit, or shilling for "fembots," fags, normalscum, and general degeneracy
>once again, no one even sees the problem, everyone acts as if the site has always been like this, (or maybe they just don't care) this is all normal and unnoteworthy

What happened to this place? To compare this shit hole to Reddit would be an insult to Reddit.

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Well, there is a nightwalk documentary being made is that a shit thread too?
Is that a shit thread too?
Who is more degenerate, normies or robots?

>Well, there is a nightwalk documentary being made is that a shit thread too?
I'd be surprised if it wasn't.

>Who is more degenerate, normies or robots?
4bots are normalfags, there's no real difference.

>social media tightens down on censorship
>alternative solutions sought out
>inceldom brings Jow Forums publicity
where better to seek refuge than Jow Forums
not sure why specifically Jow Forums
probably cos youre a more well known board

this place went to shit years ago user where have you been?

WOW you are the first user to notice all this and point it out...

Where have you been? r9k is been shit for 2 years. Janitors are faggots too, this is why they do nothing even tho 90% of the posts dont belong here.

>complaining about the quality of Jow Forums
its been trash since the beginning

You're a normalfag if you say shit like this, gtfo

>where better to seek refuge than Jow Forums
not sure why specifically Jow Forums

I know. I check this place out every two months or so, just to see how bad things have gotten, and every time I come back this place seems to get immeasurabley worse.

What I said to the last user.

Also, what are you doing here, just out of curiosity?

At this point, trying to do anything about it is pointless, I stopped caring aside from the occasional post telling the roastie to gas herself.
>general degeneracy
>on r9k
Need I remind you that this place is filled with closet pedophiles and incestfags, and they've been here for at least eight years?

Attached: Smug_cat2.jpg (273x270, 17K)

>or maybe they just don't care
When you make a thread trying to point it out it dies with 5 replies, most of the time because auto-sage for being too problematic for gaymods. Don't waste time trying to change something most people don't want to change anyway, because the new population seems to like it and we're outnumbered. I still come here to post what I can't post on other boards, but I expect nothing.

I have no less than a third of the threads shift-click'd to death. Other times two thirds of the catalog hidden.

We have zero mods and when they do they use this as the /trash/ board. They even delet suicide threads.

They hate the culture here as redd*t hates it's many thousands of incel users.

>90 percent
An exaggeration but I do report shit and literally only the discord spam bot ever ends up in the deleted desuarchive of what I report so the jannies do not care. I concur.

I just reported several ban worthy things and they're up many minutes later.

Consider spending your time on Grindr instead, you could be fucking sissycunt and losing your virginity instead your bitch and complain here

Listen up you fucking homo "tits or gtfo" is a /b/ thing and not even allowed here so kys

Robots finally realize that they can have sex with other robots (male) not sure why it would be degenerate maybe you are jealous?

just shut up incel. nobody cares.

>trolling outside of /b/
I'd report you but I know better.

Can you faggots IMAGINE what that would be like? If actual blatant retards were banned?

If anything the threads have improved, an almost daily vocaroo thread put up by a trap, lots of group fapping these days and lots of bottoms to get TOPPED

This place was always shit. You just didn't notice before. Now leave and make your life better.

This too. Imagine what it would be like to actually have moderation. The humanity.

This comment too.

Oh they care alright.

I met a robot on Grindr and found out he goes on r9k, his bussy is tight we browse r9k after I pound my cum in him

Oh. There goes another 'needs to be doxxed to 8 chan by the moderation' poster.

>If actual blatant retards were banned
yeah you wouldn't be posting

i agree user

Oh noes he's samefagging. Guess the guy earns yet another (You).

Enjoying spamming faggot?

Let me know when you never grow up.

>wouldn't be posting
Retards can't ban evade. They don't bother to ban the worst posters. Trust me.

You as an example cannot even type due to cell phone culture.

>You as an example cannot even type due to cell phone culture
get with the times grandpa

Prove it, faggot
Tits or GTFO

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>At this point, trying to do anything about it is pointless,
I'm fully aware of that, and to be honest I hope this place doesn't get any better than it is now.

This site works as a containment chan for all the Redditors and normalfaga that heard about how "edgy" Jow Forums is. It's shit, but at least it keeps all the other chans safe (for the most part) from the types of people that post here.

>closet pedophiles
I don't really have a problem with them, especially considering that they've always been here, and there was probably a lot more of them before this place became Reddit lite, and all the normalfags were let in.

As long as they keep it to themselves and don't actually touch kids I don't need to know, nor do I care about what they're into. Nah, my problem is with the vorefags, and literal cuck fetishits, etc who can't keep their perversions to themselves, and feel the need to tell everyone about it at every opportunity. At least the pedos keep it to themselves.

Yeah, I've seen that happen a few times.


What's with all the gay shit in my thread? Is this a bot, or are this sites users really this autistic?

>keeps it safe
They used to say that here about /b/.

