hey fellas, can sombody help me figure out what the fuck is this
Hey fellas, can sombody help me figure out what the fuck is this
>hey fellas, can sombody help me figure out what the fuck is this
Someone's gonna be a daddy soon
What are you going to name the little fella?
>he took the prostitute pill
Genital wart. You're welcome.
..sorry dude.. it's cancer
unironically syphilis
lmao i got busted
well, what now?
>Genital wart
Is that even his penis or near there Chadbot? to me it looks like a part of his belly lol
How tf do you even look nigga
i guess frank is a decent name
Go to a doctor asap, they should be able to help with it. If not fully eliminate the disease, prevent you from shedding it and restore a normal sex life.
The longer you wait, the worse your results will be
Trust me, I've seen a lot of cocks close up, in my day
fuck me and that stupid ass hooker.
thanks man, i'll go tomorrow.
any idea of what the treatment will be like?
fellas, can sombody heIp me figure out what the fuck is this
a NIpple/?
wtf dude I trusted you with my D.P. (dick pic).
This is my dick pic now fgt
could be a big ass pimple try to squeeze it
I've never had warts, I only looked into them once scared I did. If I recall correctly, they are able to remove the wart, but it's probably something like a shot in the butt or some pills. Usually it takes 7-14 days for an STI to clear up. Again, the sooner you get to a doctor the better, and don't be nervous about it. Just tell them you had a fling from a dating app and things went bad.
goddamn dude thank you i got a bit scared honestly, thanks so much
Not gonna share pic, but related anyway.
Does anyone know what the small white warts on my penis mean? Is it herpes? But I'm not sexually active all that much and I use condoms when I am...
im OP, those white things are completely normal.
im concerned about that big ass tumor in the middle
it's a fucking spot you retard. what is wrong with you and the other people here saying it's all sorts of stds and shit.
it's literally a fucking spot on your dick, that's it, it'll go away in time like every other spot does
They're pearly penile papules. I'm on the quest to wizardry and have them
penile form of penis cancer (cancer of the penis) located on the male genitals (penis)
Sorry user, but I'm afraid the only cure for this is being circumcized. Make sure to request that the doctor make it extra tight, or it might come back.
Idk what the left is but the bumps on the right are genital herpes.
looks like a swollen sebaceous gland, it should go down on its own.
Is it hard and firm? Have you had unprotected sex recently? Is it painful?
look up a picture of a genital wart, it's nothing like that
the stuff on the right are normal little sebaceous glands, and I don't know what the big thing is but i'm 100% sure it's harmless
probably a little pimple that will go away in a week or two
I've had two of these when I was 17 completely random and they vanished after two weeks, so idk but visit a doctor if you're concerned. Mine didn't hurt at all.
Bro, thats dick rot.
I'm sorry to say this, but you will lose your dick in a week or so. its just gonna fall off.
Genital warts could be prevented with Gardasil 9.
On the topic of STDs, I went to a strip club last night. Went with a girl for a couple of dances and she was sweating a lot (It was hot as fuck outside and with ~150 people inside it was even hotter) When she put her tits in my face her sweat burned my eyes a bit, when i got home I washed my hands and then washed my eyes. I don't think I can catch anything but I'm just curious.
it doesn't look like a wart it looks like an infection because of the white / yellowish head (which is pus inside). That would be confirmed by the fact that it is somewhat painful, an infection would be painful, a wart wouldn't be
>"it's literally a fucking spot on your dick, that's it, it'll go away in time like every other spot does"
>his last words
Any bodily fluid diseases can transfer via eyes. I'd go to the doctor they can test with just a piss strip.
man i love you all i guess its not some fucking STD im free
hey um.. guys? whats wrong will my dick??
Most probably dick acne. It's not too uncommon in teenagers.
If your a virgin it's most likely fine, I've had it once. If your not, have fun loser
>Trust me, I've seen a lot of cocks close up, in my day
kek, what?
bumping this great threead
Looks like a fucked up ingrown hair. You gon die
Genital warts aren't actual warts, ya goof
im not but i used the CONDOM AAAAAAAAAA
Ingown hair, don't fuck with it, it'll go away
its not even a std
its natural, dont worry
>tfw know this because i went to the doctor and told me the same
ive gotten genital warts before and genital herpes type 1 before. that doesn''t look like either one. could unironically be a pimple or syphilis. just go to a dermatologist
goddamn thanks dude