Loli porn discussion (not a dump thread)

I know this is kinda circle jerking since most people here will agree but I'll say it anyways. There's nothing wrong with loli porn. Like no ones being hurt, no child's in danger, no child's being exploited. Like the whole reason child porn is illegal is because a child's basically being raped since most of us agree they can't consent and a child's being exploited because they can't consent. The thing with loli porn is that there's no child so what's the issue? Thankfully America is well aware of this but other nations and corporations are slowly changing the social stigma. What's the issue here?

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People are just very sensitive when it comes to kids being abused. I always think of how fallout 3 and other open world games allow you to murder innocent adults but not children. Its a dark fantasy thats just a shade darker than whats socially acceptable.

Not really a fan personally, but I see no harm
I think that do that to avoid an AO rating, not because the devs are pussies. But the devs could be pussies as well, I dunno.

Personally i am also ok with loli and wish there was a board for(>inb4 b,no that bpard isnt for that type of content.) Loli nsfw art and the closest we have to that is c. If homosexuals can get their own board we lolicons and hebophiles should get one too.

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I kinda agree but you also have to take into account this is the same site that mass banned Furries. Also like I said in the post some countries straight up made loli illegal
>Blame the U.K and some of Canada for that
Hiromoot is probably already shaking in his bedsheets since Australia and Newzeland blocked us and he can't get add revenue from those 12 year olds who can't addblock. I'm pretty sure he's going to pussy out and make the site safer if anything

It fosters a pedophilia mentality, should be banned

>we should punish people for how they think

Yeah, gr8

We already do, from some rightful degrees of ostracism to legal consequences.
You should give your brain a bit more time to process things before you enter greentext mode, sorry

Yeah this isnt the oldschool internet anymore. People only care about commercializing and branding.
I demand a citation right now. Give me wven a shred of evidence towards your claim. If you do i will delete every single cute and funny picture i have right then and there.

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I'm just saying I personally don't believe its right to punish people for something that doesn't harm others or our government.

The legality of loli is without questions because there are literal acts committed upon people which are acceptable to viewed on the internet. A hand drawn sketch of an illegal act should be far far on the list of being unacceptable.

While there are some other SJW viewpoints that may be valid. However it would probably have to censor most of the internet. One could say that such content can promote illicit behavior against minors turning a would be, to an actual child rapist. This can also lead to very strange normalization of cp. Death, and violence has been extremely normalized, and we honestly can't go a single day without seeing someone being murdered or almost being murdered on our screens. I think it does have an affect on our mental state in some regards. We might start seeing child and adult relationships on actual media like movies or games which would affect the general public into what' acceptable and not acceptable. Personally I think the world is already really fucking degenerate and to reverse it would mean to completely subvert an entire world of degenerates. How they have the audacity to scream horror at loli drawings and then go watch a person be dismembered for their amusement is beyond me.

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2D lolis? Go for it
But what if you start hungering for 3D lolis?
Or maybe not you, but some guy looks at this and says "this is normal. That guy could be me, this actually happens", and they assault a kid.

All lolifags must take the 2D pill exclusively

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i give it a decade before the USA bends over too

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I'm not going to argue that loli isn't moral degeneracy, because it is. But I do agree that we're playing a game of double standards if we can depict murder and rape in flim and video format but drawings of little girls are somehow worse? I understand that websites are only cracking down on this because a lot have gone international and Britfags don't care about free speech but it's getting weird to see the influence this is starting to have on the general public. Most people back in 05 would agree seeing a drawing of a naked child is Obscene and Weird but they wouldn't think it was enough to jail someone, they'd usually just recommend Psychiatric help.

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>implying it wont be a wirldwide problem by that time
>implying it isnt a problem now

God I hope not, that be a grim day

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You are a pedophile. The images and storylines resemble and involve children. Not teenagers in highschool, not adult women.

