ITT post controversial/potentially controversial opinions and discuss. I'll start:
There are essentially zero single women from the ages of 22 to 30, or at least much less than we're made to believe. Before you start disagreeing I want you to honestly think of an example of a woman in that age group that is truly single, and by that I mean having a fuckbuddy counts as not being single, and if you can even come up with one example compare that to the sample size in that age group that you know. Women in their early twenties are in their prime and they aren't stupid, they know that time to find a boyfriend is running out and because they're young and attractive it isn't hard to do so. So the vast majority of them save a couple of downies end up in relationships by around 22, and for those that take care of themselves they stay effectively in their prime until around 30. Past that point around 50% get divorced and most get hideous after that. 30-40 are the worst years for women.
Most people would come to the conclusion that 18-22 is the way to go but girls that age are extremely immature and high maintenance, even for women standards. And you're still going to go down the same road where it all implodes around 30, you just get to wait a little longer.
My controversial solution? Cougars. With women 40-50 you bypass all the bullshit from before, they're still far from perfect but know exactly what they want. As long as they took care of themselves the main drawback is you probably won't have any (healthy) kids if you care about that, and they won't be looking that great after a few years but that seems to be unavoidable.
I'm mostly talking out of my ass here so this is all just theory.
No, I would say from more of a generational thing around that age they're less likely to have self destructed as fast as millennial women are. Let me put it this way, in 20 years I would not advocate for the same thing.
Matthew Sanchez
People who unironically use buzzwords (racist, homophobe, misogynist, etc.) tend to be that very word themselves, and are just projecting.
Levi Russell
Nothing is wrong with liking anime but being a flamboyant faggot who dresses in anime clothes and goes to cons is for literal autists. Also don't use that as your only hobby its very gay. Sad that this is controversial in 2019
Aaron Gonzalez
I wouldn't say that they're necessarily the same thing that they accuse others of (although it's very common), but they usually have something reprehensible about them that they hide.
Adam White
Capitalism has caused most of our problems. My dad got a comfy 9-5 factory job with a high school degree that he worked at til he retired. He made enough money for a car, wife, family, and his college. But now we are stuck with $100k in student debt fighting each other for part time jobs at the golden arches. Women are not marrying unless it is with Chad, the average millenial makes less than $35k/yr, and we wonder why mass shootings are becoming a thing now
>Call someone a faggot >Therefore I am a faggot Ok
Robert Murphy
Here is my controversial opinion: nearly everyone on the internet who types up their opinion on anything is a loser. A giant, steaming, failure of humanity. There are amazing people in this world who are constantly working on wonderful thing and who don't spend one second even thinking about sharing their retarded opinions on the internet.
I don't excuse myself from this, of course.
Josiah Allen
Utopia is impossible because the next generation will never appreciate it since they never had to work for it. If you were born into a utopian society how would you know? And if someone told you it was would you believe it?
Racism and other discrimination is necessary because how would you know what isn't racist if racism didn't exist. You would have nothing in which to mirror it off of.
Carson Mitchell
I would love to suckle on those cute little nipples of yours sweetie
Charles Cook
God is real, and finds most of humanity to be something of a joke
Grayson Murphy
Humans are too stupid, greedy, and violent to rule themselves. No system of government which involves humans as the primary drivers will ever be any good for very long.
To oversimplify a bit, wealth-redistribution systems sap the drive to work from people and stop commerce, and capitalist systems are inefficient and mindlessly cruel. Dictatorships are only as effective as the dictator, and no one individual can be omnipresent. Mixed governments can be effective, but have all of these problems to some lesser extent. ALL human-run systems, however, are heavily subject to corruption and create many unnecessary, premature deaths within their populace.
We will only be be free from the tyranny of human corruption and avarice once we're ruled by something that has no emotions or ulterior motives beyond accomplishing its appointed task. We need to be ruled by open source, publicly accessible algorithms which are democratically re-written and amended in carefully secured, low-tech lawmaking sessions.
In short, we need to be ruled by a robot. An unfeeling, uncaring, completely cold AI, that only cares about keeping premature death numbers down, and human happiness polling levels up. We will only have an effective government once we remove humans from government.
People would still bitch about that too. Also, this is basically the ending of GOT. They are now ruled by an emotionless husk who has perfect knowledge of the past. I don't really disagree with you but a lot of people scoff at the idea of technocrats because muh emotions.
