What country do you live in and what country would you love to move to?

What country do you live in and what country would you love to move to?

>live in: England
>want to live in: America, northern or southern state

The weather is shit, everyone is constantly fucking moaning about something, small ugly houses, loicense. At least if I was American, I could just have 50 different states to pick from.

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live in: Netherlands
want to live in: Northern Europe
We're so densely populated it makes me feel caged, I'd love to have more nature and fewer people around me.

Live in: Canada
Want to live in: A southern US state, Montana, or Poland

I want to visit a comfy Christian church every Sunday. I like Poland as a nation too, but the cultural differences would be a burden to accommodate.

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Shitty ass murika.

Want to live in any of the top 20 countries of which do not include the USA.

Live in: Germany
Want to live in: Denmark, Norway or Finland

Dunno, all seem pretty comfy. Ideal would be a small town that's not too far from a larger city, but still far enough for it to be a tranquil place. I was gonna mention Estonia too, but I heard from Estonian robots that it's supposed to be pretty shitty there.

Live in: Japan
Want to live in: Any big western European city

I used to live in suburban Australia, so I can say that I like like the convenience of living in a city (I hate driving and the idea of having to own a car in general) but the work culture is so toxic in Japan...

Live in: Poland
Want to live in: UK

I live in Northern Ireland and I'm happy here, don't think I'll move again.

Live in Canada
Want to live literally anywhere as long as it's a city. Canada, even my province (Alberta) is not awful, but I can't stand still being stuck in my small rural hick hometown any longer.

Polack here.
>the cultural differences would be a burden to accommodate.
What do you mean?
And also more and more young people turn away from faith. Especially in big cities. But I believe that in some small or medium villages there's still a lot of devoted believers.

Tibet, Mongolia (Inner or Outer), or the Far East in general (not Japan or Korea)

I'm not even religious myself. I just like the idea of being part of a community where the only ticket to admission is believing in a common ideology.

Also, I assume nations separated by oceans tend to do things differently.

>live in: Northern Ireland
>want to live in: Northern Ireland
All the other countries that natively speak English are just, if not more shit than here and the countries I think have a superior aesthetic (Russia, Japan, Argentina, South Africa etc) either don't speak English natively or are terrible places in general. We need a metropolis so I can live out my techno futuristic apartment life fantasies.

Live in: England
Want to live in: shit hole New York

I'm from the US and was recently in England. Let's trade places. I liked it there.

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Where abouts in N. I?

Londonderry/Derry, whatever you want to call it.
Not the worst aesthetic actually, just too many shabby outdated council houses and dilapidated, defunct workplaces fucking up the view.

Ah, I moved from England to carrickfergus a few years ago. Been to Derry a couple of times after doing the causeway route, only been to the centre though so not seen any crap areas.

Live in: England
Want to live in: England (I'd happily take the other bits of the UK or Ireland too)

I've travelled around a lot. I find plenty of places interesting and enjoyable to stay in for a while, but I don't think anywhere outside the isles could ever feel like a home to me.

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I live in Kentucky and will never leave Kentucky again.

why anonek?

Live in: Norway
Want to live in: further north in Norway

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Live in: Brazil
Wan to live in: Either southern Brazil or Germany

I'd like to live in a first-world-feeling place desu

Are there any qt femanons from outside the US that want to move to the US?

The country isnt bad, just happens to be infested with idiotic obese mouthbreathers.

Wouldn't anyone that said "yes" just be using you for citizenship?

I live in the USA

but I would like to live in NYC, particularly manhattan. I love huge metropolises, and it's been my dream to live there ever since I first visited when I was around age 12.

Hier ist nichts mehr frei, fick dich

Stay out, we have enough of your kind here

You don't want to live here, it's full of niggers and spics.

>Hier ist nichts mehr frei, fick dich
When did i ever say that i wanted free shit? Jesus Christ man, i thought german education was good.