Completely legal

Define "teenager"

I'm aware they are drawings of children so yeah maybe I am a pedophile, but it's not illegal or wrong. no child's being hurt

At least you acknowledge it, unlike others who are in denial.

Not him but having OPs viewpoint doesn't automatically make one a pedophile or attracted to children.

You know what am talking about when I say "teenager" (Hint: adolescence). If you want to get your rocks off to girls under 12, go ahead.

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Am not talking about OP, am talking about those who find lolicon erotic, who are aroused by images and storylines of children.

We used to have a board but moot nuked it

>Jow Forums so normalfaggot the bait stays up but that image is gone

Obviously there's nothing wrong with it. Just because recently someone bans something doesn't mean anything. It's a fracking drawing.

Even legit pedo that you do not pay for would not be harmful, just images on a monitor and sound.

Literally insane if not bait.

>implying that the existence of these laws is a good thing

>I have an idea, lets abuse and exploit children.

>implying that's how loli works
It's a drawing. Even actual videos and pictures would not be exploiting nor harming children if no economy is involved.

Don't be illogical. Supply and demand. For loli it is literally impossible to harm children even if there is a supply and demand.

Two very different ballparks.

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>Even actual videos and pictures would not be exploiting nor harming children if no economy is involved.
>Even legit pedo that you do not pay for would not be harmful, just images on a monitor and sound.

Checks out.

Personally I think child porn even without money is still exploration because the kid can't consent to having there nude image spread. It's in the same category of wrong as revenge porn or rape porn.
yeah but they keep the edit up
what board user?
No child's being exploited if there's no child to begin with, the mental gymnastics of you people is unbelievable.

The FBI literally admitted to putting up actual CP to catch pedos.

It's just witch hunter ethics. Wake up.

>revenge porn
You're a fucking female.

You can't prove I'm a girl

Look it up yourself. Its my favorite board aside from k and x

It aids a mental illness that can result in the harming of children. The social stigma isn't slowly changing. In Japan, sure it is, because before this they had rape sentences lower than stealing. They're catching up to the rest of the world.

The main reasons child porn is illegal is because of the harm it does to the child and because those who watch it provide a motive to produce more content, which continues to hurt children. Animated child porn can easily lead to consumption of the real thing or a sexual appetite for children.

Not only that, but consumption of lolicon means you have a mental illness that should be treated.

>it's ok if I take cocaine bros, just if i only take half a gram instead of a full gram

Do you have a single fact to back that up? Because it sounds like you are talking through your emotions.

I'm sorry if you can't understand basic logic. As said, it's still harmful because it's animated child porn. When you wank to lolicon you are wanking to a drawing of a child. I'm sorry if you think it's an emotion to believe it's a mental illness to sexually enjoy drawings of children, but there you go.

Go be american somewhere else,fuckin retard

I'm British, retard.

Add me if you're a lolicon who feels like they don't belong anywhere on this site
Blonde Haired Witch#1013
Don't waste your time 'debating' retards in this thread. It's never worth your time to try and rationalize with someone who just wants to see you dead.

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You sure fooled me. Dont worry youll fit right in.

It doesn't matter if its a mental illness, it doesn't matter if its a sick sexual desire, hell it doesn't matter if its pedophilia. All's that matters is whether or not there's a victim to this "crime", in lolicon there's no child being harmed so there's no problem. This is why the U.S hasn't cracked down against it, so fuck off with this
>Preventative measures

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>Like no ones being hurt
The mind of the one looking at it is. We need to protect the mental health of people.

That's some dangerous thinking, at that point you should just ban extreme literature or hateful imagery. Governments shouldn't start punishing people until a crime is committed, I don't care how much loli porn a guy consumes but the minute he looks at real children or rapes a little girl is the moment we should jail him, not before. It's like you don't have a basic understanding of human rights.

>hateful imagery
This but unironically.

