To be fair you need an extremely high iq to appreciate the cuteness of itty bitty titties

to be fair you need an extremely high iq to appreciate the cuteness of itty bitty titties

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small tits are cute, i want a cute wife. I still think that big tits are sexy. The ideal situation would be finding a cute women with modest breasts who also loves titcows and we hire a titcow wet nurse to tandem breastfeed from once in awhile.

Small or big tits, I'd honestly fuck any attractive women.
Among other things...

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pretty much what my gf's nips look like without the piercings. she's pretty flat but has erect nipples 24/7. pretty self conscious about it but i love it

>to be fair you need an extremely high iq to appreciate the cuteness of itty bitty titties
I already knew this, to be honest

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>you need a high IQ to fool yourself into liking mosquito bites
I mean, if that's the case then I would rather be retarded.

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fat gross milk bags get the fuck out

>doesn't like milk bags
Women are supposed to be nurturing providers. Why don't you want their milk user? What good is a woman with no milk?

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Eww what the fuck is up with her jipples? They look like two inch long spikes

Indeed, one of them actually has a spike through it.

for 3DPD this isn't too bad

women like this get obese immediately after marriage/childbirth

what the fuck is that gross goblin ewww holy shit you actually like this

i like titties in general
big or small i like them all

>tfw you have bigger titties than this girl

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do femanons like that we like small titties or are we just creeps

based to the max
Originalo commentum

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go back to your fantasy world and let the grown ups talk

Are you a tranny or a woman? You sound way too effeminate user. No wonder you like flat chests.

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>like big tits
>like small tits

liking floppy blobs of fat just means you have bad taste

I've never heard anyone saying that

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as long as they are not badly shaped im attracted to all size of boob if the rest of the woman is attractive

Your effete and subdued manner of typing is very concerning.

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tits are for babies lmao are you a baby

I'm sorry, I don't get how anyone can find this attractive. They are just super useless and ugly in my opinion

and they probably smell bad, nasty ass tit sweat

Are you a faggot?

That's fair I suppose. To me, they symbolize peak femininity. A bit exaggerated perhaps, but what is life without vivid landscapes and bright colors to make a man feel really alive?

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big tits = metallica
small tits = bach

fight me

Bach was a drunk and so hardcore that he improvised complicated crab canons on command. But you wouldn't know that because you're a pretentious, effete, faggot.

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nice try, we know its you lars

You take that back I am not fucking Lars.

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This, at one point these things no longer matter and you just wish there was someone that cared about you.

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i appreciate them and often check these threads for a momentary confidence boost. just imagine femnons making regular [thing about yourself you don't like] love threads, it really helps with the mental illness.

>he's fucking Lars

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please just love your small cute titties

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Tits or GTFO, slaggus wickedeth

I like a nice pair of tits, but a slender frame on a girl has its perks. Most of the time some of the meat goes in the right areas. A nice pair of hips with a little booty jiggle is fantastic.