I absolutely fucking HATE how manlets are often lumped into the same group as fatties...

I absolutely fucking HATE how manlets are often lumped into the same group as fatties. Many times people imply that short men are analogous to fat women.

I LITERALLY DID NOTHING WRONG to have been born a short male. I was slightly chubby as a kid and was in no way malnourished, I simply have shit genetics (I'm taller than both my parents, my dad happened to be a turbo manlet).

Fat women are unattractive due to having shit discipline and making poor choices. Short men are unattractive due to being unlucky.


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Most manlets think they're alpha and try to overpower everyone.

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nope, most of them are beta as fuck from years of constantly being mogged by everyone. I'm extremely meek towards others in face to face conversations

lol just grow taller bro it worked for me

t. 6'5 chad

Who even cares dude.

I saw a 5`8 guy last night at a club and it looked funny. He only flirted with fat girls

honestly this no one outside of Jow Forums cares

I would absolutely love to be 5'8, I'm fucking 5'5

Man Manlet rage is fun

Manlets have it worse than fat chicks, what the fuck are you talking about? Mock fat chicks on twitter and you''re gonna get called a bigot. Mock manlets and you will get thousands of retweets

Short men are unattractive due to genetics. You will have inferior children. You are on the same level as a fat woman except at least a fat woman has people who actually want to fuck her.

if short men shouldn't reproduce then neither should short women, but a 4'11 woman can still easily find men who want to fuck her. even if every short man died a virgin the world would always have short men due to short women reproducing.

>muh genetics
coping lanklet or brainwashed roastie. Short men are actually more adapted biologically to modern society, they consume less resources, take less space and have less risk to get stuff like back pain. Except for violent niggers there's no advantage to being "big" in a civilized society.

My sister does. Said she would not want to date somebody shorter than her and she's 5'9. To be fair though, most guys don't want to date somebody taller than then so they have the reverse problem.

a short man with a good job that requires a high IQ (like a software engineer or doctor) is more fit to reproduce in modern society than any lower IQ lanklet. IQ is the single greatest determinant to success and it's been this way since the dawn of civilization. 100,000 years ago it might have been better to be physically powerful but not anymore. Female biological preferences haven't caught up with human advancement.

One of my sisters is dating a dude around 5'8 - 5'9 and commented how "he's sooooo short lol". She isn't even 5'0 herself. Women amirite?

Short women are sought after because they are seen as weaker and easier to control. That is why they are appealing.

You're so valiant fighting bravely for manlets everywhere. This made me smile, truly.

yeah cept height is correlated with iq because taller people have bigger brains

brain size within a single species has nothing to do with IQ, and plus they probably didn't control for race

Calling bullshit. I have an IQ of 155, and I never succeed in anything. Ever. I'd gladly trade 40 IQ points to be 6'5".

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there's a strong correlation between IQ and success, this is indisputable. there's also a correlation between height and success but IQ is more important. A good example is the world's jewish population: average IQ an entire standard deviation above the mean and they're something like 20% of the world's billionaires while being 0.4% the world population.