Fellow NEETs here. Please enlighten me about NEET lifestyle. Is it good...

Fellow NEETs here. Please enlighten me about NEET lifestyle. Is it good? I am a 10 hour job everyday wageslave and tired of this shit.

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being NEET is ok in a few respects.

>no stress
>no assholes to deal with
>can sleep in


>no human contact
>no purpose to life
>literally you don't exist

its like being a fucking ghost. I hate it.

NEET here who makes 1-5k per day (don't ask how).

Life is just like this user said. Except I spend shitload of money on vidya, anime figures, onaholes, women panties. It's get pretty boring and dull sometimes.

That sounds pretty nice user. Please tell us how.

Bitcoins. Carding.

It's really bad, no future and no money, I'm considering suicide everyday, even vidya and anime isn't fun anymore

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NEET life sucks. It's looks good on paper but, when your not socializing, sitting on your ass all day shitposting, watching porn and playing vidya all day. It's gets pretty dull.

It's shit if you don't have friends. I've been a neet for 4 years, and despite how much I have trouble interacting with normies I'm really feeling loney. Even the most introverted man still need some human contact.

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How the fuck do you neets make money or get it from? welfare?

>be me
>be rich
>not have to be work
Yeah its gucci you should try for a few years

I hate it. I want a job.

Please enlighten me. I saw a thread earlier about this. I am too much of a brainlet to research.

I live with my parents, but I'm going to get an education because I can't cope anymore with this situation at 22.

he scams others into buying bitcoin

NEET here.

>go to college at 19
>cs degree cause Jow Forums
>drop out 2 years later because of being incompetent
>actually spent all day jerking off to feets and playing dota
>fast forward
>24 now
>going back to college again

The worse part is that the friends you grew up with are successful

Read this nigger:


Holy shit this seems really useful, thanks user.

Being a NEET sucks if you jack off all day, play vidya, have no socializing. It rots your brain. Unless you spend your time doing something productive, socializing little bit

Its not fun but it beats the alternative by a mile. I don't like being around people. I dont like talking to people. I'm not an interesting person. I dont like having to wake up early. I dont like having responsibilities. I get stressed and overwhelmed very easily. I have no aspirations; i do not desire wealth or status. This society has done nothing for me so i do not feel like i owe it anything back.

At this point im just passing time until i get a terminal disease or something one day. Maybe there's something a bit nicer on the other side.

Can't speak for everyone but If you're living off benefits or your family then no it sucks because you feel worthless.

>but If you're living off benefits or your family then no it sucks

This is the worst fucking part. I have wageslavery. I am trying to do some freelance work so I can move out

try to be self employed or at least an "artist" of some sort.
I got bored and lonely pretty fast even though I was an addict. I even had all the fun NEET stuff to do too. it would have been nice if I had made something during my NEET years

How to get gf as a NEET? From what I gather you just act as normal as possible and talk to girls and look as decent as you can. I suppose I already know everything and am just stalling because I'm a subhuman? At least this is what I gather normies do. What do you fellow NEETs think? What I really would like is the easiest possible route, like joining a group where socializing is expected.

just be yourself my man. clean. shave. take a shower. don't be autismo

If I were to truly be myself I would be psychotic and raping people and stuff. It's the sting of failure and prospect of being locked up that prevents me from this. "Just be a normie" is way better advice and would have saved me seven years of autism if it were passed on to me.

why do you even say "fellow neets" when you're not a neet yourself. fucking niggers man...

This, never trust crypro niggers