How did it affect you when you realised Japan is vastly unhappy and in fact moving there would be even less like anime...

How did it affect you when you realised Japan is vastly unhappy and in fact moving there would be even less like anime than wherever you are living?

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I always knew that. Thanks in advance.

I dunno, OP. I've been living in Japan for eight years and have managed to make a pretty decent life for myself. It's not perfect by any means, but I'm happy here.

do you teach english or what?

I could become a missionary. I think it would be feasible.

Yeah, I teach junior high school

He's just larping to trick other people into the nihon meme

Do you have a sexy japanese kanojo?

blackpill me on Japan

Almost. I have a qt Japanese husbando.

god you're despicable. you're a walking meme

they don't shave their special place.

Whatever you say, user. I thoroughly enjoy my job, and getting hired for it transformed my life for the better immeasurably.'re a....female...*heart sinks*

I realized awhile back living a life like a happy anime isn't really a place but more a state of mind. Just wake up and be positive is my motto

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that's stupid. you're stupid. stop being so stupid and stop spewing out stupid platitudes

Gomen nasai, user-kun. Were you hoping that I could give you hope of a foreign guy getting a Japanese girlfriend/wife? I've known plenty of those as well.

japanese girls don't date loser english teachers unless they're really hot desu

Moving to Japan was great. I'm way more outgoing and active now. I go hiking in mountains and collect goshuin and take trains across the country to see cool places. I go to barbecues with people from my neighborhood. I learned a language. My diet is a lot healthier just because the quality of food is so much better. I'm planning a vacation to Okinawa with my girlfriend next month and we're going to go surfing and cruising around.

I know there are some other people who come here and bail on their job in under a month because they hate it, but they're probably NPCs.

You're the NPC you degenerate. You're the one living out an internet-planned life.

Well "hot" is relative, and nearly all the male English teachers with Japanese girlfriends/wives that I've known have been average at best (coming from an American perspective). It seems that being foreign (probably a light-skinned foreign person more than a dark-skinned one) can bump you up a few points on the attractiveness scale in Japan.

Not him but it's legit a valid strategy to enjoy your life more.

Nice, man. I went to Okinawa a couple years ago - never wanted to leave. It was gorgeous, and the weather was perfect. I went on a snorkeling cruise and it was one of the coolest things I've ever done.

Are women just as garbage in japan as they are in the west?

its more socially acceptable for a woman to teach english in a foreign country than a guy. you guys are instantly perceived as having wholesome intentions. meanwhile, any guy that does it is instantly slotted into the loser, sexpat, creepy camp. I'm an attractive guy and i know i could slay, but i would constantly have the psychological counterweight that i only came to japan to drown in porcelain qt yellow nectar while being at the bottom of society. i'd have to constantly distract myself from how my life isn't going anywhere and im getting older and its less acceptable to be doing that as a guy the older you get. most guys my age (28) are about midway through a career later, have their own place, and are "adults." I'm still a manchild treading water. women can wok at a convenience store their entire life and just get scooped up by a successful guy. there's no societal pressure to "move up in the world."

If you're a mysoginist, yeah pretty much. You'll find reasons to hate women for not sleeping with you no problem

I've only heard stories, but a lot of Japanese women seem to become quite controlling once the relationship is officially established. They want to know what you're doing, how long you're doing it, whom you're doing it with, etc. at all times. And I can't speak for everyone, but infidelity is generally more accepted here for both parties, so if strict monogamy is important to you, it might be difficult to find a partner who agrees. (Thankfully my husband and I are on the same page about it.) I can't really compare them to western women, though. Sorry.

>any guy that does it is instantly slotted into the loser, sexpat, creepy camp
I can guarantee that the only people who think like this are other foreigners on the internet, or other expats who are in different job fields and see themselves as superior. Japanese people don't think about it in these terms whatsoever.

loli and shota are highly controversial in Japan and they're inching their way to making it illegal.

this is quite comforting. thanks user

why is infidelity more prevalent there?

I'm not sure exactly. It seems to be just "one of those things", like wives being in charge of the money in the household. Folks don't seem to mind it as long as it's not emotional infidelity.

I always knew that.
I was born and raise there. But god damn I have a blast every time I'm there. Drinking until I can't see straight and singing ikizo yoshi songs with drunk salarymen is 10/10 experience.

Thats odd to me. I couldn't handle something like that personally. I guess thats why NTR is so popular.

My dude it's our national sport. From the heian period to now we have alawys done it. In fact in my home prefecture 32% of people in relationships cheat and that's the physical type not even counting platonic cheating which is even more common.

Japan is not anime.

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Agreed. Monogamy is very important to me, so I'm glad I managed to find someone who thinks the same way.

They already expect men to get off to censored porn.


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Fuck man thats just really sad honestly. I mean maybe in Japan its not a big deal but to me that leaves a pit in my stomach.

It be that way my man. Don't get down about it just don't be retarded and let life take you where you want to go. I grew up in Tokyo now I live half a world away in a town where human slavery and poverty is the norm. Wouldn't change it for the world.

Anime creators are nostalgic for their youth, which is why some shit that's no longer around is still prevalent in anime.

What is platonic cheating?

That sounds like some feminist tripe tbqhwy. fuck women desu.

>"A relationship between a person and someone other than (their) spouse that affects the level of intimacy, emotional distance and overall dynamic balance in the marriage. The role of an affair is to create emotional distance in the marriage."
Pretty much this.

Wouldn't all friends be considered this?

Summer isn't winter and sunny isn't cloudy, either.

Keep crying about those grapes, fox.