Is it just me or is adult life in this society deeply depressing and meaningless? Just work, have a family that you do not get much time for, no real time for hobbies, relaxing, or friends, and then it all just repeats forever. Why do people agree to be wageslaves?
Is it just me or is adult life in this society deeply depressing and meaningless? Just work...
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Yeah it really is but at least you get to distract yourself with some fun, meaningless shit. That's not so bad.
the other option is being a depressed neet
I don't know man. Maybe we wouldn't have to work so much and sacrifice so much time with work if we had some wealth. I have no idea $$$what happened$$$
It's weird that private wealth hasn't contributed to the public good in $$$45 years$$
you can try to make yourself as happy as possible by not abiding by the rules set in front of you, which are mostly propaganda to keep those too stupid to do anything else in their lane. Be someone or die.
Capitalism my friend.
You're gonna piss them off
Yes. Lifecucks will defend this, for some reason
Life inherently has no meaning, I don't think our brain can completely reconcile with the fact that nothing you do matters.
This is why religion exists. No one can comprehend nothingness. People go fucking insane.
I haven't worked in 10 years, and by some miracle I ended up in quite happy and comfortable circumstances. Feels strange actually, like I won the comfy lottery but I am missing a real purpose
B-but CEOs have a high responsibility, so they have to be payed 100 times more
>Just work, have a family that you do not get much time for, no real time for hobbies, relaxing, or friends, and then it all just repeats forever.
The really fucked up part is that that's the GOOD scenario. You can also be lifelong single in which case you have time for hobbies, relaxing and friends, but you have no friends and are too depressed to enjoy hobbies and relaxing.
Without them, how would we have jobs?
I find it somewhat comforting to know that on a cosmic scale nothing I say, think, or do has any meaning. I was too obsessed with finding fulfillment and a success for so long, and failure upon failure has hurt me so much. Whenever I take the time to remember that it means nothing, I feel a little better. Not a lot better, but a little.
>rich people make more money than poor people
Jeez, who the fuck would have guessed!!!
>Being this much of a brainlet
Keep on bootlickin' boy
Because you are a stupid fucking kid and don't understand that working, living, existing, consuming and repetition are fucking life. What would you do if you didn't have to pay, could just go on a pokemon adventure? You'd fucking lose yourself to competition. What would you do with no job? You'd sit there and fucking do nothing. Hobbies come in to make up the rest of the time you are awake when you are bored. Growing up is understanding that life just goes on with or without you and 2 b honest I've learned that life is better with structure that I created for myself by having a job, going to work every day, coming home and having a gin'n tonic, shitposting a bit, watching a few things then going to sleep to repeat the cycle until the weekend where I either do fuck-all or something slightly different until the next week where I right back at it again. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye I've lived a pretty happy and fine life. You?
dumbest/ragiest wageslave cope I've read in a while
>oh yes, haha coping!
You clearly don't have any idea about living do you?
They're kinda right though in that if you can't find some joy in the meaninglessness and mundanity of life you're just going to be miserable
Only thin gruel brained people are like this. They need muh structure and repetition. God that is so pathetic. It's literal NPC programming.
Explain how you can live a non miserable life without being able to enjoy the moments you have outside of wage slaving every day, coming home exhausted, and ending up with enough money to pay for the 4 walls and food you need to go to work the next day, all until you die
> if you can't find some joy in the meaninglessness and mundanity of life you're just going to be miserable
yeah thats the point of the thread
You have to find something to fill your life; if you just have an empty life, your days will just go down the drain.
>agreeing to be a plow horse for a family that will disrespect and ultimately destroy you through family court
Mgtow is the only sane path for a western man these days.
Yeah it's why I enjoyed being in the army so much. Felt like I had a purpose and I was going somewhere. Didn't feel so alone and isolated. I think that's why so many veterans suffer. They got a glimpse of something else.
It's hilarious when people argue bullshit like this, as if the laws of economics don't exist. The free market and immutable laws of economics determine the value of your labor. Forcing companies to pay $15/hr will only cause them to automate and then the burger flippers will be out of a job.
>and ending up with enough money to pay for the 4 walls and food you need to go to work the next day, all until you die
Incidentally, there's a village in Spain (Marinaleda) where if you want your own home, the town government gives you the materials and labor you need to build it, then you only need to pay $19/month to repay the costs of building minus whatever time you put into helping build it, no rent or mortgage. The only stipulation is that you're not allowed to sell it for private gain.
>Forcing companies to pay $15/hr will only cause them to automate and then the burger flippers will be out of a job.
The argument this supports isn't that companies should be allowed to pay workers however little they feel like, but that businesses should be run as worker co-ops where everyone that business' policies democratically. Plenty of studies have found that co-ops are more productive than traditional businesses as well.
>where everyone that business' policies
*where everyone determines that business' policies
That video was interesting but how can it help robots? the issues for most of the people in that video were very different from the issues of most robots.
they're going to automate if they can anyway, unles wages and laws are rolled back 100 years or so.
t. i have no ambition and i believe other people have no ambition
how does it feel to be not only an NPC, but one that is not critical to the plot?
modern life is the nigger of time
Yea let's raise wages so we can balance out the cost of living. Surely there's no flaws with this.
No one cares about your blog post, faggot
Y'all need some Kaczynski.
Yes, the Jews have destroyed the world and turned us all into soulless wagies who hate ourselves and everyone around us. The only people enjoying life are the rich Jew overlords.
>kali yuga
Just wait for satya yuga my friend :)
I hope those cocks you're sucking are washed or flavored at least.
