If you have done any of these things or have any of these qualities, you can NOT be a robot. I don't care if you post here, obviously there's nothing I can do to stop you from doing that, but just know that no matter what you say, you can NOT. Be. A. Fucking. Robot.
>had sex
>have friends
>confident enough to go to clubs, parties, you know typical normalfaggot hang out places
>can hold a conversation well
>good at making eye contact
>can public speak
and most importantly
>have never ghosted anyone
because we all know that robots are GODS at ghosting
If you have done any of these things or have any of these qualities, you can NOT be a robot...
Feel free to add more things to the list as you fags see fit
So what
What's your point?
Why the fuck would I want to be a robot?
i have no one to ghost though
Nobody wants to be a robot faggot, I just made this post because I'm tired of normalfags saying they're robotos when they aren't.
You say that like it's a point of pride or something.
This user is correct though You said it as if I should feel bad for not being one
And who says they're a robot? I've lurked here on and off for years I don't really see anyone, particularly normals just professing to be robots
Maybe you're just upset that were here
But its not going to change. r9k is as much a normie haunt now as it is for outcasts
No, I didn't. I'm just putting these normies in their place for misusing terms. I don't take pride in anything, like I told , nobody WANTS to be a robot.
I know what I said, the issue is on your end for misinterpreting my post. If you're not a robot, you should be grateful, not feel bad.
>lol ur just mad
I literally mentioned in the OP that I don't care if you post here. I can easily just hide the threads I don't like.
public speaking is the easiest shit on earth. the only people who get nervous are the ones who don't know what they are talking about.
Then who are you talking about? No ones calling themselves a robot. In fact no one even bothers mentioning the term until someone makes this exact thread
t. norman
that's a lie
Had all of those and still consider myself a robot. In fact im dating a girl right now and shes pretty much a robot. Fuck off lol
Link the last post you saw of anyone proclaiming that they are a "robot"
Hit the catalog, go find it. I'll wait. Neither of us has anything better to do so no excuses
Thanks for ruining my point asshole lol
But I should have specified outside this thread OP, for obvious reasons
double dubs does not lie
>frog poster
>doesn't have the gif
Before reddit started assuming that robots are virgins, we used to make memes specifically to laugh at virgins. Foreveralone shit, ass butter, spaghetti in my pockets, the OG Pepe memes and socially awkward penguin.
Its fine that you love being a virgin and are a pathetic sack of shit. You can do whatever you want to the definition of robot. Its just a waste of time lol
>tells me to link post of anyone proclaiming they're robot
>an user replies immediately after doing just that
You can't make this shit up lads
You did say that it happens when people make this exact thread. I dont talk about being a robot usually
>posts on a polynesian horseback riding forum
>telling anyone else they're wasting time
Yeah and ill tell you again next time lol
Exactly. Aside from when its explicitly brought up and argued about, when precisely does anyone ever say anything like that, what are they saying, "DAE robot?"???
>imagine being incapable of ending a post with lol
underage confirmed
I don't give a flying fuck about how frequent it happens, I've seen it and I made the post to address it. Now kiss my ass faggot.
You probably just saw someone else's complaint about it. I doubt you've even directly seen this alleged behavior.
Doubt all you want ass wipe, I know what I've seen.
>imagine pulling the boomer card
You probably posted it yourself sweetie.
does it count if drugs make me confident enough to go to clubs
i have done all of those, but i have also ghosted someone
where am i
It's practically impossible for you to never have had a SINGLE friend unless you were chained up in a basement with no peer contact as a child or if you're severely retarded (iq
>had sex
>have never ghosted anyone
but what if somebody never had friend to ghost?It's basically the same as "SJW's" oppression complex