Luke Hall
No its because millenials fell for the college meme and were dumb as fuck. I spent 1 year in trade school and paid 3k for it. I wouldve paid 6k but in my state you get half off ANY college for passing with a 2.2 GPA and doing 40 hours of community service. That alone will help any college kid, it pays for half of ANY college. You have to barely pass and help some old people wipe their ass and can get fucking 20k off college. Anyways, before i even graduated i had someone come and offer me a job where theyd pay what i paid for schooling so it didnt cost me a dime, and i was making 65k right out of college. Granted not everyone will make $30 an hour right away but most trades start at $20/hr, i just got in good. 3 years later and ive been sent back to classes each of those 3 years, had them paid for, and now im with a better company and am getting paid 95k a year after taxes with 2 weeks paid 3 weeks unpaid vacation with 2 spare weeks set aside incase of mild injuries. I have full health and dental too. I paid nothing for this. Not a dime. Every bit of this was paid for. I passed with a 2.4 GPA, didnt even take a foreign language, and spent the bare minimum 40 hours helping at a daycare. Its not hard, but millenials didnt wanna go into trades, they wanted to be RN's and Graphic designers, and now those markets are oversaturated and underpaid, all while almost all trades are in high demand as boomers die and are offering to pay for schooling for people to hire them the moment they graduate with starting pay of around $20/hr. Im not saying capitalism is flawless, but thats mostly the fault of the job market changing and people not looking at it. I spent maybe 4 hours online and was set on auto service. People just took what teachers spoonfed them about "being special, and you should totally go to college!" Its not that hard man, i grew up eating mac n cheese with cut up hotdogs 5 days of the week, and now im putting away every year what most people make in 2
Nathaniel Williams
I dont hate women at all even the girls that are considered "whores" the more i talk to women the more i understand them.Women are just different and you cant except them to think or behave like men.The most fights i see with couples is that the man is trying to make his girlfriend to think like a man but thats not possible.They dont think they feel its all about the emotions that you can convey to them.Cuddling with a women and feeling her soft skin and warm body and smelling her hair and her falling asleep in your arms its just beautiful its the best feeling in the world everything is fine your mind is empty you just feel her and she feels you. It saddens me that a lot of you hate women because you cant get that but nothings free there is no state provided gfs.
Isaac Reyes
Environmentalism is the communism of the 21st century.
Gavin Reyes
The reason why modern politics(especially online) feel so fucking dumb is because now people can say "Just joking, got you!" after every retarded thing theyvsay
Jaxson Lee
>There are essentially zero single women from the ages of 22 to 30,
Like half the women that age I know are single, even more than half are single where I work
Are they really single, or do they have some Chad fuckbuddy that is everything but a boyfriend?
I call horseshit. Anytime I see a girl on social media I check to see if she has a boyfriend just from a data standpoint, and 9/10 she does, and that's only the ones who publicly post about it.
Nathan Perry
user,its confirmation bias. You only think every girl out there is dating because you only see the ones on the internet dating.
Aiden Gomez
It depends my dad was the same but he had to work hard all his life. I am on neetbux and since we get most of our stuff through slavery (chinese) we can live comfy lives. Most of the people who say return to the old days want you working in a coal mine and slaving away just so they dont have to pay tax.
Brayden Morgan
It is impossible to have a moral system without a moral authority since people are indolent. But because we live in a purely material universe, their is no natural moral authority. Thus, to live a live with a sense of direction and meaning, one must delude themselves.
Henry Jones
One of the most shocking facts I learned was the "backup guy". Even if a woman is very happy in a relationship she always have at least a male friend that would be interested in dating her in case of breaking up with his current bf. Once I saw a fat and ugly woman brraking up with his gf and in the span of a month she dated like 3 male friends of her till she picked the one he liked the most. All of this was happening while she wad crying about how her heart was broken and all that. Pic related is the woman
I don't think its capitalism so much as bad parenting. Bad parents have an inaccurate view of the modern world and pressure their children to go to college even when it is a terrible idea.
Attending a large public school for a liberal arts degree will guarantee little more than a career in teaching that subject, if even that. Most people would be better off going through a two-year program at a community college. For example, the community college where I teach has a number of programs which were designed by groups of companies to directly pipeline where they needed jobs, have almost 100% placement rates, and make >50k$.
