Any young female here wants free money? I have nothing to live for, no family no girlfriend nobody...

Any young female here wants free money? I have nothing to live for, no family no girlfriend nobody, I just work everyday and don't spend the money, so If you want free cash I can send you my paycheck so you will enjoy life for me, no questions asked idc if you have a boyfriend. reply if you are interested

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bro, where do you live? How about you just spend some money on games and I'll try play some with you...

It's really fucking sad and pathetic to see humans just waste their lives and give it all away for nothing.

sorry I lost all drive to even play videogames, I just sit at work all day and code then come home and go to sleep

What games DO you play? What do you do, what about someone to talk to, someone to vent your frustrations too? If you're not that far away timezone wise I'll listen and care.

Write me, user.
[email protected]

[email protected]
Send me your contact info on here

someone is going to try to scam you

filthy roasties taking advantage of mentally ill beta, kek

Don't do it user, it's not worth it just throwing your life to someone that doesn't deserve it.

I live in Europe user, I used to play dark souls a lot
at least post timestamp and the mail I'm not dumb

I'm a cute femboi.

Have a nice tums.

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Well I could stay up extra late to atleast spend some time with you user, it's not fun doing nothing all day. I don't play dark souls though, I play a lot of grand strat shit like EU4. I could try and help get you into that..? You might like it, it's a massive time waster with lots of play time.

If you want to throw away money then go gamble or some shit. throw money at the stock market don't fucking give it to roasts

im a male can you send me some pls

Women deserve the world

Lol It's so easy to bait you nogs

Dude no dont give these fucking whores money, they wont have the slightest bit of appreciation and once theyve milked you dry they will ghost you without a care in the world. I wIll be your friend FOR FREE I dont even want your money, give me a reply

I'm working right now, I told my boss I'd finish the project by the end of this week so I can't play today

We could chat every day if you like. I'm in Europe too.

Wanna throw down your discord? Send me a message if you wanna play, I might be offline cause i'm in Aus but I'll still reply if you ask.

Quick reminder to all bots: Even if we treat each other like shit, call each other nigger such and such; we'll still be here for you.

Remember frens.

I don't feel comfortable posting my discord here, sorry but I'm not very chatty

We don't have to talk every day if you don't want to, but I can be here whenever you need me

Angry Unpaid Hooker#2394
This is my discord. I don't want your money, but feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to. Things suck sometimes, and if you need to vent, message me. Don't give your money away and let people take advantage of you.

If you ever need anything user, we'll always be here. Just don't waste yourself on shit that doesn't treat you back!

hello i am a better female than them message me at [email protected]

Yo are you still here, I can post my discord for you user. I dont like roasties take advantage of you, people like are pure shit, reply to me if you want my tag.

user join this comfy small server and well help you out, please


I fucking hate this shit anons, makes me feel real bad that guy is legit mentally bad and want some friends and stupid roasties want to take advantage of it, if you're here OP please talk to us and dont add people who want money, please.

Lmao, this nigger is trolling the shit out of all of you.

WHO GIVES A SHIT? He's not ''mentally bad'', he's a sad virgin who wants vagina-sourced attention. Pussy is worth so much that men will pay just to talk to someone who has one. You are a man with nothing to offer, stop pretending you have sympathy for OP.


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sure if you give me ur discord or any type of communication, id feel guilty though if i take the cash without giving anything in return so do you want to be friends atleast user?

Attached: chii.jpg (236x317, 17K)

I am still here, sorry but I don't really feel like talking, I might message you if you post it, I feel bad for people in this thread being kind to me

Post your nudes please. Tnx

Jesus if thats really you you're ugly as fuck, like legit retarded face with make up also read the rules, bitch

user, I dropped my discord above. Message me. I just want to talk. I don't want any money. Feel free to reach out.

kek I'm posting my face on r9k I obviously don't give a fuck

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yo, you need to chat senpai? life may suck rn but if life after death exists, it probably isn't much better. plus the earth might end soon with how much we're fucking shit up, don;t you want to see the fireworks when that happens?

and yes, i would like some money if you still got some. sorry if i sound hypocritical

Fokken pathetic, both you OP and the ones that dare accept OP's money. Imagine being that pathetic. You are the reason why r9k gets such a bad rep, filled with incels and orbiters such as yourself.

