whats femanons favorite parts of guys bodies? i know arms are popular with girls but what else is, do you look at our butts?
Whats femanons favorite parts of guys bodies? i know arms are popular with girls but what else is...
cringe, go to /b/ faggot
They like nice peens
In this order, women like
>legs(including butt)
As a girl, I can confirm this is true.
Legs and hands do it for me
>tfw no one mentions the collarbones
Also I wouldn't put height that high up. But otherwise pretty accurate
what kind of lewd things do you want to do with our hands
I love a man that knows how to keep his lips tight
She wanta you to manhandle her
A dick dont maketh the man
I mog this faggot's shoulders by a landslide and I don't even lift. What a cuck.
Broad shoulders are probably number one. I like meaty thighs and calves, shapely wrists, nice hands, a thick neck, muscular butt and nice defined iliac furrows.
no. in this order
The eyes can be very attractive.
>The eyes can be very attractive.
It seems like women value height above face.
hands. also face
Do femanons like broad shoulders and skelly hands?
post better hand pic
that is a 14 year old boys physique
nice backs are my kryptonite like holy shit
Here you go
I am a 21 yr old robot
you know you cant post pics of yourself right dumb ass?
It's my twin brother you mongoloid, the sticky doesn't mention anything about posting someone who looks exactly like you
weird nails. ok hand. looks soft. 5/10
Hair is always the first thing I notice. My e-bf has lovely disheveled hair that I wish I could run my fingers through or play with while he rests his head in my lap.
>favorite parts of guys bodies?
Probably the eyes. I just really like looking at peoples eyes.
my hair is buzzed
fuck your hair fetish bitch
>broad shoulders
nice self-esteem faggot
>eyes and hair
based and wholesomepilled
I sat next to a guy with thick thighs with legs slightly spread and I could not stop staring. I wanted to sit on his lap or suck his dick. The back is another favorite.
What about a guy with thicc thighs but skelly upper body,would you still want to suck his dick?
Dude where are your opposable thumbs.
Hairy chest
Hair, especially the hairline and the part
Facial hair
The way they dress and smell is also really really important. You gotta smell like a man but not like man product. And you can't dress like you're still in high school or something.
Things like height are more of a binary. Either you're above my height requisite or you arent. And like, being below the line makes any other positive attribute funny looking?