Another girl I met is into cuckolding

Been seeing this girl for two months now and she tells me that she's into cuckolding and she did it in her previous relationship. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? This is the second fucking time I came across this retarded shit.

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She isnt.
She just wants to cheat without the guilt.

You mean girl you were seeing... right....?

So just break up with her and be the bull in her next relationship bro

Sounds like you attract a certain type of woman.

Nah man she literally told me that she was in a cuckold relationship, and even told me the details. Her boyfriend would even go so far as to dress her up before her dates. Then the bull would come and take her away. He wasnt even into watching them, just letting her fuck the bull or whatever you call him, and then come home and fuck her afterwards. Some fucking gay shit

this. oP is obviously a closet cuck.

Break up with that degenerate

Curious to know what this girl looks like

Dude please just drop her. Do not go down the degenerate rabbit hole that cucking is. Be better than them and find a real woman.

Shes not bad I'll be honest. She's White and pretty. Not anything amazing but I would say a nice 7.

Maybe you should just do some wild sex shit with her and then dump her

Just keep yourself from getting feels

Also, agree but only after she lets you do a threeway with another girl

that sounds pretty fake, she's literally describing a relationship where the cuckolding just translate to her getting two bfs. I literally have a cuckold (INB4 hahahahaha and/or degenerate!) and that relationship sounds awful to me.
With that said I'm still curious how you keep finding these women, I've had a hard time finding women that will even pretend to be into it

>a nice 7.
so a 4 according to everyone elses standards.

Oh yeah Im sure the pussy wrecker chads on r9k have such high standards

you don't need to be a "pussy wrecker" to have standards. But please I would love to hear the standards of a literal cuckhold.

lol so triggered

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Oh yea here comes r9k with the "muh standards are higher than yours"

He's not the literal cuckold, I AM, now to OP, to anyone, how do I find women that are into cuckolding

dear op
break up with this girl immediately
for your own sanity
thank me later
- anonymous.

enjoy sharing your gfs

>Truth shouted down by the mob of insecure

Girls who do cuckolding aren't 7s, they are 4s who want to think they're 7s and want to be validated as such. A 7 would just date an 8 who would never be a cuck.

how did that conversation even come up? im dating a girl and we haven't spoken about sex at all

i want a dirty slutty girl too, im jelly

>not anything amazing

honestly, this user seems correct. it fits my anecdotal experiences in fetish communities too. there are a ton of gross 4s and 5s who want to be treated as if they are legitimately hot/desirable.

>r9k full of chads with 10's

yea ok faggots

you don't have to be a 10/10 or fuck a 10/10 or have anything to do with 10/10s at any point to go to a fetish community and witness the stereotype of 4/10s being hyped up to be more desirable than they otherwise would, user.

>cuckolding = fetish community
You dont know much about it do you user? Cuckolding is not something that is close to the fetish community.

lol typical r9k incel virgin

what matters is the fact that you're a cuck. Otherwise cuck-loving women wouldn't be attracted to you.

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imagine trying to claim that cuckolding isn't relevant on sites like fetlife? lmao
i wasn't even talking about fetlife at the start, i was referring to the fetish community in one of the largest cities in north america which absolutely intersects.

says the cuck who needs to put subpar women on a pedestal

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>claims I'm a cuck out of nowhere
>such obvious projection

>imagine trying to claim that cuckolding isn't relevant on sites like fetlife? lmao
Yes, imagine it indeed. It's actually more popular on reddit.

> i was referring to the fetish community in one of the largest cities in north america which absolutely intersects.

It intersects, yes. But its not really relevant. Besides, you're conflating ugly people with fetlife and the entire fetish community. I mean its laughable considering that the fetish community is absolutely massive.

But hey, what do you expect from some virgin on r9k? You dont get any ass, you're just a miserable little virgin LMAO

>LOLOLOL IM SO COOL AND WITTY OMG. Now I gotta go catch another pokemon brb

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LOL r9k incel has a stunner for his girlfriend yours can't compete

>stereotyping a gigantic portion of the population that engages in a whole spectrum of sex acts
So this is what it means to be deprived of sex for years?

why are you so triggered by the fact that he told OP he was exaggerating her beauty lol. She's a fucking cuck and so is he.

yes sorry my reply wasn't to your taste. You showed me on the other hand what true wit and humor is.

>why are you so triggered by the fact that he told OP he was exaggerating her beauty lol.

"She's White and pretty. Not anything amazing but I would say a nice 7."

Oh yea it sounds like he's describing a huge knockout. Truly. Can you be anymore pathetic and jealous? You're jealous of a potential cuck, stop embarrassing yourself. Jesus Christ you incels on here are just embarrassing in your desperation.

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He clearly didnt describe his girlfriend as anything truly beautiful in the first place. You dont even know what she looks like. methinks you're here to just act like a faggot

>Dunning-Kruger: The Post
You're having a meltdown right now. Your assumptions aren't as good as you think they are. It's actually more popular on reddit? What even is this argument? It's like you want to admit that it's a thing on Fetlife but refuse to accept you're wrong so you have to bring reddit up? Are you some kind of cucking expert or something?
The fetish community is pretty small all things considered. Most attractive people don't bother with it or stay for a very short period of time when they realize what it actually entails in physical IRL situations and what weirdos inhabit it. Like 4/10-s who are venerated by throngs of gross guys to be as if they were 7/10+s.

I'm triggered by the fact that you're an idiot

>You're having a meltdown right now
>Posts a huge paragraph trying to justify his obvious insecurity about if OP's girlfriend is attractive or not
>Still stereotypes millions upon millions of people
keep digging

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>that realization when society is trying to normalize and trend cucking
>females encouraging the fuck out of it

Modern relationships are fucked. I'd rather stay alone and poor than justify this glorified cheating and potential court nightmare.

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>"hmmm, maybe this guy isn't an incel or a virgin after all. how can i move the goalposts again to continue the protection of my ego?": the post

guessing these are all you. meltdown is accurate

>"She's White and pretty. Not anything amazing but I would say a nice 7."
yeah by the standards of a cuck. Why are you favoring and taking the side of this mishap of nature? I think it's saying a lot about your own inner demons.

No and I stated that she's uglier than what he supposes her to be

>thinks it's all one person
You are pathetic

OP clearly is not a cuck. You just came into this thread and started spreading negativity. And now you're claiming there is only one person replying to you when it's you that's double posting and camping the thread. Meltdown confirmed indeed.

this is wat u do. get a guy to bang her threesome mmf and then in return you want a mff . dump her after the mff

>Shes not bad I'll be honest. She's White

Well it goes without saying that she is white.
We are all white people here, so you only have to specify someone's race if they're not white. White is the default

>She's a fucking cuck


someone has a secret cuckold fetish....