>I don't care how much loli porn a guy consumes but the minute he looks at real children or rapes a little girl is the moment we should jail him, not before.
You don't get it, it's about banning the (production of) material before it warps the mind of the person, not arresting the person before they commit a crime.

Okay, but unless you can prove to me that a good amount of lolicon consumers turn into child rapist then my point still stands. And don't give me "well child rapist watch lolicon" as an answer because a lot for rapist have facial hair but not every dude rocking a mustache is a rapist. like is there a statics that shows 95% of lolicon consumers turn into child rapist, what about 60%, shit I'll be surprised if you could even say 35%.

Did you know that originally loli was drawn from real world inspiration(cp)?

We have been fapping to the same cp over and over again cause hentai artists learn from past works.


>Like the whole reason child porn is illegal is because a child's basically being raped since most of us agree they can't consent and a child's being exploited because they can't consent.
Child porn is illegal because degenerates like you belong on a cross.

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Only arrest the producer if they commit a crime with actual victim. Arrest the consumer if they do the same. Until then they have the right to produce and consume pictures.

Loli hentai is just drawn child porn. You freaks can tell me whatever you want but this is the truth. Yall are pedos and should kill your self.

and if the kid herself spreads the images? I was a horny kid and sent lewd pics to hundreds of anons, posted them and I consented, since I did it myself. I know theyre being shared and fapped to by anons and greasy pedos. Thats one of the reasons I did it. Fuck off with this kids cant consent bullshit. Its harmful and quite frankly, the same as slutshaming.

yeah keyword is Drawn child porn so no child's being hurt. If no child's being hurt them it's not wrong retard.

1:56 AM - 15 Jun 2017

I apologize. Although I haven't read much of the replies and other correspondence, I have caught sight of people wondering if a quote on a news site saying "the mangaka reportedly came to an understanding, saying 'From now on, I will never draw manga depicting a girl being victimized sexually'" is true or not, so I wish to address that issue here.

The nuance of what I said was: "I drew Geiger Counter about four years ago, after which my tastes in what I want to draw has changed, therefore I had originally believed that I was probably not going to author something like Geiger Counter again regardless of the times we live in.

"It was at that point when I received information that a suspect testified that he read Geiger Counter on the web and committed a copycat crime, that was when I finally believed that I will never feel the need to draw something like Geiger Counter ever again."

What is stated above is entirely what I feel personally. I don't want anyone to be led to think that freedom of expression has been threatened, that I yielded to pressure from the police, that this establishes a precedent, or any other ideas of that sort.

The expression "something like Geiger Counter" was used, but I also said "something to the level of Geiger Counter," "something realistic where a loli is a victim of a sex crime," "something with separate panels clearly depicting [criminal] methods leading up to erotic scenes," and other ambiguous phrasings.

The police asking me to take "considerations" in making sure the contents of my manga do not lead to copycat crimes was also pretty ambiguous, I believe. The police and I had an extremely ambiguous conversation containing no obligations or assurances, although I assume that me and the other side both agree that this crime should never happen again.

The police wrote an officious summary [of the conversation] and relayed it to the press, which then wrote an article relying on that report. I believe such a piece would undoubtedly create a far more drastic impression of the meeting than warranted, but now I think this incident has attracted much more interest than I thought it would. I should have made a statement on this yesterday, and I am sorry about the delay.

>Man arrested on suspicion of touching girl 'to test radioactivity'
>2017.4.11 at 19:55

Lolicons are loathed and looked down on by most Japanese people. When they were surveyed something like 85 percent of respondents said they wanted drawn CP to be banned or heavily regulated.

Oh my god, you're actually retarded.
Since when does the US acting or not acting on anything mean it's justified? Are you some retarded Neocon who thinks we should invade Iran?

Are you blindly allegiant to whatever your country does just because your country does it? So you support Obamacare while supporting it's removal?

Fucking AUTIST.

The law just happens to align with my morality, you mad bro.

You are still are a mentally ill pedo and a danger to society. Make everyone happy and kill your self.