Why are all todays women so vulgar

>be at coffee shop today
>3 college age roasties at the table next to me
>one girl complaining about how she did a booty call with her ex and "had to listen to his problems before getting fucked"
>latina girl keeps saying different guys they know have "big/small dick energy" and they all laugh
>the whole conversation is nonstop swearing, sex and vulgarity
>literally the only non-degenerate thing they discussed was cosmetics

i went on a date earlier this year, and over dinner she told me a story of how she drunkenly fucked some dude at a music festival, then pissed outside his tent and "had to let it drip dry" because she had no toilet paper... she thought this was a funny story / dinner conversation with a potential suitor

im swear im not an uptight guy, im not a christcuck, just a normal ass dude who wants a gf as badly as anywhere on this board, my only criteria being
>not fat
>not openly degenerate

why is this literally impossible to find

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But OP this is what they want. This is what females have always wanted for the most part. They want to be used and abused sexually.

Because anything else means being an oppressed 1940s housewife, duh. You don't want to keep womyn down, do you?

okay so maybe girls hid it better in the past then? notions of chastity and modesty and all that...

i wouldnt care if a girl was freaky in the bedroom, if anything that's a good thing...

i just cant stand to hear it, any girl that talks vulgarly instantly becomes unworthy of dating in my eyes, i dont care how good the sex is that im missing out on, im not gonna listen to some foul mouthed roastie talk about dicks and fucking all day

see i can even kinda understand rebelling against traditional notions of 1940s womanhood, but does it have to be a 180 degree turnaround to where they talk like truckers and sailors

i literally dont have a single male friend who talks as vulgarly as the average starbucks roastie

It was always just a thin veneer of respectability, people are animals. The Victorians did porn and had special rooms in which they used vibrators.

Because they're children who think rebelling is about doing the exact opposite thing, rather than simply not doing what theyre rebelling against.

absolutely disgusting lad

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Seriously. It seems like their personalities are just the female equivalent of fratboy dudebros making dick jokes and talking about who they want to fuck. That's fine for a friendly acquaintance and all but it's not the sort of person I choose to spend significant time with or mantain close friendships so it's not something I want in a partner either. Vulgarity immediately makes a girl undateable in my book on the merits of personality.

I dont think women have gotten more trashy, you just hear it in public and online alot.more because it's not frowned upon anymore. But those gals sound over the top

you're right, and female liberation didn't just make the women more miserable, it resulted in way more single-parent households, fucking over countless kids

My gf's mom made a joke about her not knowing who her baby's father was because her brothers ran a train on her

At least I hope it was a joke...

if you're not that type of person you could just consider being her friend, who can potentially hook you up with other girls who are less degenerate

Because everything is based around sex for girls. Not even kidding. It's hilarious when they say "guys only care a bout sex" when that's literally all they think about. They see the world as a competition for social status and women. It's fucking projection is what it is.

Shame may seem cruel but it can help enforce moral standards, which produces happiness in the long term (societally speaking)

I certainly hope you're not asking for a woman to take a MAN's advice and model their behavior around a MAN's desires you vile oppressive patriarchal male cheavaniat cretin!

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That is true. But ultimately you cant control the factors that lead a woman to act like that. In my community we are still taught to be respectful and be lady like. Sure behind closed doors we will exchange sex stories and gossip secrets amongst each other. But you never discuss that stuff outside. But oklahoma is about 20 years in the past. I cant speak for places like California

Well shame is at an all time high among heterosexual white males and they sure the fuck aren't happier.

uve hit it dead on man, its fratboy grade

ive tried the whole 'be her friend' thing and it's a nightmare, basically you get to hear all about her problems and the guys she fucks, im not gonna subject myself to that in hopes that she invites me out with her friends at some point

Men and women are all becoming more degenerate. Every movie, stand up comedy, tv shows, music, commercials, billboards, everything is all about sex and drugs and iphones and nike and disgusting fast food and general hedonism and constant consumption and momentary pleasures. Makes me nauseous sometimes. I really am starting to think humans dont deserve to exist, we're fucking disgusting pigs who only destroy and consume.

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short of a religious resurgence I guess not, do you think that might be why Oklahoma is 20 years in the past? (I'm not American so i dont know if Oklahoma is particularity religious)
Shame, like all tools, can be used for both good and bad. Shaming heterosexual white males for 'toxic masculinity' is obviously negative, but shaming a 10 year old boy who cross-dresses will help him out in the long run.

That picture is really the low end of humanity.

Good sir, perchance could thee cease elevating women onto a pedestal, it would be awfully good for your mind.

Funny how "lifestyles of the rich and famous" got more and more celebrated as the income gaps began to skyrocket, so too this happens in the wake of the sexual marketplace becoming more and more isolated.

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I think people are less and less religious but still retaining a traditional lifestyle. We are in the bible belt. You mostly see the older generations as being overly religious. I honestly couldnt tell.you what it is that makes oklahoma seem so old timey

20 years ago would be the 90s, when edgy tomboyism was at its apex among the female populace. The modern West has already gone through its "rediscovering femininity" phase with the turn of the millenium.

Why generalize the behavior of the entire gender based on such a small sample size?

Are you also upset by men being vulgar and talking about sex?

guys have always talked like this in public and even shouted their perversion, admiration or evil intent so the women could hear.

women have always whispered the same and compared notes with each other and told funny hit and miss sex tryst but it was always in private. They knew how fragile the male ego is and the violence men are capable of but now women can fight back.

Men now talk about games and traps and purchasing camwhore bathwater. Your grandfathers and great grandfathers wouldn't consider any of you men.

overdosed on his hrt meds

men encourage it

Would they still be like this if men ostracized them for it? We'll never know because it doesn't happen.

what a great argument thanks for contributing to the discourse user i'm sure your input is profoundly appreciated

his boicunt is also ovulating this time of month

Because they hate daddy. That's what it all boils down to: daddy issues.

The Asian dude on the left looks fine

similar experience, women openly talk about the amount of guys they fucked, cocks they drunkenly sucked in an alley behind a club proud of being a slut.
worst of this all is that they still expect respect.
promiscuous women are way worse than incels

only vagina thirsty slaves are encouraging it, and then women still have the hole and are able to say no to these "males" and their seethrough attempt to get in their pants.
but they don't, because they love attention and validation

>only vagina thirsty slaves are encouraging it
So all men

to be fair that post referenced a bunch of other posts that made fantastic arguments against OP, but everyone else just ignored them. apparently contributing to the discussion doesn't count unless you just circlejerk

the opposite would be just as boring and annoying, why do you think old people fought to change society in the first place?