what makes you undateable?
the other side of
what makes you undateable?
the other side of
>socially anxious to the point I dont ever go outside
>depressed so no desire to even pursue happiness
i eat shit but unironically
What are your thoughts on rimming your bf?
>would abuse my GF emotionally and physically
>sex drive is too high, I would fuck my girl five times a day aggressively while pulling her hair and squeezing her ass with my nails
>I would force my GF to do stuff with me; run at 4 AM, watch a movie together, and shower with me
>would be an asshole to GF's family
>would definitely cheat on my GF with her brother if the brother was feminine/cute enough
i prefer hard shit not smearing but interested
I hate people, originally
You can eat my hard too shit if you want to. I have no use for it anyway. Is it something sexual for you?
being fat used to be something i thought made me undateable but i lost 120 lbs and i work out pretty regularly now. now i only have terrible trust issues, my ex of 2 years cheated on me with a tranny and i haven't been able to have a proper relationship since then
No conversational skills, high social inhibition, anxiety, inability to grasp social situations properly due to lackluster development.
I am ugly, and I'm extremely shy. I would never speak a word to a fembot even if I thought she was cute or gf material.
>ugly face (biggest factor)
>shit job
>no friends
>can only relate to people on Jow Forums but getting too old for the demographic
>~32 BMI
Undateable hobbies. Board games, d&d, vidya, animu, etc.
So despite the fact that I have a career and my own place and a car and all these things, i'm gonna be single forever because everything i do is with dudes.
that's cute but my brother looks like a real chad
Apparently I'm too autistic or something idk
>Harsh sleeping disorder, I would probably die of sleep-deprivation if we had to sleep in the same bed for a week.
>Need a lot of time for myself, I would probably die if we had to spend all the time together.
>Lots of trust issues, I would probably die if I had to spend the energy analyzing everything she does and says.
Probably the complete and utter lack of desire for romantic interaction with others.
My specs are pretty good, and girls are often attracted to me. But it disgusts me when people try to bond with me or become romantic.
unable to make eye contact
unibrow (that I pluck obsessively)
fat (but gymceling)
at least I'm not NEET anymore
I wish I could just cuddle with someone and they wouldn't leave me
also forgot clingy and submissive
>severe undiagnosed mental illness which i dont understand
>addicted to drugs and alcohol, they help me cope and escape reality
>fairly certain i have depersonilization disorder, aspd and or aspergers, and ptsd
>no experience with women at all
>dont know how to talk to and connect with other humans
>cannot seem to trust anyone anymore
>ugly as all fuck
>slowly losing my sex drive and my wabt to be with another person
>lost my will to live and continue through life, no longer chasing achievments, not that i care
>probably suicide before summer ends
my parents are originally still alive
My iq is so high I can't have relationships with normal iq girls.
>too conservative for todays world
>too trusting in others
>just want to start a loving family unit in my 20s whereas everyone else wants to go around and try to be chad and fuck everything that breathes
>only people i end up relating to and making friends with have mental disorders
>the usual nerd hobbies that only have fans online, none irl
This is 90% of robots problems, literally couldn't get any more stereotypical
Idk take whatever a women wants and then imagine me not having any of those desirable traits
Although at the point I am now, I am convinced that even if I were to turn to a god of a man (perfect body, perfect job, perfect everything)I would still not want a girl no do I think they would even want me still. Even at that point you must realize that you are still not enough and you will never ever fully satisfy a woman. I could be god himself, create another galaxy with teeming on it of varying intrecate designs and yet she would still find a flaw in it, she would simply disregard it and brush it off as if it were no different than a spec of dust. She might even start bringing up how the God of the next quadrant can conjure up that and more.
Hell, even if me and her were the last people on earth, she still would brush me off as nothing. Probably will worship a new god, a man that fills the void of her unfulfilled desires and then lose herself in that cacaphony of worship.
That's what it's like. No way out of it. The meaning and satisfaction is all up to her and who knows what the hell that will be.
>Anger/violence issues from screwed up upbringing, became very religious in part as a coping mechanism
>Don't do anything social other then work and school
>Any woman who has been interested just wanted sex.
