Tfw got over fifty bottles in my room

>tfw got over fifty bottles in my room
>8 of those are empty vodka bottles, the rest are either water, soft drinks, piss bottles or some other alcoholic beverage
Can anyone else relate?

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Have you heard of this recent new invention called 'cleaning'

It's not that easy for me. There's a lot of shame involved since I don't want to be seen putting a lot of empty vodka bottles into my car. Also, after some time you kind of get used to it and stop caring,

im the same as you user. it gets to a point where you think its too far gone. i have a challenge for you. clean them up. trust me. it wont take you long.
i really struggle with just getting up and doing it, but once you just get up and start doing it, i promise you will clean them all up, and be so, so happy with yourself. do it for me user. please. dont be ashamed, fuck everybody else.

i PROMISE you will feel better.

Yes apart from the piss because I don't want to be a walking meme and still live with my parents.

I used to piss in bottles so they wouldn't hear me go to the bathroom every 20 minutes. Whilst it's a big meme it's got it's purpose

>empty vodka bottles into my car
>into my car
Do you have to drive them to the dump yourself?

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Thanks, user. I'll try to find the motivation to throw them away tomorrow
I also still live with my parents which makes it even worse

>Do you have to drive them to the dump yourself?
Yup. Did it once before and I was just glad there was no one else around

Black contractor bags, bud
You can do something good for yourself
You can do it tonight
Just remember, I love you

>he doesnt throw them out the window as hes driving around

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Don't you fucking throw away those piss bottles
shut the fuck up normie

Just go through with it. The shame you could potentially feel of being seen with them is far greater than the shame you'll feel every day for waking up to them

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my nigga

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i feel bad for you bro . theres a difference between being a normie and being able to try and help user.

I'm a hot girl and I pee in bottles. So does my bf. Plus I have another hot friend who is not a neet and is a nurse who does it with her bf as well. I don't think it's that big of a deal we all have our reasons. I throw ours in the garbage outside at night. I do like starting from scratch, but hate having to find new Gatorade bottles for me. Guys are lucky they can pee in anything.

>Just remember, I love you
>tfw so jaded feel this is bait regardless of who says it.

Girls can only pee in Gatorade bottles?

Well I pee in ramen or baha blast cups and pour it in. Since the cups are so wide Gatorade bottles are the only things it's easy for me to pour it in without spilling it. This is the best system, I tried other things before. Honestly I don't really care anymore, I used to feel bad at first but now I think it's kind of cool that when were around other people no one would randomly assume I do this.

Your specific mention of Baja Blast makes me question the legitimacy of the character you're presenting.

I'm still here and still loving you

>get half an o
>finally i engage in the escapism
>three days later
>already running out
>tolerance is building too quickly
>chainsmoking to keep the high up
I need something stronger, how does opium compare to heroin?

Its a wide mouth cup. Ive been doing this for some time. I get mad when my bf throws out those specific cups

Although he is good about giving me his empty gatorades and I give him my empty waters. Peeing in something without a cap, like just the cup is a nightmare if it gets spilled. Putting it with something that can close is best because girl pee is worse than boy pee if it gets old I think.

i was like that last year
it took me like three months to smuggle them out

Are bottles of Mountain Dew not uniformly shaped?

The top for a 2L is small like a regular soda bottle. Plus he doesn't drink those and I don't drink soda. We just pee in the bottles we naturally get, and the soda cups he get are from taco bell mainly or the occasional coke from McDonald's. All I drink is water and sometimes sunny d. The Gatorades he drink are 32 oz and the top where you drink is slightly wider than a water bottle or soda bottle top. Ive peed in a water bottle once, but I was in the shower to see if I could get it right. But I wouldn't be so confident as to try it over carpet so I stick with what I've been doing. It's not like he has to put his dick in the top to get pee in a water bottle just aim. So he gets the smaller topped ones.

Sounds like my room in uni but it was mostly cans instead of bottles. Hope you're doing alright.

Post Pic or you're lying

My best advice is to just put them in a trash bag with other trash and throw them out in the cans yourself. That's what I do. I get sometimes you don't want to bc you still have room in them or laziness but then it just looks like you're removing normal trash. When it gets too heavy then they can break so do it once a week if you can. :)

I used to drink a lot of beer
I was kind of a bastard

Anyone still lurking? If I post our his/her pee will other anons post theirs?

Welp, this is finally it /b/
>family despises me
>spent literally all of my life on 4ch and 8ch
>no gf

Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you. This board has always been my favorite.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 15 minutes. bravo

Iive stream link + further explanation:

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this isn't /b/ you stupid motherfucker kys

You posted this last night as well

Yeah 100%, I took like 60+ bottles out of my room a while ago along with a load of cans, also gave it a good clean recently too and threw out bag after bag of other shit along with my 15 remaining alcohol bottles I didn't need as well and now I'm trying to keep on top of it despite being a hoarding subhuman, two weeks and going strong apart from two empty bottles of vodka.

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Good job! It's best if you don't skip a week makes it much easier.

It's really important that you take the initiative to clean the mess you're in, otherwise you'll drown in it.

I'm not that poster, but again, shame plays an incredible role in limiting human potential. There's no point getting depressed because your room is dirty. Just clean it up once you realize, and try to make an active effort to keep it clean.

If I were to admit the trans girl populations, then who knows... but whether or not one is the real man, why not just recycle something out the window ? o_O So like those 2 lolly avatar fag posts but say you carried some same bottle around... Because it is already walking on *egg* shells, nevermind having to remember the overflow from some 2 week ago (problematic oof)

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I am the piss bottle king
At peak piss I had amassed 44 3 litre bottles of piss.
Dumped it all behind my neighbors shed at night and once morning came the council was looking around for a sewage leak.

You can do it user. Clean it all up.

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are there any femanons that use piss bottles or some female equivalent?

ITT robots concentrate large quantities of refined metals (psyop for creating more servers) and here people said 2 many reaction pics would seal one's fate?

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I wish this wasn't a larp because it's insanely hot to me.

ok throw them away lol