>be autist
>have software dev job
>at my last performance review my supervisor told me people think i'm rude
>no idea why, ask sup to provide examples
>received an email highlighting three instances from the past month where I was "rude"
>genuinely do not see how I was rude in any of them
why are normans so thin skinned?
Be autist
Well then greentext and tell me verbatim these instances
They're offended because you're better than them and ignore their very important emotions which are totally subjective and objectively meaningless which offends their subjection meaningless emotions because they're afraid of being meaningless and objectively false
The solution is, pretend they're important and you understand them by nodding and using a "oh my, how concerning" face no matter what they say
Basically just make the same face you make when you really need to take a dump but they won't let you leave to use the toilet
This. You have 4 minutes before I lose interest.
Have you explained that you're an autist? Let them know now so you can sue them if they fire you.
In your head you're thinking "shit! shit~~~! I'm gonna fucking blow this turd is creeping out god damn it it's gonna leave streakmarks I just put on these shorts are my favorite and it isn't laundry day until next sunday fuck fuck fuck"
To them it just looks like you really value the emotional aspects of their lives they're sharing with you which makes them feel important and happy
>A client and a salesperson made a request.
>I thought that request was out of our scope so I declined
>Client and salesperson complain to my supervisor
My response was:
"Hello X,
We do not have the resources to implement that request, it is also out of our project scope. [Client] should have the capability to do that internally with their own servers anyway
>Project we were working on had messy buggy code
>Most of the coders for that project were pajeets on H1Bs
>Came in on a weekend through my own free will and worked on improving the code
>Got like 18 hours of OT pay that weekend
>Ship it on time
>Monday rolls around
>Director and VP stops by my desk
>Thanks me for my hard work
>VP is upset because I "gave them the cold shoulder and stared at them blankly"
>department recently hired a handful of new devs
>all of the devs they hired are completely incompetent
>have seen pajeets shit out better code
>supervisor told me I "tear into them" every code review and I'm "overly harsh"
I believe thorough code reviews are a necessity
>Have you explained that you're an autist?
No, I do not want people to treat me differently
>>A client and a salesperson made a request.
>>I thought that request was out of our scope so I declined
>>Client and salesperson complain to my supervisor
>My response was:
>"Hello X,
>We do not have the resources to implement that request, it is also out of our project scope. [Client] should have the capability to do that internally with their own servers anyway
Proper response:
"I'm very deeply sorry, but I do not see how we will be capable of implementing a satisfactory solution for the client within the scope of our current capabilities. I appreciate the client has these needs and I am very thankful they have shared them and will try to have these ideas factored into our future plans. I hope it will be possible that the client might find some means to implement a solution using their own infrastructure, perhaps with a capable third party contractor?"
This is a way to say a lot of meaningless bullshit that makes it look like you're taking responsibility, when in reality you're just saying "fuck off eat shit and die."
>Director and VP stops by my desk
>Thanks me for my hard work
>VP is upset because I "gave them the cold shoulder and stared at them blankly"
Proper response:
A lot of hand-shaking and talking about how you value the productivity and development of the company's goals and meeting targets on time. You value working for the company and it is an honor that your work has drawn the attention and very, very, very valuable time and mental resources of the executive officers of the company.
When what you actually mean is: "So?"
Thought you abandoned us OP, it appears your just a blunt person. Ugh your a coder, you've spent your life behind a screen its absurd they don't see you for your skillset.
I don't really know what to tell you advice wise. Maybe just make them aware that your blunt, sometimes such honesty is required.
>department recently hired a handful of new devs
>all of the devs they hired are completely incompetent
>have seen pajeets shit out better code
>supervisor told me I "tear into them" every code review and I'm "overly harsh"
I believe thorough code reviews are a necessity
Proper response: You have been handed a bunch of diaper-filling shit producers and your job is to babysit them.
Yelling at them until they cry isn't cutting it... Basically you want to do this:
1) avoid taking any responsibility for anything even remotely related to their efficiency (or lack thereof)
2) never praise them or give any comments that would connect you to them in any way, but give meaningless "positive" or "optimistic" statements like "keep working hard! i can see you're doing your best and that really counts!" (even though it doesn't count at all, also do ray charles when you say "see")
3) focus on social positives rather than anything genuinely productive. in these cases the important thing is to avoid taking responsibility, avoid leaving any strings connected (which can become a noose) and stay on their good side by being completely hollow and emotionally manipulative
Just like a real baby sitter.
lel ur communication skills are impressive, i assume ur pretty good at social interactions, mind i ask you why are you even on this board?
