I believe that as long as a widely separate group of people exists, the very existence of our own people is at risk. Therefore to eradicate the possibility of being eradicated, we must eradicate those that pose a threat to our existence.
I believe that as long as a widely separate group of people exists, the very existence of our own people is at risk...
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This reads like a stupid person trying to sound intelligent
Agreed. Hail victory.
Comfy NS/Fascist thread lads? How are you all holding up?
>Therefore to eradicate the possibility of being eradicated, we must eradicate those that pose a threat to our existence.
lmao or you could just agree to get along.
Eh I am doing okay, anyways can you teach me about Hitler and why he isn't the demon that we are told he is by the mass media controlled by the Jews? Add my discord here please someone talk to me about this I am very interested.
So long as people have different ideas, values, opinions etc nobody on earth will truly get along on a societal scale. Individually this is something that can be practiced with ease.
>So long as people have different ideas, values, opinions etc nobody on earth will truly get along on a societal scale.
you're the only one saying this my man. if you feel threatened by other cultures, maybe yours isn't strong enough?
Ye but dude remember that Hitler wasn't against other races, people of all race were in the wehrmacht, this is a common lie about Hitler and the Germans. There were many many different European peoples, Jews, Africans, Arabs, Asians, Indians etc in the wehrmacht and SS.
Yup pretty much. I live in Sweden, Stockholm to be more specific and it is slowly turning less and less Swedish. We can't say anything about it or we will be criticized for speaking up about our cultural suicide.
I don't know much about this stuff but I will say the Germans sure as hell did have style.
bruh wtf is wit dese nazis on the board like im tryna laugh at the weebs and losers here man but hitler was actually black in real life
Hail victory comrades.
I am a doomer man, come nuke Stockholm and I will have a glimmer of hope. Fuck this place and the idiots that run it.
Your government is stupid they have blood on their hands. And your country is filled with stupid women.
Yeah I am starting to see why the Nazis are the good guys after coming here lol.
Check out this documentary It basically explains everything. However it is 6 hours long. All the best.
Yeaahhh but Idc as long as I have my anime tiddies and my booze I really couldnt give 2 shits
Fuck off of our board nazi scum racist white pig.
Nigger detected origi
Niggers are not human origiinini
Same. May they all die sooner than later because they are doomed anyways they will never be self sufficient. They were created to be a submissive slave race.
Niggers are inferior in every single way except they have higher thieving levels LOL.
Kill yourselveeeess ori
Hail Tarrant.
And you forgot running away from police.
tfw no cute Jewess girlfriend with short hair and a love for art. Why am I still here lads?
Don't mix you idiot. Jesus Christ degenerates like you will be purged. Hitler allowed all the degenerates and fags to join the movement for more support so that he could gain power. And then he purged all of them in 1934 like a chad.
Hah, notice how theres an Israeli flag in the background with a happy merchant. That shit is gold.
These two idiots traveled to Morocco claiming that the 3rd world is safe. Got beheaded and raped instead.
Yeah I guess you are right I mean that means democracy is flawed right? America seems to be plunging into chaos.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Amen.
TFW white genocide is actually happening. Shit bros. WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING.
Reminder that Hitler was a basedboy who killed more whites than jews.
Lmao niggers are skinny weakling maggots.
>Britain and France declared war on Hitler therefore it is Hitlers fault that German armed forces killed British and French that fought for kikes.
Lol yeah often people cherry pick shit that makes niggers look masculine. (((jewish agents)))
Whatever you say Hans, I'm glad Germany is getting raped by shitskins and niggers.
imagine being this retarded. Im fascinated. Is it hard to get the cup of water to your mouth?
What he said didn't sound retarded to me. Care to elaborate on your claims?
Yeah you are right.. After reading back on it, what he said kind of logically makes sense.
Race war soon user.
why are niggers so stupid ori
Fuck knows bro