Parker Lewis
The pronouns in this post are fucked and I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Ethan Wright
This doesnt just apply to women though
Julian Fisher
nigger, try to find a woman that didn't have a boyfriend in the last year. I have meet a lot of male normies that didn't have a girlfriend in all the years I have know them, some of them are probably virgins too. And I'm talking about normies, most robots won't have a girlfriend in years, maybe decades. Now go out and try to find a girl that has never have a bf
Sebastian Sanchez
I'm drunk, basically a fat woman breaked up with his bf and immediately dated some male friends till she got a bf in a span of a month
Blake Jackson
Agreed. Until then a benevolent dictatorship (with heavily armed citizens to easily dispose of corrupts dictators) is optimum. America unironically needs a Caesar, all branches of government are utterly corrupt at this point.
Benjamin Myers
Space exploration is a useless endeavor. There is nothing to be gained from taking pictures of moon rocks, or sending people to Mars. It doesn't affect me whatsoever. Ocean exploration is much more interesting, and it would benefit people on earth more to know more about their own oceans.
Robert Carter
more so to women than men as women always have more options
and yeah, that's called the mate switching hypothesis by david buss, look it up
Luis Adams
we should stop having children. antinatalism is the most ethical philosophy. it would be the end of all human suffering and an end to all the suffering mankind has brought to the creatures of this planet. the continued reproduction of the human race is vastly selfish, cruel, and ignorant. we can simply stop having children and in roughly a hundred years we can peacefully put an end to so much unnecessary suffering.
Bullying and other forms of social darwinism are obsolete animal instincts in a world where predatory power can be bought, stolen, or made. It is incredibly dangerous and will someday end up having incredibly negative effects on all involved.
Josiah Price
People who say they only care about facts (disregard feelings) are not intelligent. Facts are just observations of widespread feelings. The murder rates go up because more people feel impulsive. So firstly, you are a liar and actually are still following feelings. Secondly, the facts always come after the action. You are always lagging behind the times and will never lead humanity into the future. This whole "facts not feelings" movement is just an even more dysfunctional version of those they despise.
I dont think we should stop having children, I mean hell who doesn't want to continue their prime genetic line and pass down the torch to the next generation? All those problems you mentioned could be solved if we wanted to (read: people weren't lazy af, jews expelled, africans sent back, etc).
I do agree that it is kind of fucked up that we are bringing in another conscious being in to the world without asking it if it even wants to (>I never asked to be born!!1one!!) so why don't we just pull an ancient greece and have a jar of hemlock sitting out for anyone to take if they choose to. Since we are in the modern age perhaps a nice concoction of heroin/benzo/potassium so its not as painful as literally ingesting poison but you get the point
Henry Ramirez
A truly unenlightened post. Suffering must exist for joy to exist in this world of references. You would have to destroy the entire dimension in order to delete suffering... but then you would also delete joy.
As if your embrace of the stupid game is supposed to be unenlightened? Joy only exists in the context that life sucks terribly. Comfort only exists because it's the absence of pain. The game in life is just about filling all the holes that you're created with, and that never happens. Why are you advocating for holes you moron? You can't point to ignorant animals and say "they're doing it". You have to account for it in the context of you having a brain, asshole. There's no fucking reason for the vast amount of suffering that exists just because of the fact. You're a bumbling idiot who thinks he's smart. Shut the fuck up
Adam Brooks
Thats not an opinion, its a fact
Carter Smith
You're actually a bumbling idiot, so I'll just counter myself... You could argue that all the duality in the world is actually just a product of human perception, and built through definitions. After all, we define what suffering and joy are, we define good and bad. And it's possible that without those definitions, or with different definitions, the entire world changes. It could be that animals DO live a life free from suffering, despite that we look at them and think they must be suffering (ripping out each other's throats and all). In which case, getting rid of humans alone would remove the concept of suffering.
