Catering to aerodynamic drag was a mistake

Catering to aerodynamic drag was a mistake

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I know
>Every car is an egg shaped lump with random manufacturers mark slapped on it so you can say it's not the same car as every car ever

>cramped slow fedoramobile
no thanks

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man old Caddies were sexy
Dad owned one of these, hottest car in town.

Too bad 'safety' regulations and government bureaucracy caught up

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>having to travel at immense speed
those hubcaps, YIKES

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that thing doesn't look like something a human uses. it looks like something a bug would use, call it the bug wagon

For me, it's the 1969 Chrysler Newport

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brum brum

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All good vehicles from all of you. But for me,late 80s Japanese and European vehicles were the peak of automobiles. Where form met function beautifully.

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that is a fine choice user

What a based thread.
Modern cars all look exactly the same.
Soap-shaped piece of shit with a different grill design and logo, as far as the eye can see.
When I earn a little bit more money, I'm going to buy myself one of these.
Neighbour had one but unfortunately sold it off.

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That was fine back in the day when the cars were slow as fuck.

fuck you, if you don't think this right here is the most gorgeous automobile to grace our unworthy hellscape don't fucking talk to me

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I agree. If we really wanted to go fast we'd delet the speed limit. If we really wanted to be efficient cars would be smaller and lighter.

>be maverick
>have stile
>le hat joke
Well I guess I'll have to dial up my faggot o meter and be even more annoying today!

thank your national and state departments of transportation for cucking us into thick, slow, bubbly fuckboxes because "muh pedestrians" and "muh safety"
i say we enforce five-point harnesses, cf fuel cells and racing helmets for every driver and fuck off with all the other rules and regulations

Fuck that bug chug a lug.
Fuck cars too, I've had hundreds of classics bless my ass cheeks with their leather seats. But out of all trucks are the best

1975 Ford F250 4x4 (highboy)
My truck has 600,000 miles on the original 351 Windsor. I did put alot of new parts in it. I took off the fenders and everything and bought galvanized ones, that's the only thing I didn't like, I found myself battling rust at 400,000. My frame is beat to hell, but its still solid as can be, I've welded supports and struts everywhere I can get to.
I've hauled 2 1/4 tons on it, front end was 4 feet up in the air and it fucked my bed up (I bought a new one)

Here is my bed, it's a solid steel dumb bed.

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Mine is mat grey, its bot where I live and I have no AC atm

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This was my first car. 1940 Ford pickup with a 289 k code out of a 66 shelby.
I built the thing to what you see now. It used to be a piece of shit. The frame is custom built, made for drag racing.

Sadly, I had to sell it because I was dead broke last winter. I hate myself for selling it, I bought a 2013 Camaro with the 3000 dollars I got. I have a Camaro now but I miss my truck

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The car beside it is a 1929 Mercedes gazelle. It's under a tarp so I cant get a good picture

I have alot of cars...

The fags on this board are so fucking backwards that even their favorite cars come from the fucking 20's

For me, it's the MR2

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We legally cannot build cars lie that anymore. Some safety reasons of something.

Austin 7 is based and anyone who disagrees is decadent.

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What a shit thread.
Older cars of similar eras all look exactly the same.
Brick-shaped piece of shit with a different grill design and logo, as far as the eye can see.

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I'm seriously looking in to buying my (realistic) childhood dreamcar sometime soon, a 2nd generation Viper. Being a KV throughout my 20s sucked but at least it has allowed me to save up some money and I think it's time I splurged on myself.

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Correct, but you're also forgetting pedestrian safety.
What a turdmobile.
Too fucking pigfat and a massive bitch to park, especially in cities where parking stalls have shrunk since the decline of American landyachts.
Best car in the thread. Too bad it's a memerari though.
>Fuck cars too
Sorry to hear you live in hicksville they're too poor to afford paved roadways.
>found myself battling rust
How do you pull your truck apart but not have the sense to perform rust prevention? Nigger do you even undercoat? inb4"but muh patina!"
Where do you live where you can pick up a 2013 Camaro for $3k? Sounds like bullshit, unless the thing is an absolute turd.
>I have alot of cars...
>I was dead broke last winter
Get your priorities straight.
AW11 is best MR2 but fuck you, (some) classic cars are the master race.
If you can afford it, do it. I'd rather use the money to build something new.