Like girl

>like girl
>she is into anime, pessimistic, shy type
>i think its obvious
>im always with her when she is there
>try to be close
>frends make jokes about us being a couple
>we ignore it
>she is very on and off tho
>sometimes i feel appreciated sometimes its like she doesnt notice me
>we go to the cinema with friends and its rainy
>walk under the same umbrella to the cinema
>the way back she uses her own
>"ok well i think im overthinking this she doesnt really like me"
>around then she also moves and i see her less often
>friend i used to kinda hang with relationship
>fast forward a year to 3 weeks back from now
>she has changed
>not as shy anymore
>w/e i still like her and she happens to be around
>get stoned with friends
>cuddeling all the time
>lay with her outside cuddeling and just feeling her in my hand
>this is it, the best thing i have ever felt
>also she is very needy for more alcohol and grass
>ignore that
>chat with her more often
>get her to come over again
>we eat dinner go to the beach and start drinking
>no weed this time but lots of alcohol for her
>at the beginning we hold hands on my couch watching anime
>she gets more drunk
>my god she is annoying
>crying around for no reason can bearly walk
>gets pissed when i deny her more alcohol (like really pissed)
>chills with another guy who she thinks will get her alcohol
>call her a whore for drugs (dunno if she remembered that)
>when she tries to hold hands i tell her i dont feel like it when she is that drunk (i mean its not rape but it just doesnt feel real)
>next day everything is like it was
>ask her if she wants me to come over some time to watch anime
>talk to her about crying when she is drunk (she also did that the first time but not to that extent)
>tell her that she doesnt have to be alone when she is down like that and that im always there if she is not feeling well
>denies that anything is wrong
>"well ok"

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>next day i get drunk and cry to my friend because i know she doesnt want me but i already got invested
>next week she comes over again (last friday) we both get drunk
>nothing happens anymore
>know she doesnt have her phone with
>text her that i like her and that we shouldnt chill anymore because i dont think she likes me like that
>im with two friend groups at this point, the one she is in that i barely know and mine
>tell people from the first to fuck off when they try to talk to me including her
>still worried about her safety so when she disapears i search
>find her all fine
>everyone returns to home i cry to my friend and go to sleep while the others are still outside
>she drives home at 3am probably still drunk
>she always drives home early but the other times we slept together in my bed
>she answer the text
>"yeah i dont like you like that"

feels like shit
im an asshole but i feel like she just used me for drugs
dont want advice just wanted to tell someone

I feel for you, bro. When you wrote, "I know she doesn't want me but I already got invested", it conjured up an experience of my own. Especially with the alcohol involved and feeling used and manipulated. You're not an asshole. Nor is she. She's just ill. And you deserve better. And I know what you're thinking. "I don't want better. I want her". That, maybe, her flaws are part of what attracted you to her. I'm not gonna say you're going to find someone new. But the pain will become more bearable. I still think about mine. But I don't get upset anymore. I just sigh. It's an improvement.

thanks m8.
i kinda just wanna drink right now but i dont want my friends to think im still hurt or something

man why does live always fuck you when its just going fine on autopilot, i dont even like what i was working towards. like all my goals feel laughably shitty to achive compared to being high laying there with her.

maybe i should text her in a month and get some weed for her...

Kill yourself faggot normie.


op here
based lol

>hurr durr your comment is not original fuck off

You have normalfag problems. just speak to your friends about it fag instead of coming here and shitting up the board

I would advise against it. It's like walking into the spider's web. And I know it feels good. But she doesn't want you. When a girl wants a guy, she moves heaven and earth just to be with him, and the only thing she expects in return is love. My advice would be to lean on your friends. That's what I did. One in particular helped me get sober.

It sucks that women can have such power over men like us. We're natural romantics. I almost gave the girl I liked my rarest book. Now, to me, that seems preposterous. But girls man. It do be like that.

mad u never cuddled with a girl while high?

Attached: 698.png (287x288, 88K)

Lmaoing @ you for falling for and crying over some drug hoe. You're not an asshole, but you're certainly a fucking idiot.

Attached: C777A4C1-C8EF-415F-9A15-1324DA784861.gif (381x356, 481K)

you are probably right im always down after that.
lets see if i remember that in a month

she didnt use to do drugs i rememeber that she didnt even want to taste my zig because she was scared.
man what happened

Yeah? faggot? at least i'm not hung up on some basic thot weed smoker who gets degenerately drunk every weekend and who has probably lost count of the amount of dick she's taken

shes a virgin

>not original

lmao u have a crush on this whore

how would you fucking know normie, she's probably sucked more cock than your mom
she's a drug whore so I doubt she remembers

I couldn't imagine being as retarded as some of the anons ITT. You guys are weak and get controlled by women so easily. Realize that they are shit just like all people in general and every interaction you have in life with someone else is like a transaction, and that is it. People always want something from you, always, so make sure you get what you want out of them first before they can try to manipulate you and get what they want out of you, so you win at the game instead of lose.

This will lead to a very empty, dissatisfied life. It is true that human relationships are quid pro quo. But the goal isn't to drain someone before they drain you. You give part of yourself to someone, and they give something to you in return to replace what you gave. Stop projecting your misery cope onto others.

>so make sure you get what you want out of them first before they can try to manipulate you and get what they want out of you
sounds like losing slowly. Isolate yourself and dont play the game at all.