I'm the male version of broken goods if I'm being honest, damaged beyond repair. I've been told i'm good looking by random women but I don't see myself as being capable or deserving of affection.
>severe health problems, both physical and mental
those alone make me undateable to 95% of women.
You don't deserve to know why I don't date.
Also, your typing skill need to be improved.
>Dont want GF to drink or do drugs
>dont use social media so idk what trends are
>probably to clingy
>conservative in liberal city
My face and a lot of my body are scarred as fuck. Makes my body look like it was carved out of expired ham, just more rigid.
I'm ugly and women scare me
At least I'm a real robot... r-right guys?
>don't have my own aprtment
>haven't gone to college yet (i'm 21)
>don't have a job
>bad at reading signs and don't entirely know what a girl wants
>male with BPD
>too emotional
>5'7" manlet
>socially retarded
>sporadic panic attacks
>too weird for both normies and even outcasts
I am a social retard. I can't even make a friend
I'm physically incapable of working, and nobody can afford a leech in 2019.
3 words: autistic ugly manlet
>onions looks
>physicaly weak
>not assertive
>boring personality
>trust issues
>live with parents
I'm afraid of being too easy when talkin with women, so I barely maintain eye contact, and something about that seems to disgust them.
>barely like anything
>don't go out
>don't drink, smoke or do drugs
>don't like eating
>have food allergies
>have acne and scar in the face
>have depression
>tfw 25yo khv
>Bmi 17.2
>long hair but hairless body
>mfw I am the gf
I despise other people on a fundamental level which is the main cause of all my undateable characteristics. I simply cannot imagine a person who I could tolerate for prolonged periods of time, let alone for life.
Deep fried autism and wizardry.
Girls don't know I exist, and after two years with no social interaction except the bare minimum to get by I'm incredibly awkward in my speech
Cute user, do you live in us east, what's your discord?
i dont have discord and you realize im a guy right?
Well yes user, I like hairless men. I want to pull on your hair while pound your ass dumby, what about steam
This sounds exactly like me. I feel ur pain user
Why dont you all just go out and meet people? Im sure there is somone out there for all of you :)
self loathing
og loc
user I dont wanna just be a cum slut, I want someone to hug and play vidya with me
That's no reason to cry friend.
Rejoice in being able to be the gf and no you will no longer be alone
>like anime
>severe ADHD
>severe anxiety especially around women, can't even talk to a girl
>years of reading red pilled ideology and r9k browsing makes me scary and afraid of girls. Might be turning into a fag cuz of reiko shills
Just end my life senpai
im not him but ill be your friend and play vidya with you user, do you play league?
no, I only play old vidya like tf2. Sorry user ill go now
That's really cute user.
I'd hug you if I could
>Very skinny
>Sunken eyes
>insatiable torture and gore porn addiction
>cant hold a conversation
>no personality
I'm basically just a creep.
What a tease user, get back here and cuddle me!
Wow, I am you.
sounds fun user, i used to play tf2 a lot and wouldn't mind getting back into it. what's your steam friend?
>profoundly unattractive
>Incapable of keeping a conversation going with an average person let alone another woman without sperging out
>obviously I'm mentally ill (depression, anxiety, ocd)
>sweat a lot
>have no money
>very antisocial
>struggle to connect with people
there's probably more but I've never dated so I couldn't really say for sure what exactly
Have you tryed extramely low iq girls?
Or better of multible normal iq girls?
it helps me cope with cs go
No car or job to buy one with or car to drive to a job with.
I'm just... odd. I'm not ugly, I'm not stupid, I'm not (always) socially awkward. I have friends. I'm pretty funny as I've been told. People just seem to think there's something off about me that they can't really point out
I need too much attention, like I'd be fine if she ignored me, but I can't hate it being half-assed.
I'm in a relationship with my first girlfriend but she always takes way too long to text me back so it feels like she doesn't even care about me except when we're alone, then she just jumps on me to get her off and doesn't even care about reciprocating.
And when we're with other people she gives me less attention than others do and she only pays me any mind if someone mentions it.
Also I'm paranoid, but those previous things were what other people as well as her had noticed.
Yeah I've been ther user it gets better tho, I still suck, but it does get better.