I won't live for anoher 400k years.
I am with the system is fucked part as well modern society was built around consuming more and more even tho we don't need that we want big profit from anything and we want to buy even more shit the situation is so fucked that we allowed women to the the same so we have much more wageslaves and consumers
>traditional families crushed
Society also programs women to value wealth as she just can so without waging and getting that car house... No relationship or kids so you can live from fast dopamine like porn movies vidya food
>you can find good not muh shekel frens tho which will help
Society is fucked and everyone disagrees with this is either a "nazi" a "communist" or an "anarchist"
The fact that there are people who fail in life is part of the system of capitalism basically it was calculated in into this economical system thoose homeless people will make wagies want to work more cuz muh respecc muh joos...
We live in a post modern society where nothing has meaning we are fucked
If I ever wondered what rattles around in the brain of a 90 IQ individual, now I know.
> What would you do, You'd fucking lose yourself, What would you do with no job?
>You'd sit there and fucking do nothing. You. You. You.
Are you talking to OP or yourself? It seems like you understand your own limitations fairly well though. You're projecting your own shortcomings onto others as if its wisdom that applies to everyone.
> Suddenly, in the blink of an eye I've lived a pretty happy and fine life
By whose standards? If you've convinced yourself your pointless labor-consume-repeat to oblivion cycle is somehow satisfying then I guess you found an emotional survival strategy that works.
Try looking at it from the outside though. Imagine a guy eating shit straight out of a public toilet. He turns to you with a mouthful of shit, swallows, and says:
"You need to grow up. Shit is the best you can hope to eat, once you realize that you'll be much happier. What are you going to do? Make a casserole? Cook some filet mignon sous vide? Heh, I'll never... I mean you'll never follow through on that. Get yourself a big spoon and scoop out those turds and before you know it you'll be full. Once I stopped seeking out food, my dinners got so much easier."
if you're not a retard do you find a job you like
No reason you have to have a family.
Theres nothing at all to do if you have no money
This post id is from a shitty public library
Endless video games, surfing the internet, reading books, watching series, etc?
You do not have to travel the world by plane.
Funny wm unemployed and wm ready to get back to job searching and even though i won't find pleasure in the jobs am accepting i will feel more useful if i do them .
the human farm animal, i could write an essay on "people" like this
>Mgtow is the only sane path for a western man these days.
Gigacope. Good-looking people swim in pussy and can have many children with many different women.
Is that a gay couple lols .
not him, but you cant enjoy any of those things without money
i keep thinking about how lame, boring, and nonsensical it is to work 5/7 days of your life, and spend your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and maybe even more just to be able to "live"
i've wondered how to break free, and the only solution seems to be to escape society by living off the land, but i have no survival skills at all and overall am pretty soft
It is. I'm 100% convinced most people just come to accept the story state of being someone who won't achieve anything big and grow comfortable in their daily routine to the point they will refuse any kind of change. I actually had my boss complain about having to work 40 hours last week and when I told him he could work less, his immediate response was "I'd probably work anyway". It really is that sad and depressing.
Realistically the best thing most of us could do is look to FIRE, early retirement, minimalism and such to avoid overconsumption and "win back your time", maybe get into entrepreneurship / make your hobby your job without totally breaking down, but doing all those things will also make you a social outcast.
wait, walmart has way more than 3k employess working at a given time, so even if you paid the ceo nothing per hour, there wouldn't be enough for even a dollar raise, let alone 6-7 dollars.
Im sure these corporations have excess money, but showing the ceo hourly wages doesn't seem like a big difference could be made..
comfy pic though user, mind if i save?
Life before adulthood is just as meaningless. Go to school, go home, 1-3 hours of homework, get dragged around by your parents to whatever shitty place they want to go to, hang out with some friends on the weekend, repeat. If you haven't gotten used to the pointlessness of life already you're kinda screwed
It is totally absurd for sure. Most people live this kind of life, constantly on the lookout for the next rush of consumption. Somehow that has never worked for me, so I work part time. I have good education, so I make enough even working part time. During the day I sometimes read a book in the park, the park is totally empty during the day. Everyone slaving away at some bullshit job just to make some rich fucks even richer.
It is. I only live for the weekends, which are filled with copious amounts of cocaine and porn.
I'm glad you asked.
I think it's important that the value in companies is redistributed away from shareholders. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, admitted that his business model is not sustainable on a finite Earth. Public ownership over the means of production means redirecting the mode of production away from profit seeking. This means that it becomes easier for a low level employee to exist without morbid consequences like skipping meals, working homeless, eschewing education, dying from rationed insulin, etc. Restructuring the means of production does not mean the literal redistribution of dollars. It means eliminating the concept of a capital owning class and the necessary underclass. The presence of a capital owning class is clearly illustrated by a picture like this.
Ok what would you do if you didn't have to do any of that?
sounds like a pretty good life. maybe if i pushed myself more i could get paid more so i can live a little more, but it's still pretty soul-crushing to spend all this time working for the rest of your life
Pain is real, pain is a meaning.
Nothing's more real than pain, suffering is a fundamental reality that you're forced to contend with. Suffering is an inescapable, meaning, there is your meaning.
The internal cosmos is greater than the cosmos outside.
> having the free time and attention to do this
> does this
> "the worlds eternal problems are a secondary consequence of capitalism and im moral and virtuous for opposing it"
You can pirate tv, games, books, etc and get them for free. All you need to pay for is internet.
There's another way, my friend
you also need to have paid for electricity, and rent for the space your using to plug in said electronics