Ryder Brown
>blah blah blah human perception There's value in conscious experience, that's the only thing that creates value. There's no value in a universe that no consciousness exists in because there's no assholes like you or me to say "oh yeah this thing means something to me". The definition of suffering isn't something I'm pulling out of my ass. It's an objective fucing fact that we're born into the universe with needs to fulfill and when those needs aren't met, it's painful as fuck. That's the punishment for not participating. So we have a little shock collar to keep us in the field. Suffering is BAD because it fucking HURTS. I can't believe I have to explain this. And the fact that it matters, too. I really don't want to wish horror on you but I really hope you get yours, motherfucker. Then you can possibly understand that suffering is bad. It's like you're in kintergarten. "SO this is a pleasure, and this is good, and this is a pain, it's not as good, etc."... You're dumb as fuck. Animals suffer their entire lives because nature is forcing them to play a game where they have to kill each other and have to constantly watch their asses in order to not be murdered in some brutal, horrible way. Choosing not to reproduce is not "getting rid of humans", it's not getting rid of anything. It's refusing to create more. Which you fucking idiots need to do because the DNA is commanding your simple baboon head and you lack whatever fortitude is necessary to ignore it. Yeah, I recognize I'm addicted to the game. I was created to be like that. But do I really need to force the game? No, I really don't. You don't need to either. Fuck you. Life fucking sucks for any organism but we're the only ones with the capacity to understand that it's not worth it.
Carson Young
Autism is not a superpower. Autism is a straight up disability and is actually a worse mental illness than LGBT since it fundamentally affects overall character for the worse rather than just what you do in the bedroom or to your junk. Not only are most "autistic geniuses" unproven myths on the level of Christ or Allah's divinity, but for every one that might exist there are dozens if not hundreds who have made the same accomplishments without the toxic baggage. Thankfully the advent of modern hypergamy will render this cancerous unempathetic, disharmonious threat to the ecosystem extinct once and for all.
Not who you're replying to but your argument isn't that solid either. We have no comparison point for animals other than extrapolating because I feel this way then so must this other thing that looks to be in a similar situation with a similar nervous system etc. Ever heard of philosophical zombie problem? I don't even know or can prove that other HUMANS let alone animals also experience suffering, joy, pain, love, pleasure, and so on. All I know is I experience them, and it appears so that other people experience it similarly to how I do, and so on down the line (all mammals seem to exhibit pain/pleasure, maternal love, blah blah).
Still when it comes down to it there is absolutely no way to definitively prove that there exists objective suffering that is unrelated to an arbitrary conception clarified by me. Yeah this doesn't really get you anywhere I realize but this whole thread is full of esoteric nonsense so you signed up for it when you hit post buddy
Gabriel Lee
I had never heard of the philosophical zombie program or whatever because I don't waste time with crap like that. It's completely irrelevant whether or not other people understand what empathy is
Xavier Gray
massive brainlet detected, you couldn't be bothered to wiki the philosophical zombie >problem for 30 seconds to understand the point I was making?
>completely irrelevant to whether or not people understand what empathy is
You goofed, because it actually is completely goddamn relevant. In fact that's one of the few things the problem is even relevant to in the first place (the others being philosophy of mind, metaphysics related stuff). Since you are too inept or lazy to look it up yourself, allow me to summarize the key points
>i know that I experience thoughts/consciousness/feelings >I see evidence that other people also experience something similar >I have no way of actually confirming their experience's similarities or even existence at all >I only have their own testimony to go on >testimony can be fabricated >It is theoretically possible for all people to actually not be conscious, but instead are just acting like they are, fooling me into thinking so >I might be the only one conscious, and everyone else, while outwardly normal, are zombies on the inside
Since you probably don't see how this is relevant, its because this empathy/suffering shit you seem to think is so concrete and objective could literally be completely null and void outside of your own little circle of experience. Yeah its not like this is some magic solution or argument to whip out on your friends at the bar but when youre on a basket weaving forum talking esoterically about absolutes and other philosophical problems, you're either a sith or gonna get learned
Brandon Reyes
Having a kid is the most selfish thing you can do if you are in the western world. The outlook going forward is very fucking bleak, bringing a child into this world as it is now is a disservice to them. Not to mention the costs of raising the child and the environmental impact that person will have on the earth. If you absolutely MUST have a child, adopt a child.