The rest of this chan is dogshit. This is a common room. Channers use chans due to the chatroulette aspect so the common room is to be the most desired room. Or, as this place called it, the random board (/b/).

This was the second /b/ and now it's trash. Now we need a third, so Jow Forums was made but it's pure autism so now Jow Forums is Jow Forums-lite and baited almost as often as it is to the point that you must censor all pepe/wojak/ and animu girls to use advice.

The entire chan is shit.

At least the gay threads stay up, the cocklust one is pretty good and a robot linked a cool map to get your dick sucked so it's like having another Grindr now

You have a better chance here of seeing someones penis prove me wrong

Look at the board lots of actual homosexuals came to Jow Forums for some reason

You are part of the problem. Generals arent good, not even britfeel

But he's right, most of the things he says are right. He might be a grammar nazi or whatever autistic shit he's doing that for, but overall, he's got a good point. I type like a retard sometimes, but i try not to, but the people who are always phoneposting (one example is you) always type like retards.

What's wrong with traps? If anything a true robot would want to fuck a sissyboi, if you don't you are a normie.

I agree and the reason is we can't get women I wish more robots would suck and fuck each other or at least discord fap

I would fuck a passable trap for sure but I don't think it makes you a robot

its summer. the children and normalfags always come in this time of year. i still miss old r9k but thats why ive finally been looking at other threads

I concur. Generals aren't good. Brits were so cancerous the term NEET became a thing.

>he manically giggled as he solved the captcha

Check out the cocklust thread lots of horny bots in there

>They used to say that here about /b/.
Yeah, and no doubt they'll be saying the same thing about 4+Jow Forums 10, or even 5 years from now.

That's just the nature of things. There was an old meme that I can't find anymore, but it explains the situation perfectly. Basically a small group of friends create a game, and then that invite over some more people. At first everything is cool, it takes some time for the new group to adjust, but they're all friends so everyone makes a genuine effort, which maintains the good atmosphere that the cerators originally intended. But then an entirely new group comes along, hearing about the popularity of this cool new game. And basically as more of this new group moves in it draws more attention to the game, meaning that yet more people discover it, which creates a self propelling cycle. By the time that the new comers massively outnumber the original group of creators and their friends the game begins to become radically different, to the point of being an unrecognisable parody of what it once was. This alienates the original group of creators and causes them to leave and create another game, so they can play it in pice. And so on, and so on.

Basically this story plays out in an never ending cycle, with core of group forced to move on a constant biasis to get away from all the normalfags. First it's /b/, then Jow Forums, then 4+Jow Forums, then probably 7chan, and then the dark web, or other really obscure chans. The cycle is never ending, and the core will always be forced out, only to leave a ciss-pit behind them, that will once again catch up to them.

I wish it wasn't so, but that just seems to be how things have always been.

Be that as it may, tits or gtfo should be utilized as fembot threads are another cancer among many that plague this board

Looks like he was wrong though no one showed you their dick so the board isn't to far gone

Faggots are talking to me in real life or I'd post your shitty picture about d and d.

>78 threads hidden

Practically decent now.

>86 hidden now

It's never decent.

Jow Forums peaked with tendies posting

>Jow Forums peaked with post ironic shitposting

Kill yourself.

>102 threads hidden

Well it makes sense when you think about it. This place is inhabited by a bunch of apathetic, depressed losers. Why would they ever do anything about the state of Jow Forums?

>the userbase is the moderation
Bad post.

Go get TOPPED you closet queer

>grindr is funny XD
Go get LOBOTOMIZED you underaged homosexual troll.

I check back in for the first time in months and this is the first thread on the first page. Guess I'll just head out again

We all left, OP. Tranny/faggot mods own this board so there's no beating it. Hiroshimoot let this happen.

Don't act like you wouldn't get your boipussy pounded and stuffed IF you could you filthy incel fag

Newfaggot use the catalog. Fuck.

>107 hidden

In gay world it's like being a woman (don't know why I'm responding to this seriously) so that's why they're not allowed to post. Outside of the general anyway. It's a containment thing that started years ago.

Anyone can get gay sex as a male.

yes this place was great when robots cathartically made manchild personas instead of making this place as diet Jow Forums for tfw no gf. it was a hilarious time.
headbutt a lawnmower

>mand personas

Extreme normalfaggot. Post your information so I can tie you to a chair and put a bag over your head until your lips turn blue, resuscitate you, then do it again and again until you think I'm your father and get stress induced dementia.

made* personas

It is what it is and laughing at losers is sadistic. Sadists deserve torture.

The list of cock corrupts you. You reach a certain point where you're so horny that you're pushed over your limits. You finally get your hands on a cock somehow and suck it. Once you've tasted a nice thick and big cock it's hard to stop. You start seeking out cocks wherever you are. Travelling for work? Better check and see if any juicy cocks nearby a D willing to let you suck. A nice 8 in her uncut in another city? Time to spend a weekend worshipping. Soon all r9k will submit to being good cock suckers. Stop fighting it and join the threads.