>"I'm very deeply sorry, but I do not see how we will be capable of implementing a satisfactory solution for the client within the scope of our current capabilities. I appreciate the client has these needs and I am very thankful they have shared them and will try to have these ideas factored into our future plans. I hope it will be possible that the client might find some means to implement a solution using their own infrastructure, perhaps with a capable third party contractor?"
That sounds like a response an Indian dev would give
Are you a pajeet?
>mind i ask you why are you even on this board?
I won't associate with the scum in any productive or useful way. So although I may be capable of developing my social skills and effectively manipulating people to achieve my goals... I have no real interest in herding pigs.>Are you a pajeet?
Nope, but the pajeets are experts at shitting in the street and making people appreciate them for it
Oh kerpanjeet thank you so very much for your semi-solid streetshits! You are a very clever man and it is an honor to work with you!
Also, good sarcasm there, captain pants.
Yeah I don't see anything wrong at all with anything you did here.
1. Seems like a valid response to me.
2. I'm the same way. I try not to make a big deal when people thank me. I'm just doing my job anyhow, and I'm guessing you felt the same way. I don't see why you'd have to play a game of pretend with the director and VP. How would they even want you to act anyways? Would they want you to brag about how it was all in a day's work for the great coding user? Or do they want you to be modest instead and say something about how it was a team effort or some crap?
3. This is the only one that I could actually see as being bad, but given what you said, and without reading the errors in the code, I'm inclined to believe you. The normies just can't handle the fact that they can't do a good job because their codework is good (shoddy) enough to be passable in their mind.
OP, I'm not an expert in this but the anyways sends rude vibes to me.
"have the capability to do that internally with their own servers If I'm not mistaking".
This is much better imo.
>"have the capability to do that internally with their own servers If I'm not mistaking".
It's overly assertive and can get you in trouble.
In addition to "if I'm not mistaken" one should always add non-absolute qualifiers, such as:
"it may be possible for the client to configure their own servers to provide a similar capability in some way, if i'm not mistaken."
So it becomes:
1) accept blame/responsibility/confession (whether falsely or not)
2) apologize (whether sincere or not)
3) make suggestions avoiding any form of assertion
You can learn to imitate normies even tho ur autistic.
They just need every important sentence wrapped in a please and thank you and a you're welcome with sprinkles on top.
>Thanks me for my hard work
The general problem there
you're right, you're definitely good at this. Listen to this user OP.
>No, I do not want people to treat me differently
They already are,
If your work is good then it probably doesn't matter that you come across as rude. You deliver results and they know that. That said trying to be more diplomatic and doing a bit of a chameleon act can make it a lot easier to deal with normalniggers and it'll give you more leeway in other areas.
At the very least you should be nice with the bosses (ie personally I'd apologize to the VP and make something up about feeling uncomfortable being praised and not intending to be rude) that'll let you get away with being harsh towards the peons.
>>Project we were working on had messy buggy code
>Most of the coders for that project were pajeets on H1Bs
>Came in on a weekend through my own free will and worked on improving the code
>Got like 18 hours of OT pay that weekend
>Ship it on time
>Monday rolls around
>Director and VP stops by my desk
>Thanks me for my hard work
>VP is upset because I "gave them the cold shoulder and stared at them blankly"
They want you to react as if they did you a favour with the extra work.
Like you just love to correct their fuck ups and smile when you think about it.
>They want you to react as if they did you a favour with the extra work.
>Like you just love to correct their fuck ups and smile when you think about it.
Doing that the right way (BS master's degree) vs. the wrong way (a bitch) is the difference between being promoted to management/executive or remaining a codemonkey until you get laid off and forced to train pajeet replacements.
Just never forget, the best way to climb the wage scale is to switch employers on a regular basis. If you aren't getting regularly promoted, don't sit idle or you'll very quickly lose ground and end up a prisoner.
Why do you keep using the term "pajeet"? it's rude.
It signals you are clearly unable to see your own flaws even if they are in front of you, a scathing mark of an incompetent employee.
Pajeets use the term pajeet, unless you'd like us to go old western and use "injun/redskin/yeller/chink" but then you can't be sure who we're talking about exactly since they all the same to us.
"Pajeet" is a form of racial epithet but doesn't carry any specific negative connotation. The OP did point out that in his experience workers originating from India or other areas of the middle east or asia tend to under-perform from a technical standpoint (to put it lightly.)
That's what really matters. Honestly speaking the Indian owned companies facilitating immigration fraud need to be shut down immediately and should have been shut down years ago... not for allowing foreign workers to find work, but for abusing them and withholding pay they're legally obligated to pay to workers as well as abusing loopholes in the system and over-all causing an enormous detriment to the economy.
That is what OP was referring to, which is fair. Perhaps you haven't experienced this for yourself?