Hudson Fisher
this was a great read thank you
David Williams
You're telling me that it's possible that nothing else is suffering when I clearly see everything fucking suffering. I guess this is what happens when you live in grotesque comfort your whole life, and you think of something stupid like "every one of these obviously conscious, emotional, thinking, feeling things around me are actually just faking it and it's all an alien projection from the moon". Fucking moron. Shit has been going "ouch" for a very long time and you're denying it for the sake of being edgy
Leo Myers
>youre not better than people because youre conservative >or white >internet access is a human right, to deprive humanity of its greatest invention is akin to depriving someone of life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness >eugenics is necessary >moot should have never brought back Jow Forums >people who deny climate change should be shot on site >oil company's executives and lobbyist should be rounded up and publicly executed. Cruise liners too. >its already too late for humanity, climate change is too far gone and we are just counting down the years now >boomers should lose their right to vote for causing this issue
Justin Hughes
Definitions exist because someone feels something, so they assign a word to describe it. If animals do not feel the same feelings as humans, they will have entirely different dictionaries and thus entirely different worlds. Animals feel pain. That doesn't mean their conscious mind interprets pain as "bad" or even interprets it at all. Yes, they might run from death, but that doesn't mean they are doing so consciously. We all breath automatically, who's to say avoiding death is not an unconscious decision for animals? If the feeling of suffering doesn't exist, then there is no such thing as suffering.
And even if animals do in fact suffer, then we just go back to square one- Refusing to have children and continue the human race will do nothing to stop suffering. Human-esque creatures will evolve back into existence, and maybe even be more destructive and uncaring than we are.
>you're telling me the earth is round when I clearly see its flat!!!
Stop being so dense, I was pointing out a flaw in your argument and that you really shouldn't be arguing for absolutes (hence the sith comment bud), because you will get destroyed since almost nothing is provable to that standard. You seem to be getting tripped up on what we are arguing here. I made no claims about others suffering or not, but that a possibility exists that you are the only one who suffers and we are all just non conscious automata. I tried to make it clear that such theories weren't pragmatic in the slightest, and yes, in our every day world it is clear when an animal is suffering and those who do so for their own amusement are sadistic fucks.
Pls learn to read and comprehend what others are saying before you go spouting off some bullshit. You entered into a philosophical realm with your claims of absolute abstract concepts existing externally and you got pushback within those confines. I do not live in grotesque comfort (props for the vocab word though) and there is always something that pulls me back down to this cruel mortal coil. But entertaining these wildly different world views and playing devils advocate is a welcome respite, what say you?
Carson Baker
im confused
you say eugenics is necessary but also don't identify with being white or conservative? Being white would seem to be the end goal of eugenics would it not? Or maybe with some asian sprinkled in for IQ but hasn't that all been disproven anyway with them being a bunch of cheating fucks?
Aiden Reed
FtMs are just butch Lesbians with bad therapists.
Joshua Edwards
>climate change is total bullshit, but we should still cut down on manmade pollution because it's a major health threat, temperature changes be damned >Jow Forums is always right if you ignore the trump-supporting bootlickers and baiting communists >in spite of this, humanity will inevitably fall into ruin because the people in power are too powerful and too hellbent on their disgusting goals for anyone to stand up to them >there is objective morality, but anyone claiming to be moral in this era is full of shit >the 2018 midterm elections were rigged, people found out they were rigged, and nobody did a damn thing about it >the 2020 election will be rigged, people will find out that it was rigged, and nobody will do a damn thing about it >the greatest threat to humanity's happiness and security is the easy trade of information through the internet >the internet, along with numerous other modern technologies, will be gone with hardly a trace by 2500 >the best case scenario for humanity is a total societal collapse, and the worst case scenario is for things to continue as they are now >nazi germany was the last hope for western civilization, and it wasn't even that great
A large and active userbase insulates hobbies to change from normalfags, not makes them vulnerable as many people believe.
Matthew Bailey
I'd like to hear more about that first one, user.
William Clark
I can clearly see the earth is round. Your analogy is fucking retarded. And >a possibility exists that you are the only one who suffers and we are all just non conscious automata Wrong. That isn't a possibility. Because there's also a possibility that there's a galaxy made out of waffles. But isn't that fucking retarded? Yes. It's fucking stupid that blueberry comets streak around pancake planets and a syrup sun and a frying pan black hole. It's dumb as hell and that's why I don't entertain that horseshit.
