Why isn't autism in females more common?

Why isn't autism in females more common?

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surface level living. Not all but a lot more prevalent than men

Btw that anime is boring af not even my devotee-ness helped me finish it

women pressure each other to socialize, men don't. men also aren't self aware enough to make the distinction that they are tards, women are.

autism is most visible when people lack confidence.

This is actually explained by genetics.

Ok So you have 46(?) chromosomes in your body. Men and women have 45 that are the same.

The last chromosome is an X or a Y. Everyone has 1 X chromosome but women have 2, men have 1. Men are XY women are XX.
On each chromosome there are lots of things called alleles. One allele can override another.
Autism is an allele that gets overrided by normal brain function.
If you have two X chromosomes, you can have a normal allele and an autistic allele, and not be autistic. But if you're a man you either have an an autistic allele or a normal allele. There is no autistic/normal allele on the Y chromosome.
Therefore men have more of a likelihood of getting autism due to only having one X chromosome.

there is some correlation to testosterone exposure in utero and later outcomes of autism

tomboy girls are more likely to have autism (or vice versa)

but girls have different social conditioning applied to them and are more likely to mask symptoms and get away with being "shy" and "delicate". i was basically just mute as a child and was looked at like some ethereal priestess or something rather than a cowardly faggot. it was ok for me to just stop participating in the world i didnt understand.

It's because we're lucky.

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You need high testosterone. Which is why facially attractive autists are quite common.

my gf has autism

This, men see other men as enemies and never offer them help.

Correct. On that same note, it's the same reason that down syndrome, mental retardation, and various other issues are far more common in males than in females. Having two X chromosomes does a great deal to cover up any deficiencies that an XY combination is unable to.

Probably goes undiagnosed a lot since weird women are just "quirky" and not considered awful people who need to be diagnosed with something.

Overall I think it is more common in males but like it goes undiagnosed a lot in girls unless it's really severe, especially since it also sometimes manifests differently in girls. Like with girls she may just be seen as quiet and shy. I think ADHD/ADD is also sort of similar when it comes to diagnosing girls and boys, I remember watching a video on that.

Women get away with it. They socialize differently. Any robot will tell you they get life on easy mode and even normalfaggots know they are treated differently.

Like with women having BPD. BPD you naturally grow out of but women have it more due to obviously getting away with bitchy behavior.


I believe it's just as common, but unlike men, women don't really need social skills in order to fulfill the very basic need of sexual and loving intimacy, and because of this they don't get the desperate feeling of loneliness, that would compel them to seek a psychiatric evaluation like the men do.

Did she catch it from you

The symptoms of high-functioning cases aren't as crippling to women as they are to men so they get diagnosed way less often

Autism isn't even common among males, 9/10 times it is simply fake and falsely diagnosed. People simply lack social features

But it's more commonly diagnosed in males then in females

autism is caused by exposure to testosterone in the womb, men have more testosterone thus men are more likely to have autism and thus get diagnosed
t. sperger female diagnosed at 6
any diagnoses made after puberty are a result of poor socialisation and not autism :3