>you are at the club
>see this infront of you
what do you do?
>you are at the club
>see this infront of you
what do you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Take my camcorder out of my backpack and start filming.
Ask myself what I'm doing there and then leave.
unironically gab her hips and have her grind on me
did this two weeks ago and it worked i had no idea wtf I was doing but shit was cash
>be black
>walk up to her
>Ay yo, you lookin for a mans tonight white girl??
Accidentally elbow her temple while dancing like a drunk moron
too skinny, meh
go to the toilet and take more molly cause i'm clearly not wasted enough yet
>think about how much I hate norimes and Stacys and night clubs
>leave the night club filled with norimes and roasties
Yeah, same here, that and being clingy and desperate as hell
Become overwhelmed with lust and rage before tearing off their heads while screaming like an angry god.
This, except I'd take out my smartphone and do the same.
You think you're allowed to touch that girl before dropping your entire paycheck on her bar tab?
I always found this clip funny. It really illustrates the animalistic nature of our species that we may occasionally appear to have evolved beyond.
The hours of time they spent beforehand painting their faces for some tribalistic dance, wearing flashy clothes and jewelry to flaunt like the feathers of a peacock while mindlessly moving their child-rearing hips in unison as a means of courtship display, implying fertility to suitable mates... they may think there's more to it, the shitty music playing means something to them, they got this outfit for themselves, but this is just a slightly modernized mating ritual, on par with dancing to a drumbeat around a fire. Women are memes.
And to answer your question, OP, I'd accidentally brush my hand along their asses while leaving and then masturbate to the footage at home after washing my hands so I don't get STDs.
press my nostrils against their ass and give a deep sniff
that npc has a really dark brown aura like doo-doo
Most guys just start dancing with girls even ugly ones. There are unwritten rules about trying to stay within your league and not being aggressive though. I try to get eye contact first and dance in front of her like some kind of retarded bird mating ritual, but often Im so drunk I just gently pull a girls hips towards me and hope she starts grinding on my dick
What country is this? What was the sauce?
Are these people robots? They all look the same and their movements are very unnatural
Take out my PP SH-41
This is probably the most autistic thing i have read in at least a month
I think about this a lot. Pretty much everything normie roasties and Chads do is some animalistic display of reproductive signalling.
The lip fillers, ass and tit implants, waist training, makeup and slutty dancing. All attempts to feign femininity, fertility and youth.
The Chads pumping iron at the gym, being loud assholes with their friends and getting into fistfights. All deliberate displays of machismo and alpha behavior. Quite fascinating to watch.
But without that stuff we wouldnt be human. Can you imagine a guy who is quiet or skinny? I cant
well put user, never thought about it but you are right on
Cringe, white people should stop attempting to dance. Ew
Laugh at how they're all standing with their bodies at 135 degree angles to give off the appearance of having nicer asses.
Its literally 115 degrees though
Kill yourself nigger shitskin
I was only eyeballing it when I made the initial post, but it does seem dead on 135 degrees.
"excuse me, you're blocking the wifi signal."
Why is it so easy to hit the nerves of pisskins?
rape her and go to jail
Because all you have to do is be a brown low IQ nigger monkey and exist, and you're fucking good at that
You just admitted that your race is trash
>poor whitey raised by the family pets think everyone is an animal
been clubbing a lot, not so much anymore, but never in an upscale-ish place like this. too poor and too young back then
go back to plebbit, brainlet
In what universe is this upscale?
my bad i didnt really take a look at the webm and assumed they were hried dancers by the club promoter. i guess ive always gone to clubs and only had a table a few times so anything with/near a table seems nicer to me
Very high IQ post. On a low IQ image board. Run away before you lose brain cells
most definitely true
This degeneracy in our society really makes it feel like a modern zoo
>walk away
>go home
>turn on my pc
>play minecraft for a couple of hours and then go to sleep
>see this at the club
what do u do
its actually the opposite of degeneracy. degeneracy is when guys sit at home instead of building families. degeneracy is when girls have to become lesbians because there are few good options.
t-thats what normally happens at a club? never been into one
also, that webm made me feel anxious h-he
nah its usually more hectic imo. maybe the people posted up at tables will be more resrved while looking for hot girls/guys to join them but most of the floor is full of girls dancing with their friends and guys trying to dance with those girls. lots of smokers outside, half of them actually taking a break and half of them on their phones wishing they were home
dumb fucking bimbos. Not my type
didn't this video also feature a guy taking the piss glass and pouring it on her head?
Soulless women waging their tail. I'd rather play vidya.
people are too smart now for their ancestral mating rituals so they have to get drunk to do it
your bait skills need work. subtlety is key.
The point is that no real man would allow himself to be skinny or quiet.
Ancestors also used to drink and use drugs though.
>you are at the club
>see this infront of you
>what do you do?