> who's to say avoiding death is not an unconscious decision for animals? Avoiding death is an unconscious decision in everything that's alive you avatarfagging moron. You could think of life as binary code of 1 and 0 where one is good and the other is bad and throughout every event the non-painful one is always good. Or call it a different word.Whatever. Doesn't change the fact that pain is bad and the absence of pain is good. Logically of course. But no one wants to be rational anymore. Remove your consciousness from your own person for maybe five fucking seconds and you'll see it's all the same for everyone. It's embarrassing for your intelligence that you're unable to do that. I can't even follow you how you go, "Animals feel pain. Other people feel pain. But they breathe, too, and we breathe. So therefore suffering isn't the same as pain"
Leo Mitchell
I think of it as a % investment sort of thing.
If you have a group of 100 peeople who are all on the same track about a hobby, it's insulated, because the groups investment in the current group dynamic is 100%.
If you have a group of 7 people, and one guy isn't 100%, then it's a bit lower, same as if there were any other number of people in the group.
As the %Investment decreases, the likelihood of other people of even less investment entering the group increases, lowering the overall investment, increasing the chance that other, less invested people will join the group, and so on.
It's not about how many people are in the group, but how much the people in the group care about keeping it the way it is.
Oliver Torres
>climate change is total bullshit, but we should still cut down on manmade pollution because it's a major health threat, temperature changes be damned This is wrong. the climate does move up and down but the human population and the wastefulness of its animal agriculture and its fossil fuel use has moved it up farther than it has ever been since the last time this happened, which was the Great Dying, where nearly 250 species went extinct. We're approaching the next great dying and it's mankind's fault.
>>nazi germany was the last hope for western civilization, and it wasn't even that great Nazi Germany fundamentally opposed western civilization
James Peterson
Welp, this is finally it Jow Forums >family despises me >spent literally all of my life on 4ch and 8ch >no gf >poor
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you. This board has always been my favorite. Live streaming my suicide in roughly 15 minutes. n
Even though there's nothing I can say that will stop you I have to ask what your reason for offing yourself is. Is it because there's no real point to life and you're just done chasing the carrot? I'll talk to you bro.
Brody James
this has been spammed last night and his favorite board was /b/. Either you're retarded or samefagging.
Owen Rogers
I agree, at least for the next 50 years probably. At some point in the future mining asteroids for rare metals could be valuable. But rich guys donating all their excess wealth to that is better than some retarded charity though.
Isaac Sanchez
>his graph of global temperatures only goes back to 1880 >he thinks that proves it's higher "than it has ever been" horse shit, same tactics the retards in the media use
Manmade pollution does a hell of a lot more than just change global temperatures. If you're interested in learning more information, look up the herbicides Roundup and Atrazine. I believe a court decision recently decided against Roundup's producer, Monsanto, and confirmed that the chemical does cause cancer and is in the water supply. Atrazine is far more insidious. It has been linked to birth defects in humans and hormonal imbalances in various forms of wildlife, especially frogs. It also finds its way into water supplies and can stay there for decades, meaning that it's more than likely that you're drinking Atrazine in small quantities on a daily basis. It would take decades to clean up what just these two chemicals have done, and they're not the only offenders, nor are agricultural chemicals in general. If you legitimately think that the only thing coming out of the chimneys of factories across this country is CO2, you're sorely mistaken, but climate change is peddled so hard by the people in power that any real focus on environmentalism and making the air and water more healthy is completely overshadowed by "SCIENCE IS SETTLED, BIGOT" types like Bill Nye and AOC. And don't even get me started on plastic waste, that shit gets nowhere near enough media coverage.
What a delightful empty platitude. Don't forget that Germany was the pinnacle of Western civilization for a decade before Britain declared war on it.
>By Western civilization, we broadly refer to everything that follows from either Aristotle (in preference over Plato**) or Moses (more via Judeo-Christianity than via Judaism itself). It is called "Western" because its geographical domain has been incipiently the western peninsula of the Eurasian landmass, and only subsequently the lands invaded or otherwise infected by these Western colonial powers (including Russia). In Europe, the Aristotelian strand and the Mosaic strand were separately influential in the classical era, following which the Aristotelian strand temporarily faded from prominence while the Mosaic strand remained prominent throughout the medieval era. Nevertheless, these two strands only became fully interwoven during the Renaissance, thus post-Renaissance Western civilization is the most defnitive of Western civilization as a whole. This is common sense: when we speak of Western medicine, for example, nobody thinks of humourism (which, as a matter of fact, is found in the medical theory of many ancient cultures ("A diet of potato peelings and raw potatoes - will cure beri-beri within a week" - Adolf Hitler), and therefore is not unique to the West), instead everybody thinks of allopathy (which is indeed unique to the West ("That a fatty substance extracted from coal has the same value as olive-oil, that I don't believe at all!" - Adolf Hitler)).