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robots really call girls who smoke weed "drug whores" lol why are you guys such losers

>call her a whore for drugs (dunno if she remembered that)
>tell her that she doesnt have to be alone when she is down like that and that im always there if she is not feeling well
you're a hypocrite, OP. she dodged a bullet.

I am not miserable with how I live my life at all. I am very happy with my life. I just don't let myself get walked on like a ton of the anons ITT.

or like a ton of people on Jow Forums, in society, etc.* My post doesn't mean to be an asshole 24/7, it means to not let people use you or walk on you. Always be prepared for anyone to do that, so it doesn't happen to you is what I meant.

f...but these are girls...they are fucking with your head completely

Yeah and how's it going with your bitch now? You've got a lot to learn, kid.

>Being clever and rejecting low quality relationships from your life will leave you dissatisfied and empty

That's a shame, hope you are feeling better - there's little more you could have really done without being aggressive which some simply don't have the capacity for. Are you moving on from it alright? It must be hard to find trust in others after such a thing.... *hug*.

Attached: Comforting anon with the warmest hug on the planet.jpg (850x1207, 253K)

>shes a virgin

Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha... wait ahahahahaha... almost done ahahahahahahahahaha! You're so fucking stupid you deserve everything bad that happens to you.

got me

>not original
>why is this shit filter even on lmao

low quality b8 but nice digits

Not bait at all. Nice autism.

>I called her a whore but she probably didn't remember it... right? Guys?
Try to be a cool person instead of a dickweed next time. Was she getting weed and alcohol from you? Probably, and that was probably one of the reasons she liked hanging out with you. If you think she doesn't remember you being a twat, though, you're so naive it's almost cute.
Nice quads

>comes here
>gets invited for dinner
>gets driven around drinking all the time
>decides where we go
>gets carried around when to drunk to walk

>gets called a whore

I think we are pretty even for that evening my dude

>I drove her around and made food and took her to get alcohol, so I can call her a whore!
>I chose to be spineless and do things I didn't want to do so I should get to insult people and burn bridges like an autistic 16yo!
You're never gonna make it my dude

not my intention
i liked all activities that day

are you one of those?
because your b8s arent much better

>I liked the activities the whole time
>so that's why I'm using the activities to justify being a shitty person to her
I have a name and always do on this site. But sure, call it bait if it helps you cope. Long as you know you're acting like a drama queen bitch and no girl wants a guy with little dick syndrome.

Nice story, shame it all fiction. Here's a (you) for effort.

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Just some advice, if you ever are sleeping with a girl in your bed, I've always playfully asked to spoon, and once you're spooning, 9/10 times you'll end up fucking once she feels your dick between her ass cheeks.

didnt pay attention to the name

the following is possible:
>doing something without ulterior motive other than spending time with a person
>later disliking that person
>comparing the time you tried to make the person enjoy and the time you made the person feel bad

form this doesnt follow trivially:
>the time spent without ulterior motive was actually just to justify being shitty

from this analysis follows trivially however that people who use a name on Jow Forums dot com are retarded

i wish my dude

im kinda shy with girls so i cant see myself asking something like that
thanks for the advice ill think of it when im feeling brave

Jow Forums is a .org retard. You'd know that if you actually browsed the site before downloading the app on mommy's smartphone.
>I cried several times over a girl and made a 2 post greentext of how sad I am she doesn't like me
>but I totally realized I don't like her, bro
My dude, you are lashing out because your sad a girl didn't like you. Welcome to reality, enjoy your stay. Try to not be a twat next time you're with a girl that enjoys physical contact with you.

maybe you are right i shouldnt have said some things its too late now anyways

The beauty of being young is that you get to make mistakes. Keep distanced for 6 months, eat some ice cream, get your head clear, apologize to people for lashing out and say you were just in a bad place at the time and you hope that you can make amends at some point.

dunno dude if i get back to her will i fall for her again, the last 3 weeks were miserable and i normally have my shit figured out

maybe its for the better if she dislikes me now

get cucked, chad
t. anyone deserving of a place on this board

Well you're the one who denied her drinks and called her a whore. Any female with an IQ higher than 84 wouldn't want to fuck with someone like that.

And if you're one of those "I look out for the health of me and my partner" faggots, then accept her denial. Easy as that. Complaining to Jow Forums won't help user, you've basically accepted your defeat by writing this.

>animated jpg
What sorcery is this?

its getting into low quality b8 shit again
anyone who isnt an asshole cares for how much someone drinks and takes it away at least as soon as they cant walk alone

its a gif are you retarded?

If the girl wants more alcohol and drugs, you give her more. You are not her dad

ok faggot

>not original

oh shit D.Y. is that you??

It's rare I see one of these greentext stories here where user isn't an asshole or playing victim.

Yeah she used you for drugs and it doesn't really sound like she was a good match for you.

Are you 15? Is this board a blog for redditors now? Kys please

nah dunno who u talking about m8

this is a board for people who are lonely and feel disconnected. maybe you should lurk more b4 posting trash

thx m8

>underage weeb fag crying over some basic bitch thot
you will get over it one day kiddo

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>get drunk and cry
Why the fuck do you do this?

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>cuddeling all the time
>lay with her outside cuddeling and just feeling her in my hand
>this is it, the best thing i have ever felt

That's the moment where you should have kissed her obviously

>my autistic ass
pick one