He thinks nofap isn't a placebo

>he thinks nofap isn't a placebo

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>he doesn't do nofap purely out of a sense of discipline while fully aware that the "superpowers" are mostly a meme to draw in impressionable brainlets

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nofap is good tho honestly
makes you really horny which motivates you to fuck women

imagine if you didnt fap for a bit
you'd be really horny ok

>he masturbates multiple times a day
Enjoy your bitch tits, I'll be in your moms room if you need me.

Theres no superpower behind it you just act different when you havent achieved blown load status. Its super slight and you still jave to put work in but theres a feeling of not caring about the outcome it feels like.

I went 8 days and sorta stopped caring if girls saw me taking interest, as apposed to keeping me eyeing them secret

>he thinks placebo isn't incredibly valuable

I have enough motivation to fuck women. My problem is I don't know any women and so I masturbate to get rid of this motivation.

noporn is scientifically proven but even if it wasn't placebo works even if you know it's placebo

this. opee is just a retard who lacks discipline

>My problem is I don't know any women
That's because you don't have the motovation to know any women, which is why you need to nofap.

Said the 30yo khhv manlet

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"Nofap" doesn't work unless you're abstaining from porn as well. You're not letting go of that extra stimulant that's overflowing your brain with dopamine & desensitizing you to regular shit that should get you aroused/motivated easily

No it's because I'm unattractive so my motivation would be seen as creepyness

All wrong. The idea behind nofap doesn't even have anything to do with women, the idea is to get laser eyes and super speed powers

Every normal male masturbates frequently, often to porn, and is still able to get laid, have a good social life and get a girlfriend, all with ease.

If you think No Fap is the solution, your problems go far deeper than masturbation/porn.

nofap replenishes the man's vital energy and allows him to channel it towards productive endeavours, including not being a NEET

I am currently on no fap for medical reasons (dick surgery), and holy shit I feel way more motivated but even if i got anywhere I couldn't do anything for the same reason I can't fap.

>he actually increases his chance of testicular cancer by failing to have a healthy sexual release

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Nofap is a meme
T. Didn't fap for two years

>nofap isn't beneficial at all

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All that happens is I eventually get so horny that I start looking at porn way more than when I regularly jerk off but I will still go through a month or whatever of doing this even if it's objectively worse off. I once went six months like this, my record.

>Every normal male

We're not normal males though

>he shrinks his dick and lowers his testosterone for a meme

I actually do feel more confident and less anxious when i'm on Nofap. Also all that Incest porn and traps and shit fucks with your brain, i want to get away from that.

how does one go on no-fap when everything I visit is littered with porn

Benzos and antidepressants made me do no fap without any effort

>virgins forcing themselves into asexuality as cope