>As such, movements that have arisen in the same geographical region but which were both anti-Aristotelian and anti-Mosaic are not to be considered part of Western civilization, but should rather be viewed as attempts to overthrow it. For example, National Socialism - more sympathetic to Platonist thought than to Aristotelian thought, as well as being explicitly anti-Tanakh - is absolutely not part of Western civilization, and is characteristically anti-Western. ("One must clearly see into all that, in order to appreciate properly the significance of the exclamation made by the Roosevelt woman, speaking of ourselves: "It's a world in which we could not conceivably live!"" - Adolf Hitler) On the other hand, trends that are anti-Mosaic without also being anti-Aristotelian, or vice versa, should still be considered part of Western civilization.
I dont understand, capitalism is at fault for your misery but not your fathers success? I think it more so has to do with boomers not really caring about what happens after their time
Michael Myers
you're wrong about girls OP but why would we expect an incel to know
The earth might be flat Vaccines are mostly bad
Thomas Jenkins
Can't we just be happy that a couple of billionaire have decided to redirect their wealth to something as interesting as space travel rather than hookers, blow, and even more wealth? It's rare enough as is, we can't be so picky.
Xavier Ward
>western civilization is limited to aristotle and "judeo-christianity" and anything that violates any part of those sets of values is 100% non-western >according to a website called aryanism Face it, the country that unified most of Europe against a common enemy was by all means more Western than the Britain that tried to destroy them. Twice.
I wouldn't be happy with anything besides that money going back to us where it belongs. Billionaires don't deserve that kind of excessive wealth. They aren't a higher species than me and they aren't necessary for my existence. So why do they get to play life on god-mode? If I was a billionaire I would be for about a day. All the money would get burned. I don't need that fucking karma man. But they can't just spare me a few thousand dollars? Fuck them and their horseshit.
James Nelson
I just use Aryanism because out of the two representatives for National Socialism, it's either Jow Forums (You) or them. And they're the only ones who make sense.
>Face it, the country that unified most of Europe against a common enemy National Socialism isn't limited to the European continent. As you may have heard, they have supporters from all over the world, including east asia, africa, among native americans, and et cetera. Victims of colonization tend to support those who are against colonization, you know? I don't think you really understand what western means. It's not about geography, it's about whether or not you agree with western principles that are Aristotlian and Judaic.
Matthew Clark
Making illegal the usage of alcohol on religious days and the sterilization of convicted pedophiles
Ian Perez
>Making illegal the usage of alcohol on religious days Why, faggot?
>the sterilization of convicted pedophiles Why not just execute them, faggot?
Robert Long
>climate change is total bullshit, but we should still cut down on manmade pollution I agree. The climate change debate is a distraction, irrelevant to the issue at hand. The world should be kept clean because we're not fucking pigs, end of debate.
>Avoiding death is an unconscious decision in everything that's alive I meant fully unconscious, like they have no choice. Breathing was a bad analogy, I more meant like sweating. And all that was to explain why they would run from pain and suffering if they were unaware of pain and suffering. And I was arguing that they don't feel pain and suffering because that would prove that less humans means less suffering, since humans may be the only ones who perceive suffering.
so tldr- Yes, waffle galaxies. It's possible but not probable.
>sterilization of convicted pedophiles I don't think getting 5 year olds pregnant was the problem. Maybe cut off their arms.
Liam Rogers
Severe improbabilities don't really seem to interest him I'm just going to go out on a limb
>Maybe cut off their arms. Why not their head?
Samuel Reyes
>Why not their head? Because life is suffering.
Colton Robinson
I like it. Nice dubs.