>I live in Europe user
What country, lad?
Don't waste money on roastie, take a weekend of holidays and come to my country (Switzerland), we could do fun things, I promise!

woosh#8532 if you wanna play some games or chat

Ugly gross whore lmao

Which one are you? Can I message you too?


Attached: akrasia.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

Angry Unpaid Hooker#2394

Akrasia here, just want to chat, don't care about your money

>those pissbottles
I thought fembutts were a meme

You look like a character from a Tim Burton's movie.

qt!!! where you from?
>tfw no skinny fembot to throw herself at me the moment i mention i am a programmer and have money

They're just plastic bottles I re-use
I drink a lot of water

Here you go roast

Attached: reported.png (1159x222, 66K)

I'm from Western Europe


dumpster trash whore

o-oh no p-please don't ban me!

Oh you want some too bitch?

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if this is not about getting pussy then i don't even understand why would you give your money to (specifically) random "young females", Christ you must be truly deluded..

plastic bottles I re-use for tap water

Slovakia, I don't feel like doing anything though sorry

>tfw made hundreds of dollars once pretending to be a girl
Fuck women live life on very easy mode. They could easily support themselves without ever leaving the house. Even the uglier ones. I'm so jelly, why wasn't I born a girl

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Yeah user, add me.


Not a female, just a robot who wants to help you.

I said in another reply that I don't care about the money, and OP asked for a timestamp

and you deserve to off urself for being such a pathetic faggot

you're cute you should wash your hair it looks greasy

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they're humid from the shower

>i don't care about the money
>i still feel the need to post the timestamp
interesting indeed..

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If you change your mind, make a thread around, I might be here.
Whether you would want a normalfag evening, a drunken LAN with a bunch of robots, nice hikes or fun activities, it's possible.
Don't waste your money user, keep it if you don't feel like using it.

If OP only wants to talk to girls then it's the standard procedure to do the timestamp

you're a deluded dude, I literally posted a pic with timestamp and all I got were people insulting me, females don't live life on easy mode (except for the unusually attractive ones except the same can be said for males) anymore than guys do we're all in this same tar pit of an earth together

OP, dont fell for those females who wanna add you just to be "your friend". Sooner or later they'll start asking for some money, never trust people like that. Think about it, the ones who are claimiing they only want your friendship are trying too hard to be noticed by you by posting timestamps and shit, think about it, there's a reason why.

based and vocaroopilled

What if im a tranfag though?

>offering money to talk to females
holy shit that must feel low as hell..

can you be my gf if i give you a lot of money?

I'll play dark souls with you. I'm a 32 year old housewife with lots of free time. I'm kinda old, though, no one wants to play with a granny. Also, I'm dog shit at games :( I still like to play though

>I'm from Western Europe

you're trying to leech off of some mentally unstable incel. insults are deserved.

Bruv this is a weird question.

He said FEMALE

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nvm i dont want you

It's obvious you're probably a Londoner or a frenchy.

Just say it, she's a fucking nigger

good job on figuring it out

Did the niggers get banned?

yeah I'm trying to get a nintendo switch. he is trying to talk to a young female instead of any of the males that go on this site. so what? we all want something, I'd still talk to him like a normal human being and play dark souls with him

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Hi nigger, hows it going in the jungle?

why are you being racist

Youre pathetic as hell though, by doing this, just admit you're an ugly pathetic bitch in real life and no one wants you.

please i cant afford next months rent

"Why are people being mean to me? I was just trying to squeeze money out of some lonely mentally ill loser on Jow Forums" Notice how the other girl didn't get any insults.

can i like pretend to be op
post my discord
and get all the attention???
idc male or female

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sorry and him wanting to give money to females just for being female isn't pathetic? maybe it's just because you can sympathize with him. or maybe you fell for the females live life on easy mode meme and are jealous. whatever the case, sure I'm pathetic and I'm very average looking. I don't give a shit kek

The other nigger you mean? She already got rekt by the mere fact of existing. And nah you're not even a 5 with make up. But whatever makes you cope better.

gimme some eth user

Kek, I'm a nigg as well dude.

I'm a genius, after all.

Seems like OP left the thread, hope he will feel better soon.
No point in staying on this thread.

Yeah I hope so. No offense for you black-user. Im just racist with shitty people.

Mate, we're on Jow Forums!
If I got a penny for every time someone tell me I'm a nigger, I would be freaking millionaire already, kek.
Even if I don't say often I'm black (that's probably the third time this year).
But I understand you, I have only disdain for shitty people.

here's another penny nigger