I'm a 25 years old virgin

I'm a 25 years old virgin.
I'm going to lose my virginity to a japanese escort in the next week.
Ask me anything.

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I'm a 28 year old virgin. I'm never going to lose my virginity.

Why not? Are you not even curious a little bit? You might regret it later, say something happens to you and you can't have sex even if you wanted to. That would suck.

Like, in Japan, or just a girl somewhere else who is (or claims to be..) Japanese?

Are you sure she is japanese? Lots of chinese low class hookers pretend to be japanese.

Not in Japan. She's Japanese living in my country.

Yep, I know all about that. I was skeptical at first too.
Reading through her reviews and looking at the confirmed pictures of her she's a 100% real japanese.
Not that I would particularly mind if she was chinese, but this one girl is 100% japanese.

Not the least bit curious, seems like too much effort for something that I know is going to be a scarring experience for all parties involved. When something bad happens I just accept it because I know it's my fault for putting myself in that position, any reaction isn't going to change what happened.

It's not really a lot of effort for a one-time experience that's supposed to make you feel better.
What sort of damage are you expecting to receive from having sex with a cute girl once?

Maybe I was being a bit hyperbolic, there's too much things to list but let's just say my body is very gross. Barring that, I've just given up on trying to feel better. I'm sure it's a pleasant experience but I've long since decided it's not for me and have given up before even humoring the idea of trying.

Fair enough.
I don't know what I'm looking for out of this. Some fun, a temporary escape from boredom and loneliness, maybe I don't want to have regrets later on.

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Just throwing it out there, maybe you feel inclined to because society puts so much emphasis on sex.

post pic of the whore

Take viagra orginalllll

I really don't want anybody to look her up and find out identifiable information.

Edit the photo so people can't use reverse image search

Let's see, this should be good enough.

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and one more

I really don't think anyone my age should need viagra, especially on their first time

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You can kinda see her face here.

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You're going to realise very quickly that sex isn't what you're missing, it's the loving connection between yourself and another that you crave.

Enjoy the whore though.

based, stay the pure way and enlight us with knowledge as a wizard someday

Op, listen to this guy.
Anyway this experience might be good for you, who knows.

But please don't start going to whores regularly.

You're correct, but this is all I can do for now. Money I can give, everything else I wouldn't be where I'm at. If I can pay a girl to fake it for one hour, I'll take it.
I'm still going to end up feeling guilty and uncomfortable as if I'm wearing somebody else's clothes. Fuck, I already am feeling guilty and dirty and I haven't even done anything yet.

Honestly OP lost my virginity to a whore 2 nights ago, I'm only 18. I feel better for it tho, we lay butt naked and talked about so much afterwards. It's a strange thing jerking off to porn for so many years then finally fucking an actual pussy. Morals aside, it's better than becoming a complete fucking degenerate that litter these boards and rope others into its intoxicating illusive new kinks.
A golden rule is my anons, pussy is pussy.
Sex is beautiful and can be so much more than just a quick fuck when you love your partner.
Anyways man enjoy it, ask for a back massage first to make you less nervous, and if you feel your going to bust communicate with her. Use protection and enjoy it my friend.

I am 20. I would rather break my dick than actually have sex with a woman

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If you don't mind me asking why'd you lose your virginity to a whore at only 18?
Did she know it was your first time? Did you have trouble with the actual sex?

You gay or something son?

No, just beta.

Dont answer for me.
Yeah, I do not
find women attractive. Hey set off the same feeling I get when I see dead animals. The concept of having sexual with a woman just disgusts me.

So you're asexual. Any idea of what might have caused it? A past trauma? Being exposed to evil women?

I have no recollection of any kinds of trauma. When I encounter women my mood goes down. When I encounter men, I become mildly angry. I do not like people

Ganbatte OP-kun, my first hooker was japanese and she was the best sex I ever had. How much per hour and whats your size

I'm not sure on the prices, haven't contacted her yet. I'm expecting around 100 to 200 for an hour, based on the reviews I read.
The reviews say she's fun and she really gets into sex and a great GFE.

My penis size? It's around 16cm erect in length.
I have never used my penis with a girl so I'm a bit anxious about that. Like thrusting and not making it boring for her or finishing in less than a minute.
When I contact her I'll say it's my first time and see if she has anything to say about that.