Owen Wood
>Marxism-Leninism like the USSR, East Germany and so on is the ideal system of political economy >Stalin did nothing wrong >China and North Korea are both based and redpilled >Men have an obligation to be physically fit and we should look down on people who aren't (by choice) >Women are fine and don't only date "chads". If you take care of yourself and conduct yourself like a normal person, you can get pussy no problem and basically everybody manages this. It's not women's fault you're a virgin >Being obsessed with animals/pets and treating them better than human beings is bourgeois sentimentality and is therefore cringe and bluepilled >You should want to get married and have children early and if you don't want that there's something wrong with you >It's not morally wrong to eat dogs, cats etc >The US should just cut a portion of itself off, move all of the black people there and give it to them as a self-governing territory >Jow Forums is full of children and soibois because those are the people that hard line right-wing ideologies appeal to >Liberals, anarchists, syndicalists, trotskyites, social democrats etc are worse than nazis
>People who say they only care about facts (disregard feelings) are not intelligent. >Facts are just observations of widespread feelings. >The murder rates go up because more people feel impulsive. >So firstly, you are a liar and actually are still following feelings. >Secondly, the facts always come after the action. You are always lagging behind the times and will never lead humanity into the future. >This whole "facts not feelings" movement is just an even more dysfunctional version of those they despise. I agree with this
Anthony Allen
>>You should want to get married and have children early and if you don't want that there's something wrong with you
Yes good goy, feed into the system you so desperately despise.
Luis Lee
The (((international clique))) hates and fears the nuclear family. Traditional social relationships like the family are prime targets for capitalism to destroy, because they provide support networks that do not centre around consumerism. This is the main purpose behind capitalism's new support for the gay community, and one of many reasons why capitalism consistently supports mass immigration--it fractures communities, fractures families, and creates more atomized people who only interact with the world through their devices, their jobs and their shopping. In other words, it turns people into lonely and docile wagies who seek fulfillment by purchasing commodities.
It's very telling that basically every socialist country has been anti-immigration, pro-family and anti-Zionist while basically every capitalist country is pro-immigration, anti-family and Zionist.
There is actually a decent percentage of this boards users whom can and have had sex. Yet their mental illnesses or general disdain of the opposite sex caused them to completely isolate. Even a Chad or Stacey can become a neet.
Kayden Barnes
Trans DO have human rights. They have the right to dress as they want, to believe themselves to be what they want to believe, and to deal with life like everyone else does.
But what they DON'T have the right to do is to force other people (who also have human rights) to validate their mental illness at the point of a gun or by the force of law.
David Cox
"Trans rights are human rights!1!11!"
That's all the more reason to oppose them! "Human rights" are a liberal concept that, in addition to just being flatout stupid, have no real concrete meaning anyway. All "human rights" are ever used for is in attempts to justify "humanitarian intervention" (read: US imperialism) in countries all over the world. They are moral universalist garbage that only idiots would ever take seriously.
John Brooks
As a Marxist-Leninist, I'd rather ally with left wing anarchists over revisionists like Tito, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Deng, and Xi
Charles Kelly
>China and North Korea are both based and redpilled
The weed craze is just a cynical rebranding of smoking. People swear too much these days, cussing has long since lost most of its fun and meaning. Google is not your friend and the tendency to lash out and yell 'google it!' at anyone who asks a question is dangerous. Braces are total scams.
Josiah Hill
And for you normalfags: the problem with pineapple pizza is not the pineapple, but the pizza.
Hunter Myers
Kill all violent criminals Abortions are good Eliminate minimum wage Legalize all drugs
David Butler
Anyone who supported the invasion of Iraq is an overweight retard who shouldn't be allowed to breed, drive, & vote.
Alexander Hill
If you are 23 or older and still a virgin, you should find a younger male to findom you and accept a role as his wallet.
Isaac James
That's crazy, I don't mind blacks but I hate trannies so much
Daniel Martin
suffering is a part of life and everyone should experience it, fuck off Zeke
>There are essentially zero single women from the ages of 22 to 30 >having a fuckbuddy counts as not being single
This. A brutal red-pill I learned over time is that every young single woman is having frequent casual sex. Every single one.
Colton Thomas
>Are they really single, or do they have some Chad fuckbuddy that is everything but a boyfriend?I call horseshit. Anytime I see a girl on social media I check to see if she has a boyfriend just from a data standpoint, and 9/10 she does, and that's only the ones who publicly post about it.
Yeah they are really single. Social media doesn't mean shit, there's plenty single women once you leave your room and interact with people IRL.