Think to myself, what a godless place this is and then walk out from there
The full video's on worldstar, titled "Drunk Chick Pisses In A Glass On The Club Dance Floor, Then Gets It Thrown On Her Back As She Walks Away!" if you wanna see the best part
nah it just kind of splashed her with it, wish he dumped it on her though
Why do girls dress like that and expect to be treated with respect and not be shamed?
Aw, poor gymcel. Did the girls make fun of your muscles? Don't worry, while you're inside playing bodybuilder, some of us are actually having sex.
>that kid who was proud of being gay
60 trillion years of evolution gave men strength. if you suck dick that's fine but not what we're talking about lel
I want a gf who will pee into thing and different places when I tell her to.
>The point is that no real man would allow himself to be skinny or quiet.
real men don't care what other people think those loud anoying gym fags are man children
Phew, glad you'll be able to keep it out of the conversation for once. Gets tiring to hear all your gym locker room stories.
Lmao, this loud and proud mentality is what literal brainlets use to make themselves feel better
Are we aqua posting now, have we stooped this low? Gonna stop that here and post best girl.
Yo, I did this shit as well. Twice. I didn't even know what happened. I had a few drinks went to the dance floor and dancing by myself and next thing I know this girl is grinding on me. Later when I sobered up my friend was like "Woah, I didn't know user had the actual balls to grab a girl and dance with her"
I don't even fucking remember it happening. It's gonna get me in trouble one day.
Go home and jerk off thinking about her.
>Mfw I was dancing with a girl once and she signaled me to get her another drink
>Mfw when I thought she was offering me her drink and I drank it all
Probably the only time I went Chad mode, even though it was autistic Chad.
rape and molest her
Ayyy bih lemme fug dat azz bitch
wow dude that's fucking deep bruh *hits bong*
imagine being this much of an edgelord
Honestly, if probably wouldn't even go near a girl dressed like this. Not because she's too hot, I'd just be put off that she would actually go out in something so tasteless and also all the other guys that probably tried to approach her, inflating her ego.
I go clubbing a lot and I don't want any part in that, fuck that just want to enjoy myself
get back to your tranny containment thread you hysterical ninny
stupid horny animals
cool but real men would never allow themselves to be skinny or quiet. if they want to look like females that's perfectly fine, but it's not natural.
Was thinking the same thing
They aren't even dancing they are LITERALLY just shaking their ass to attract males like something out of Discovery Channel
why does a man need to be loud?
To attract women and pass on his genes. There are a lot of social reasons. It's not about "need" it's just about how men are, and how they compare to women.
>Men are actually at fault for hypergamy and the disastrous sexual marketplace!! Muh queenz are doing nothing wrong, men just need to sort themselves out!!
>calling yourself a man and claiming you are at the mercy of women
>thinking hypergamy is real and using the phrase "sexual marketplace"
>literally defending the notion that a tinder statistic is the reason why males sit at home like DEGENERATES and don't socialize
no this isn't needed. I'm trying to max the stoicism stat right now, and not in the "I never talk to anyone" type, because obviously you still need to speak to people
Stoicism is good and if you don't have to compete with anyone that is good too. Being a stoic doesn't make you quiet lol.
wonder how many of these girls gonna hve some serious back problems from posing for instagram too much
Unless you condone rape, men have ALWAYS been at the mercy of women. It's basic biology you fucking brainlet. Women are the gatekeepers of reproduction.
"This sociosexual presenting (which follows the same sequence as lordosis: curvature of the back and lateral movement of the tail, which presents the genital region to view) is no longer dependent on hormonal control, but occurs in response to a social situation."
yeah stop calling yourself a man, little guy.
I'd be more concerned with people who sit too much. There is nothing worse for your spine.
>you are at the club
Stopped reading
based and redpilled. have a You/
If they walk around like that all the time then I think they may have some spinal problems also BEGONE THOT
who else /spentover700inanightclubinonenight/ here? i once kept buying bottles and shared with friends and random girls.
I respect your non-Jewishness but that sounds dumb as hell.
Did you get any pussy at least?
Did you regret spending so much the next day?
no regrets and i had pussy earlier that day lel. too drunk afterwards.
then you really need to lurk more
i would complain about how loud, hot and smelly the whole atmosphere is, then leave.
i fail to understand how people find this attractive, to me, i enjoy feminine pictures of cute females and find them aesthetically pleasing but this is just disgusting.
Are you going to marry a picture one day or stay single?
staying single sounds more like it, the time you waste on persuing girls and keeping them interested is time i spend getting an early retirement and aquiring more skills/fun.
I guess you're right, but it often goes with not flapping your gums too much. The idea I built up in my head was more like a strong but quiet person, not exactly lacking confidence, but just doesn't make a lot of noise
Say You dont have to tell me what happened but you do have to eat these eggs
hahaha well-memed fellow oldfag! :DDD