Anyone else have no desire whatsoever for friends or male companionship, only a desire for a gf?
I haven't had any friends since HS and it never bothered me. Only being an incel bothers me. Also I have no online friends and don't use Discord.
Anyone else have no desire whatsoever for friends or male companionship, only a desire for a gf?
I haven't had any friends since HS and it never bothered me. Only being an incel bothers me. Also I have no online friends and don't use Discord.
I dont really even want a girlfriend in as much i want a girl i can fuck a bunch who only likes me and i can ignore while i do my hobbies
I dont give a fuck about any of it.
I hate forced fucking social interaction, everything is fake
Even when it's 'natural' someone you 'know' youre both wearing masks, at least thin ones.
The only people i interact with regularly are my family, fuck everyone else, when bad things happen to them I dont bat an eyelid
daily reminder that a lack of relationships and companionship severely fucks with your brain.
Me desu. I had friends but I moved away from to a different country with my gf. They were nice and we got along, but I felt like people moving on was inevitable. I haven't had a friend now for over a year and can't say I miss it that much. I have someone to go out with and talk to so I'm not really missing anything. I feel like it's kinda part of growing up.
I am not wearing any masks when interacting with my close friends/gf. I used to with other more popular friends and it made me incredibly unhappy. Had a whole cringeworthy public mental breakdown. From that point I just talk to friends like my real autistic self and they don't like it, fuck it.
This doesn't apply to work or friends of friends though. Acting like my spergy self around them came around and bit me in the ass.
>haven't had any friends since HS
when was that last year? you honestly sound like a fucking child. go buy a fucking fleshlight because no girl is gonna put up with that shit unless you're worth literally millions.
>pic related your fucking existence is as sad and childish as this old meme
lol just wait till your bitch ass lil family dies faggit
cool champ, thats when I kill myself
What's your point?
I can tell from the content and style of your reply that everyone in your life hates you
haha you're fucking pathetic relying on others to be there like a co-dependant little shit or else you kill yourself you weak pathetic fucking waste of carbon you and your whole family can suck my dick.
I am not really fussed about having either but if I had to pick, I think I would rather have a close male friend. I could never keep a woman. I just want someone to chill with from time to time. Majority of the time, I prefer being alone though
this, i had one friend at college until i decided there's no point in draining my energy hanging out with him if i was gonna filter what i say, so i started talking about how we live under an occupied government by jewish oligarchs, and he started avoiding me
I pick being surrounded by or just one really good male friend over some stupid bitch anyday, the older you get you start to learn women are basically not fully "human" their more like dogs and so you still feel a lack of real intelligent companionship. the same way you would if you lived in a house with a bunch of dumb dogs that you fucked all day
haha angry little ASD, look at him get worked up. Settle down champ
I'm not relying on them at all, I'm just doing them a favor by waiting until theyre gone to neck myself.
why are you getting so heated?
Raw nerve huh?
i have one hometown friend who i've known since kindergarten, although we rarely talk these days, but i know if i was honest about my political views around him he would stop talking to me forever.
Common myths that will make life much easier for you once dispelled:
1. True love doesn't exist
2. Life isn't fair and you aren't entitled to shit
3. You can never truly "be yourself" people will always find something they don't like about you just choose whether you really want that person around or if you'd rather ramble about shit or be an autist or whatever if you can't handle that then don't be sad when all your friends are autists like you.
Did you mean to tag me because none of what you said makes and sense in relation to what i just said.
my brain is already fucked user, you cannot stop me
For me it used to be the opposite, I used to only desire friends and not a girlfriend. Now I just don't want anyone at all and just isolate myself.
I don't want anything other than a swift and painless death.
i only want male friends as a precursor to girlfriends
You clearly don't want a girlfriend if you're not putting in any effort even going on a bunch of shitty discords would up your chances tenfold, but sure just sit on here and whine as if it's going to land right in your lap.
Yeah, I feel that way
Yes, but I don't even want a gf, I only want sex.
I took a "big 5" personality test and I got the lowest possible value for extraversion, I basically desire no interaction whatsoever with other humans.
But I still want to have sex... obviously this is a problem because all women care about is talking and gossip, I would say it is their only hobby besides shopping. Even if they have other hobbies, they just use them as a way to have conversations and gossip about other people.
I wish I was gay so I could just have no strings attached sex with people.