I definitely want to live there, what's more American than trying to hit it big and move to NYC? Apple pie?

live in: NYC
want to live: English countryside, seems comfy

Besides, I moved from the southern USA to Phoenix arizona, I know nothing but blacks and hispanics. Maybe if you weren't an uppity honkey you'd get along. lol

Hier ist nichts mehr frei means there is no space left
Don't rely on google translate you tard

Live in: Brazil
Want to live in: Anywhere safer and cheaper.
Everything here besides food is more expensive than in the us and Europe due to taxes and our state simply cannot provide anything (not that it should but fuck our taxes).
US, Canada, anywhere on Europe, China, Japan, Singapore, etc.
Brazil sucks major ass.

live in: Argentina
want to live in: England
my goal is to get a qt English bf and move in with him

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>Live in: Brazil
>Want to live: In a grave yard
I've seen enough and i want my money back

How am i supposed to understand you if i don't? If you don't want to be misunderstood use english

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Live in: Serbia
Want to live in: Australia
I want to live in some English speaking place with nice weather in developed/first world country. Australia fits that.

>Nice weather

I don't like giving into stereotypes, mate, but Australian wildlife is notoriously dangerous. You'll be fine in most cities, but it's something to consider.

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live in: us
want to live in: france, maybe nz
they both seem like super attractive places to be and itd be hard to narrow it down to one

Live in the: US
Want to live in: Maybe Australia or Japan. Anywhere but the United States. This place fucking sucks.

Same situation. Fuck this country and its absolutely insane overpopulation and it influencing the housing market and building regulations. Alternatively would move to quieter areas of America or Canada.

>Live in Hungary
>Want to live in the UK or north eu like Finnland or Norway

ive never been a city man but ive been a MDfag for so long i just want some change. im looking into jobs in the NJ NYC area and hope to ive in nj more than the city but i hope you can make it one day bro

>country I live in
United States
>country I want to go to
Japan since Im already a failure here so I can just go there and be an even bigger one.

Do you ever forget how small your country is compared to America?

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US is 17th.

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>Live in: 2019
>Want to live in: 2011

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Live in Sweden, would like to live in Sweden pre 1990. Might move to Norway next year since things are deterorsting fast here

Oof. I heard it was quite the place back in the 80s- early 90s.

Live in: Canada
Want to live in: Canada. I'm quite fond of this place, plus it's always listed as one the better countries to live in.

Live in: Virginia
Want to live in: Somewhere in the Western US maybe on the coast. I fucking hate the east coast. West coast is hella expensive in most of the cities though.

>What country do you live in and what country would you love to move to?
Live in Ireland. Would love to move to America, or Canada. The women there are far more attractive, for a start. There is so much more to see and do, better wages.

>Live in: Lithuania
>Want to live in: Lithuania
It's a shithole but it's my shithole.

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lol, at least your sense of humor won't let you down.
try mid 2000's

>Live in
>Want to live in
Being smart and skilled enough to make it in Mexico

Live in: England
Want to live in: England
Lived abroad but always end up coming home.

Live in: Croatia
want to live in: if I find an acceptable job and a soulmate here, I'd definitely want to stay here; otherwise, Germanic and Scandinavian countries look attractive, outside of the nigger/muslim-infested parts

Why did they choose a picture for Canada that makes it look so dystopian...?

Is it even that big? Looks the same size as Texas according to that image and I am pretty sure Texas is bigger than the uk

>At least if I was American, I could just have 50 different states to pick from

You're in the EU - you do have different states to pick from.

Grass is always greener m8.

That said I moved from UK -> Texas and love it here despite how hot the summer is.

Live in: SoCal
Want to live in: Japan or Taiwan

Live in: Denver, Colorado
Want to live in: idk Aspen or something up in the mountains would be really nice. I love nature and the mountains so I probably wouldn't have to move too far

Live in: Hungary
Want to live in: switzerland
next to some high mountains i can go to trips on.

Don't forget the large NYC Jew population

It's my dream to live in Colorado. I live in the hot and humid south.

>Live in: England.
>Want to live in: England that has been purged of the feral dole scum, foreigners (also looking at you europeans who should not be here) and foreign corporations.

The rural bits of england, and even suburbs with old people are absolutely LOVELY. The cities are all beggining to resemble London.

And London really, really, really needs to be nuked. You cannot fucking believe what an ugly up turned ant heap of mututal resentment and shallow material pursuit it is until you enter it. I literally feel dirty stepping foot in it.

>shithole in southamerica (not brazil)
>Trondheim, Norway

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>And London really, really, really needs to be nuked

Maybe south / east London.