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>join thread
>tell you all to leave Jow Forums and kill selves
>get banned and comment removed
>be post I'm responding to
>it stays

Why Jow Forums is dead is due to moderation. If we had none CP threads would have your normalfaggy HS tier troll types running away. Back when Jow Forums was good people posted CP but VPN and such is blocked here.

I don't think posting CP is the answer to keep the normals outside this place. But there's no turning back anymore, this place got too much coverage on the news.

Heh. Let me tell you something
>cp canary in the coal mine of freedom of expression
>oh noes not 90s net anymore
>site goes down
>end up on tor
>freedom now
>'Jow Forums' saved

>be reality
>oh noes that's a bad idea
>Jow Forums dies


I feel you brother.

And it feels bad.

>virtually no one calls any of this shit out
I literally go to all blacked threads and say:
sage, hide and report these useless threads, and show a picture of some discord/reddit retards trying to "change" this place
I try to be extremely hostile to all trannies on this board and to all annoying attention-whoring homossxuals.
Also, I report 70 posts on Jow Forums per day, at least

Not what i said. I have been to other imageboards, even when they are flooded with CP, since they are not very well known as Jow Forums, still plenty of normans there. The thing is, that these sites are no longer just a place for misfits, loners, mentally ill people or rejects of society.

Most people using imageboards are edgy teenagers nowadays, so they don't really mind any kind of fucked up stuff they see online, that won't change anything. In fact, i don't think anything can be done at this point, it's useless.

Go to desuarchive and check how often the things you report actually get deleted.

This place needs to be shut down was my point. When 8 was made we were supposed to have this one shut down. But no, course not. By now 8 chan is bad even though not populated so even it should be shut down. But no, course not. You can actually jewgle it now days. It's no longer blacklisted.

guys chill out. just remember gays/trannies can't procreate and usually they children grow up homophobes because of the childhood trauma and bullying they 100% will recieve. Not to mention the massive suicide rate in trannies. R9K will go back the good old, raiding, ddosing and story shitposting board after the real niggas are the only one left. Sadly that will take a bit more than 5 years :(
also why not filter the threads my dude

>Go to desuarchive and check how often the things you report actually get deleted.
20%-30%, I know it's low, because we have one particular mod that doesn't care about any of this. Only when the other mod is active, bans and deletion start to happen

I have about 1/3 of threads filtered at any given moment, around 50 out of 150 active threads. The first time I perfected my filter list was like a breath of fresh air. At one point I even thought "damn Jow Forums is pretty good today" and then remembered I actually had a third of it filtered. The good and interesting threads are much easier to find.

>be ten years ago
>we'll have AI soon!
>be 50 years ago
>flying cars soon!
>be 1000 years ago
>the promised land!
>be you a couple years ago
>I'll get a gf for sure!

Nothing will get better. EVER

113 threads hidden by the way, but every five minutes you have to hide even more and filter systems never work for me. I need to know what I'm missing specifically of which requires me to stare at bait all day.

Attached: Kefka hate hate HATE.png (256x227, 42K)

High IQ.

Mods allowed this place to die.

You'd think that being on the bottom rung of society you'd be more accepting of others user. You're as bad as the normies who reject you

>muh no gf
>muh ugly face
>muh height/status/frame
>muh looksmax
>muh neet vs wagie
>muh fat girlfriend cheated on me help reddit
>muh sad feels

even without all the gay shit this board is still 95% garbage and essentially the same shit day in and day out, some people even literally post the same thread starter and picture daily - the only good thing about most boards on Jow Forums are the rare nuggets of actually useful information, the porn, or occasionally some lolcow posting shit like their breakup texts with a girl or throwing a grenade into their toilet

i'd post my own threads and have creative involvement or real conversations, and i've tried, but they pretty much get 5 posts and then die; people do not, by and large, come to Jow Forums to turn their brains on, you should have figured that out by now. especially with all the normalfags and trannies/degens roaming this site now

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>yeah you wouldn't be posting
Tripfag absolutely BTFO

>Pedophiles are good
>But vorefags are bad
Guess how I know you're a pedophile?

You have a twelve year olds' sense of humor and as a 12 year old cannot get the point of having a trip. If we all had them you could better filter the assholes that hide behind anonymous posting yet aren't actually anonymous enough to break the law so just come off as pure annoying.

Attached: fixed.png (1024x1168, 608K)

>fat girl over me
Oops, forgot to filter that one. Probably not filtered enough to even cap it yet.

Actually, you tripshits and the lack of anons calling you out is part of this board's problem.


Attached: wojak NOOOOO NOOOO.jpg (1080x1020, 123K)

This is what happens when you let virgins post here without ridiculing or bullying them

>I baited in the thread AGAIN

I for one am thankful to the fembots who bless this corrupted place with their presence. Usually they're super nice and will reply to you if you give em a compliment.
If any fembots want a new orbiter, hit me up please :)

>being real

Bait on.