How do i get a shortstack fit gf?

How do i get a shortstack fit gf?

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>how do I get a degenerate larping "le interesting dweeb" gf.
be as degenerate as she is

Fucking gross. Just look at her. She looks like a fat dwarf.

virgin detected, sheesh she is kinda niche, but not ugly.

>I'm a virgin because I don't want to fuck dwarf with a fat legs.

these dumb cunts do not give a flying fuck about any of your animes, mangos, or vidya. they are stupid fucking whores that are vying for your attention and beta bucks. kill yourself and stop enabling this senseless bullshit

virgins tend to think everyone is fat

Fat whore detected. Lose weight.

>be Chad
>collect shortstack fit gf
It is literally that easy

so you don't like "shortstacks" I'm not sure I'd classify this as one but OP did so whatever
that's fine but she's not fat, she's clearly pretty healthy and fit, just short with thick thighs which are very c h i l d b e a r i n g proportions

>those feet

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She has pretty bad cankles I won't lie. She seems almost garaunteed to turn into frumpy+fat as she gets older.

got me a 4'9 ballet dancer that also likes gaming and plays Divinity with me

think i'll keep this one

Don't unsterstand what is beautiful in "thick thighs". Just please stop to fetishization the fat legs.

Isn't that girl this girl? She is like one of the poster children of the "Instagram vs Reality" thing for me.

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whatever, they make my dick hard

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>Be attractive
>Go to the gym
>Choose a girl
Its that easy

>thinking this obviously photoshopped to death picture is real
Top kek

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Dude. You just posted cringe again. You will get bennat on Fortnite.

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>obviously photoshopped to death picture
>background of picture is a series of straight lines that would show obvious warping if any photoshopping existed to change her proportions

>She looks like a fat dwarf.
that's my type

Go outside and look at what real people look like. Her photoshopped waist in the Toga picture is smaller than her head.
The background of the gym outfit picture is warped and the lines are mostly around her legs and feet which is why she didn't shoop herself prettier feet and ankles.

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user, I know what real people look like. Some real people are just fucking sexy. Just because some people are more attractive than others doesn't mean anything. It's just the way the world works.

I don't think it's photoshop, she just knows how to contort her body into weird positions and get good angles on camera. It's still deceptive, though. Nevertheless, I would bang her.

nigger, guaranteed her inbox is bloating with men wanting to fuck her and several would be willing to pay for a minute of her time

And yet you think she genuinely looks like this without photoshop kek

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I prefer fat hobbit feet to Brie's crypt-keeper cheese toes

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she literally posted a video of her in this exact outfit showing off her hips/waist.

Nigga you dumb as shit if you think real people have waists narrower than their heads.

pls post bideo

>her proportions are unrealistic and unethical! it's photoshop!
>she posted a video of them
why are some women so jealous of others, makes no sense

UH wtf I hate feet now

it's on her original yes instagram

this is a topic I've wanted to talk about before because I find it fucking stupid
when you take picture, you rarely take anything candid, even when it's not of yourself, because realistic art is fucking boring, this applies to drawing, sculptures, videogames, books, movies, fashion(cosplay is a perfect example), photography etc. pretty much everything that could be considered art. so why is it any different to use makeup or photoshop in order to achieve this? it's the same as the people who think they're cynical smartasses for going "this movie is so stupid and unrealistic, that would never have happened"
I'm so fucking tired of this in western videogames, it's fucking boring walking through green forests with realistic graphics and blue, sunny skies with some clouds in them, it's the most boring homogenized thing I've ever seen yet some realism fags still eat it up, I've seen more interesting vistas in real life
hentai is completely artificial but that's not a problem, and there's nothing wrong with enjoying watching some monster with a dick the size of the girl's torso, which then stretches out their belly to ridiculous degree, it's art. it may seem silly to call these things art but seriously, fuck realism in art, it's the fucking worst, especially those artists who draw photo-realistic shit, or that sculptor who made a statue an old naked couple which was in color and photorealistic. even in otherwise good games it's fucking boring, RE2's environments are way more boring that the original and DMC5 fucked up vergil's face because he was always meant to be an anime character, facial scanning was a mistake

anyways, even aside from all that, she isn't bad looking on the left even though she's not my type, but lighting, angles and the pose might be all that is at play on the right
apparently she wears corset a lot

3dpd though so whatever lmao

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