West London is a marvelous place to live.

Nope. You're all the same. You're all terrible in fractionally different ways, but terrible all the same. London was a fucking mistake and there's nothing to do now but fucking melt it.

I remember a panorma episode called "a quick guide to the apocalypse" or something where they showed what would happen if a 2 megaton nuke was airburst at an ideal height over the geographical centre of london.

Turns out 5 million cockroaches died.

And 2 humans.

It's a shame that you feel that way about our Capital and most important city.

But I understand why.

I no longer consider it the capital.

The roayl family are, I now realize, a race-mixing mongrel assemblage of half dutch, half germans who are nothing but cucks to foreign bankers and whichever government is "trending" right now. And given that it is the residency of the royal family the confers upon this ant-heap upon slug river the title of capital, I reject it. As I reject everyone who chooses to live in it. I have subjected my brother to virtual "discommendation" for doing so.

I saw commuters stepping OVER A MAN HAVING A FUCKING HEART ATTACK on the tube when I was down there once.

Soddom and fucking gommorah.

Not to be rid but the blacks and Hispanics are really tribal in places where they have large communities. Alone or in small groups among whites they can be nice but they get mean in larger groups

>live in United States:Ohio
>want to live in United States: Upstate New York, probably in the Hudson River Valley

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>Live in: England
>Want to live in: Anywhere in America ideally Texas or Alaska
I fucking hate it here

poles are /bro/'s lad get outta here.

Live in: Germany
Want to live in: Norway or Iceland

>Live in: Switzerland
>Want to live in: Switzerland

I like it here, it's comfy. The male-only draft is my only complain but I'm hopeful that I'll live to see it removed and then the country will be so much more nicer.

>live in western germany
>want to live somewhere up north, Norway or Finland

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Live in: United States, a southern state
Want to live in: Turkey
I heard turkish people are friendly, and Turkey is a beautiful country. Turkish is also pretty easy to learn, and I want friends that aren't from the US.

>Live in Romania
>Want a similar climate, but only Finland can provide high quality standard for a sane society

Whats the climate in romania

>live in america
>no social services
>education costs your life
>crime and poverty everywhere
>48 hour work week
>no social trust of any kind
>public transport is violent and inefficient
>high social services
>high social trust
>education provided to you
>29 hour work week
>culture and beauty everywhere
>high social trust
>public transport is fantastic
america fucking sucks dude. everyone fucking hates each other here and works like dogs to avoid eachother

Live in Northern Ireland
Want to live in the USA like in the Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York states region around the lakes or New Zealand

Yeah but like that guy at the top of the thread mentioned, there's no fucking space in the Netherlands. All of Europe is way too overcrowded. Everywhere you go, there's people all over. Europe (and most large cities the world over desu) are rapidly turning into a human version of that experiment where they stuffed way too many mice in a cage and provided them with all the food and water they could need and they all went batshit insane from being packed in so tight.

I'm curious as to why anyone would want to live here in the US? It seems like any other first world country would be better than here

I live in Ohio, there is literally nothing to do here besides meth

live in: Mexico
want to live in: USA

ok fine than somewhere in northern scandinavia. all the benefits non of hte peopel

Healthcare is disgusting in the US and so are workers rights (or more specifically, lack thereof).

But everything else is spot on

>good climates
>high salaries
>cheap gas
>low taxes (that admitedaly may as well be a moot point if you're paying for any kind of healthcare)
>american people, despite what Jow Forums may have you beleive, are some of teh nicest people you could meet

It's a shame the country is so divided politically and at each others throats though

Its only small ugly houses if you are poor.
>actually paying the loicence
Anyway, scotland. Shithole town but the nice bit of it. Open country behind. 700 a month for a decent 3 bed bungalow.
Want to move to the yorkshire dales or maybe devon/cornwall. Realistically. Houses are cheap and beautifully old. Thats the realistic dream, non realistic i would love to move to new zealand or canada.

>Live in: England
>Want to live in: USA New Mexico
I just want to live near the desert whilst being in a decently sized city

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If in Deutschland willst du leben du musst sprechen Deutsch

we don't like brown girls tho

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Not If

>be american
>want to live in netherlands pre-migrant invasion

they seem like civilized people. despite being a nigger im sure they'd accept me.