Tell me Jow Forums, how bad was your Pink Floyd: The Wall phase?

Tell me Jow Forums, how bad was your Pink Floyd: The Wall phase?
How old were you?
Were you depressed or/and suicidal at the time?
Rough estimation on how many times you listened to the album?

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50+ times

i would listen to the whole thing no breaks as a teen while i played wow

thankfully i never had this phase, did not know this was something typical.

my dadrock phase started when i was like 14 and that was all i listened to until i was like 25. i have definitely listened to the wall at least 400 times. dsotm and wish you were here much more, probably more like 2,000.

ive never listened to pink floyd in my life and probably never will

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You're staying willfully ignorant to some of the best music thats ever been made.

i simply don't get what the fuck people see in this band. it's low-energy, uniform-sounding, homogeneous drivel.

wywh is much better for mellow depression and background listening. The Wall is for full on meltdowns and psychotic breaks.

person below you doesnt seem to think that

When everyone was a emo kid at school I went Dad rock/Heavy Metal instead. Nowaday, I wouldn't listen to this album frequently cause my taste in music changed.

i havent listened to the wall in years, it just has too much filler on it. animals and meddle are much better, ill never get tired of those two

I was around 14/15.
Kind of, but I almost feel worse now. Then again, I still listen to it every so often.
Over 50 times for sure, maybe around 70 or so.

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That person used low-energy as a critique, which made me instantly mentally discard their opinion.
The Wall is meant to sound uniform at certain points, thats part of the motif of the album, however PF in general has a large variety of genres that change album to album.
I don't see PF as homogeneous either, every album has its own sound.

well, i guess i can try it someday. im just not so sure i'll like it. but i'll try

>had my Wall phase at 13
>got into the rest of their discog recently (aged 19)
Now Animals is my best friend.

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I like the wall. I like the first 5, one of my turns and hey you. But man as an album overall Animals is their best work. Also Echoes out of meddle is absolutely great piece of music.

Who else currently going through their Wish You Were Here phase?

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Good taste, Meddle and Animals are great albums.
Sp is The Wall, Nobody Home and Vera are two of their best tracks.

I had a The Who phase because im not a faggot.

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Does anybody else in here.. feel the way I do?

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Dubs confirmed Quadrophenia title track is a fantastic work of art and more than a phase

absolutely top-lads right here. meddle is my all-time favorite, with echoes taking the cake for favorite song.
ive never considered the critique of the wall being filler but that makes a lot sense, and explains why i dont listen to it often and prefer to throw on something like piper or animals

.>tfw never listened to Pink Floyd
>tfw listen to Pink
Do I win?

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never, Listened once and it sucks. Meddle and saucer are better musically, animals and dsotm were much better stories. The wall is boring and frustrating

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I was 16 when the album came out. Was already a fan of the group. I love the album. Never made me depressed. How many times have I listened to the album......too many to count.